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2013-07-20 21:59:46


  1. <%@ Page Title="主页" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Site.master" AutoEventWireup="true"
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  3. <asp:Content ID="HeaderContent" runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="HeadContent">

  4. </asp:Content>

  5. <asp:Content ID="BodyContent" runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent">
  6. <script type="text/javascript">
  7.     var where = new Array(35);
  8.     function comefrom(loca, locacity) { this.loca = loca; this.locacity = locacity; }
  9.     where[0] = new comefrom("请选择省份名", "请选择城市名");
  10.     where[1] = new comefrom("北京", "|东城|西城|崇文|宣武|朝阳|丰台|石景山|海淀|门头沟|房山|通州|顺义|昌

  11. 平|大兴|平谷|怀柔|密云|延庆");
  12.     where[2] = new comefrom("上海", "|黄浦|卢湾|徐汇|长宁|静安|普陀|闸北|虹口|杨浦|闵行|宝山|嘉定|浦东|金

  13. 山|松江|青浦|南汇|奉贤|崇明");
  14.     where[3] = new comefrom("天津", "|和平|东丽|河东|西青|河西|津南|南开|北辰|河北|武清|红挢|塘沽|汉沽|大

  15. 港|宁河|静海|宝坻|蓟县");
  16.     where[4] = new comefrom("重庆", "|万州|涪陵|渝中|大渡口|江北|沙坪坝|九龙坡|南岸|北碚|万盛|双挢|渝北|

  17. 巴南|黔江|长寿|綦江|潼南|铜梁|大足|荣昌|壁山|梁平|城口|丰都|垫江|武隆|忠县|开县|云阳|奉节|巫山|巫溪|石柱|

  18. 秀山|酉阳|彭水|江津|合川|永川|南川");
  19.     where[5] = new comefrom("河北", "|石家庄|邯郸|邢台|保定|张家口|承德|廊坊|唐山|秦皇岛|沧州|衡水");
  20.     where[6] = new comefrom("山西", "|太原|大同|阳泉|长治|晋城|朔州|吕梁|忻州|晋中|临汾|运城");
  21.     where[7] = new comefrom("内蒙古", "|呼和浩特|包头|乌海|赤峰|呼伦贝尔盟|阿拉善盟|哲里木盟|兴安盟|乌兰

  22. 察布盟|锡林郭勒盟|巴彦淖尔盟|伊克昭盟");
  23.     where[8] = new comefrom("辽宁", "|沈阳|大连|鞍山|抚顺|本溪|丹东|锦州|营口|阜新|辽阳|盘锦|铁岭|朝阳|葫

  24. 芦岛");
  25.     where[9] = new comefrom("吉林", "|长春|吉林|四平|辽源|通化|白山|松原|白城|延边");
  26.     where[10] = new comefrom("黑龙江", "|哈尔滨|齐齐哈尔|牡丹江|佳木斯|大庆|绥化|鹤岗|鸡西|黑河|双鸭山|伊

  27. 春|七台河|大兴安岭");
  28.     where[11] = new comefrom("江苏", "|南京|镇江|苏州|南通|扬州|盐城|徐州|连云港|常州|无锡|宿迁|泰州|淮安

  29. ");
  30.     where[12] = new comefrom("浙江", "|杭州|宁波|温州|嘉兴|湖州|绍兴|金华|衢州|舟山|台州|丽水");
  31.     where[13] = new comefrom("安徽", "|合肥|芜湖|蚌埠|马鞍山|淮北|铜陵|安庆|黄山|滁州|宿州|池州|淮南|巢湖

  32. |阜阳|六安|宣城|亳州");
  33.     where[14] = new comefrom("福建", "|福州|厦门|莆田|三明|泉州|漳州|南平|龙岩|宁德");
  34.     where[15] = new comefrom("江西", "|南昌市|景德镇|九江|鹰潭|萍乡|新馀|赣州|吉安|宜春|抚州|上饶");
  35.     where[16] = new comefrom("山东", "|济南|青岛|淄博|枣庄|东营|烟台|潍坊|济宁|泰安|威海|日照|莱芜|临沂|

  36. 德州|聊城|滨州|菏泽");
  37.     where[17] = new comefrom("河南", "|郑州|开封|洛阳|平顶山|安阳|鹤壁|新乡|焦作|濮阳|许昌|漯河|三门峡|南

  38. 阳|商丘|信阳|周口|驻马店|济源");
  39.     where[18] = new comefrom("湖北", "|武汉|宜昌|荆州|襄樊|黄石|荆门|黄冈|十堰|恩施|潜江|天门|仙桃|随州|

  40. 咸宁|孝感|鄂州");
  41.     where[19] = new comefrom("湖南", "|长沙|常德|株洲|湘潭|衡阳|岳阳|邵阳|益阳|娄底|怀化|郴州|永州|湘西|

  42. 张家界");
  43.     where[20] = new comefrom("广东", "|广州|深圳|珠海|汕头|东莞|中山|佛山|韶关|江门|湛江|茂名|肇庆|惠州|

  44. 梅州|汕尾|河源|阳江|清远|潮州|揭阳|云浮");
  45.     where[21] = new comefrom("广西", "|南宁|柳州|桂林|梧州|北海|防城港|钦州|贵港|玉林|南宁地区|柳州地区|

