分类: 系统运维
2013-12-16 10:19:17
最近我需要执行一些PowerCLI的行动,从ESXi Shell中,你可知道,目前还没有从的cmdlet允许您运行shell命令,但这是流行在社区内的一个选项是使用第三方工具,称为砰砰。exe来运行通过SSH命令。
$myDir = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $PlinkLocation = $myDir + "\Plink.exe" If (-not (Test-Path $PlinkLocation)){ Write-Host "Plink.exe not found, trying to download..." $WC = new-object net.webclient $WC.DownloadFile("~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/plink.exe",$PlinkLocation) If (-not (Test-Path $PlinkLocation)){ Write-Host "Unable to download plink.exe, please download from the following URL and add it to the same folder as this script: ~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/plink.exe" Exit } Else { $PlinkEXE = Get-ChildItem $PlinkLocation If ($PlinkEXE.Length -gt 0) { Write-Host "Plink.exe downloaded, continuing script" } Else { Write-Host "Unable to download plink.exe, please download from the following URL and add it to the same folder as this script: ~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/plink.exe" Exit } } }
Secondly when connecting to a host for the first time you will need to accept the host key and allow plink.exe to connect to the host, the message is similar to the one below:
At the moment there is no option in plink.exe to skip the host key checking, however after some searching and messing around I came upon a solution.
It turns out you can actually send a Y to the script you are running by simply piping “echo Y” to plink.exe, this sends a Y accepting the host key when the question is asked from the command line, this can be scripted like the below example:
Echo Y | Plink.exe…..
Hopefully someone will find these useful in the future as I did with this script.