发布时间:2013-05-30 08:14:35
点击(此处)折叠或打开#include #include #include static voidinternal_error( char* reason ){ char* title = "500 Internal Error";.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-05-16 16:38:20
1)【Receive from : 54054】:-- begin: uh_path_lookup: bufferlen = 0, docroot = /www, url = /index.html File:uhttpd-utils.c, Line:549【Receive from : 48498】:uh_path_lookup: i = 15, path_info = /www/index.html File:uhttpd-utils.c, Line:560【Receive from 192.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-05-13 12:00:07
1. 修改uhttpd端口#vi /etc/config/uhttpdlist listen_http0.0.0.0:80 --> list listen_http0.0.0.0:8081保存,重启uhttpd#/etc/init.d/uhttpd restart2. 安装lighttpd及cgi模块root@OpenWrt:/tmp# opkg install lighttpd_1.4.30-2_ar71xx.ipkInstalling lighttpd (1.4.30-2) to root...Installing li.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-05-13 09:10:51
1. 参考了 Q-sys的V2.35版本, 2个文件为 fswrap.h, fswarp.cfswrap.h点击(此处)折叠或打开#ifndef __FS_WRAP_H__#define __FS_WRAP_H__#define FS_size_t unsigned long /* 32 bit unsigned */#define FS_u32 unsigne.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-05-09 10:35:40
1. 文件名: startup_stm32f10x_hd_rtos.s, 代码如下点击(此处)折叠或打开; Tailor this value to your application needs; <h> Stack Configuration; <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>; </h>Stac.........【阅读全文】