  46. 贺州|百色|河池");
  47.     where[22] = new comefrom("海南", "|海口|三亚");
  48.     where[23] = new comefrom("四川", "|成都|绵阳|德阳|自贡|攀枝花|广元|内江|乐山|南充|宜宾|广安|达川|雅安

  49. |眉山|甘孜|凉山|泸州");
  50.     where[24] = new comefrom("贵州", "|贵阳|六盘水|遵义|安顺|铜仁|黔西南|毕节|黔东南|黔南");
  51.     where[25] = new comefrom("云南", "|昆明|大理|曲靖|玉溪|昭通|楚雄|红河|文山|思茅|西双版纳|保山|德宏|丽

  52. 江|怒江|迪庆|临沧");
  53.     where[26] = new comefrom("西藏", "|拉萨|日喀则|山南|林芝|昌都|阿里|那曲");
  54.     where[27] = new comefrom("陕西", "|西安|宝鸡|咸阳|铜川|渭南|延安|榆林|汉中|安康|商洛");
  55.     where[28] = new comefrom("甘肃", "|兰州|嘉峪关|金昌|白银|天水|酒泉|张掖|武威|定西|陇南|平凉|庆阳|临夏

  56. |甘南");
  57.     where[29] = new comefrom("宁夏", "|银川|石嘴山|吴忠|固原");
  58.     where[30] = new comefrom("青海", "|西宁|海东|海南|海北|黄南|玉树|果洛|海西");
  59.     where[31] = new comefrom("新疆", "|乌鲁木齐|石河子|克拉玛依|伊犁|巴音郭勒|昌吉|克孜勒苏柯尔克孜|博尔

  60. 塔拉|吐鲁番|哈密|喀什|和田|阿克苏");
  61.     where[32] = new comefrom("香港", "");
  62.     where[33] = new comefrom("澳门", "");
  63.     where[34] = new comefrom("台湾", "|台北|高雄|台中|台南|屏东|南投|云林|新竹|彰化|苗栗|嘉义|花莲|桃园|

  64. 宜兰|基隆|台东|金门|马祖|澎湖");
  65.     where[35] = new comefrom("其它", "|北美洲|南美洲|亚洲|非洲|欧洲|大洋洲");
  66.     function select() {
  67.         with (document.getElementById("<%=province.ClientID %>")) {
  68.             var loca2 = options[selectedIndex].value;
  69.             document.getElementById("<%= txt_MemberProvince.ClientID%>").value = loca2;
  70.         }
  71.         for (i = 0; i < where.length; i++) {
  72.             if (where[i].loca == loca2) {
  73.                 loca3 = (where[i].locacity).split("|");
  74.                 for (j = 0; j < loca3.length; j++) {
  75.                     with (document.getElementById("<%=city.ClientID %>")) {
  76.                         length = loca3.length; options[j].text = loca3[j]; options[j].value = loca3[j];

  77. var loca4 = options[selectedIndex].value;
  78.                         document.getElementById("<%= txt_MemberCity.ClientID%>").value = loca4;
  79.                     }
  80.                 }
  81.                 break;
  82.             }
  83.         }
  84.     }
  85.     window.onload=function init() {
  86.     var proid = "<%=province.ClientID %>"
  87.     var cirtid = "<%=city.ClientID %>"
  88.         with (document.getElementById(proid)) {
  89.             length = where.length;
  90.             for (k = 0; k < where.length; k++) { options[k].text = where[k].loca; options[k].value =

  91. where[k].loca; }
  92.             options[selectedIndex].text = where[0].loca; options[selectedIndex].value = where[0].loca;
  93.         }
  94.         with (document.getElementById(cirtid)) {
  95.             loca3 = (where[0].locacity).split("|");
  96.             length = loca3.length;
  97.             for (l = 0; l < length; l++) { options[l].text = loca3[l]; options[l].value = loca3[l]; }
  98.             options[selectedIndex].text = loca3[0]; options[selectedIndex].value = loca3[0];
  99.         }
  100.     }
  102.     </script>
  104.     <h2>
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  110.     </p>
  111.     <p>
  112.         <tr>
  113.                 <td>
  114.                     省份:
  115.                 </td>
  116.                 <td>
  117.                     <asp:DropDownList ID="province" runat="server" onChange="select()"
  118.                         Width="205px">
  119.                     </asp:DropDownList>
  120.                     <asp:TextBox ID="txt_MemberProvince" runat="server" Style="margin-left: 0px;

  121. border:none"
  122.                         Width="40px"></asp:TextBox>
  123.                 </td>
  124.                 <td>
  125.                     城市:
  126.                 </td>
  127.                 <td>
  128.                     <asp:DropDownList ID="city" runat="server" onChange="select()" Width="205px">
  129.                     </asp:DropDownList>
  130.                     <asp:TextBox ID="txt_MemberCity" runat="server" Width="40px" Style="margin-left: 0px;

  131. border:none"></asp:TextBox>
  132.                 </td>
  133.             </tr>
  134.         您还可以找到 <a href=""
  135.             title="MSDN ASP.NET 文档">MSDN 上有关 ASP.NET 的文档</a>
  136.     </p>
  138. </asp:Content>

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