系统启动时硬件将调用首地址为x位置的子例程, 实现语句如下: //4.7.3, P103
(*(void(*)())x)(); 从内向外分析如下:
1. void(*)(): 函数指针类型, 参数和返回值都为空
2. (void(*)())x: 将x强制转换为函数指针类型. x为地址, 即一个函数存在首地址为x的一段区域内
3. (*(void(*)())x): 前面加*, 指针取值, 取x地址开始的一段内容, 即对函数的引用
4. (*(void(*)())x)(): 最后加上(), 函数调用, 你懂的
利用 typedef 更好理解:
typedef void (*pFunction)(void); //定义函数指针类型(函数前带*)
//PC指针指到0x2c处的SVC_Handler函数入口地址,也就是UpdateHandler, 0x2c不就是SVCall handler
(*((void (*)(void))(*(unsigned long *)0x2c)))();
Luminary提供的 interrupt.c 中如下:
// The processor vector table.
#if defined(ewarm)
static __no_init void (*g_pfnRAMVectors[NUM_INTERRUPTS])(void) @ "VTABLE";
#elif defined(sourcerygxx)
static __attribute__((section(".cs3.region-head.ram")))
void (*g_pfnRAMVectors[NUM_INTERRUPTS])(void);
#elif defined(ccs)
#pragma DATA_SECTION(g_pfnRAMVectors, ".vtable")
void (*g_pfnRAMVectors[NUM_INTERRUPTS])(void);
static __attribute__((section("vtable")))
void (*g_pfnRAMVectors[NUM_INTERRUPTS])(void);
void IntRegister(unsigned long ulInterrupt, void (*pfnHandler)(void))
unsigned long ulIdx, ulValue;
// Check the arguments.
// Make sure that the RAM vector table is correctly aligned.
ASSERT(((unsigned long)g_pfnRAMVectors & 0x000003ff) == 0);
// See if the RAM vector table has been initialized.
if(HWREG(NVIC_VTABLE) != (unsigned long)g_pfnRAMVectors)
// Copy the vector table from the beginning of FLASH to the RAM vector table.
for(ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < NUM_INTERRUPTS; ulIdx++)
g_pfnRAMVectors[ulIdx] = (void (*)(void))HWREG((ulIdx * 4) + ulValue);
// Point NVIC at the RAM vector table.
HWREG(NVIC_VTABLE) = (unsigned long)g_pfnRAMVectors;
// Save the interrupt handler.
g_pfnRAMVectors[ulInterrupt] = pfnHandler;
static void IntDefaultHandler(void)
// Go into an infinite loop.
while(1) {}
void IntUnregister(unsigned long ulInterrupt)
// Check the arguments.
// Reset the interrupt handler.
g_pfnRAMVectors[ulInterrupt] = IntDefaultHandler;
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