GPU 中CUDA(Compute Unified Device Architecture)抽象的
threads, block, and grid.
其中GPU中的thread 都执行一样的kernel代码
一个block由多个thread 组成, 线程之间可以同步执行
一个grid由多个block 组成, block之间是独立的, 按照自己的顺序执行
GPU 中的内存类型分为:
1. Global memery, 用于grid之间通信
2. share memery, 用于block之间通信
3. register memery, 用于thread self
C 语言中用到的Function以及Memery modifier
__global__ : to be called by the host but executed by the GPU
__host__ : to be called and executed by the host
__shared__ : variable in shared memory
__syncthreads() : sync of threads within a block
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