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分类: Python/Ruby

2012-05-13 02:53:13

The Style object represents an individual style statement.

The Style object can be accessed from the document or from the elements to which that style is applied.

Background properties
backgroundSets or returns all the background properties in one declarationYes
backgroundAttachmentSets or returns whether a background-image is fixed or scrolls with the pageYes
backgroundColorSets or returns the background-color of an elementYes
backgroundImageSets or returns the background-image for an elementYes
backgroundPositionSets or returns the starting position of a background-imageYes
backgroundRepeatSets or returns how to repeat (tile) a background-imageYes
Border/Outline properties
borderSets or returns border-width, border-style, and border-color in one declarationYes
borderBottomSets or returns all the borderBottom* properties in one declarationYes
borderBottomColorSets or returns the color of the bottom borderYes
borderBottomStyleSets or returns the style of the bottom borderYes
borderBottomWidthSets or returns the width of the bottom borderYes
borderColorSets or returns the color of an element's border (can have up to four values)Yes
borderLeftSets or returns all the borderLeft* properties in one declarationYes
borderLeftColorSets or returns the color of the left borderYes
borderLeftStyleSets or returns the style of the left borderYes
borderLeftWidthSets or returns the width of the left borderYes
borderRightSets or returns all the borderRight* properties in one declarationYes
borderRightColorSets or returns the color of the right borderYes
borderRightStyleSets or returns the style of the right borderYes
borderRightWidthSets or returns the width of the right borderYes
borderStyleSets or returns the style of an element's border (can have up to four values)Yes
borderTopSets or returns all the borderTop* properties in one declarationYes
borderTopColorSets or returns the color of the top borderYes
borderTopStyleSets or returns the style of the top borderYes
borderTopWidthSets or returns the width of the top borderYes
borderWidthSets or returns the width of an element's border (can have up to four values)Yes
outlineSets or returns all the outline properties in one declarationYes
outlineColorSets or returns the color of the outline around a elementYes
outlineStyleSets or returns the style of the outline around an elementYes
outlineWidthSets or returns the width of the outline around an elementYes
Generated Content properties
contentSets or returns the generated content before or after the elementYes
counterIncrementSets or returns the list of counters and increment valuesYes
counterResetSets or returns the list of counters and their initial valuesYes
List properties
listStyleSets or returns list-style-image, list-style-position, and list-style-type in one declarationYes
listStyleImageSets or returns an image as the list-item markerYes
listStylePositionSets or returns the position of the list-item markerYes
listStyleTypeSets or returns the list-item marker typeYes

Margin/Padding properties
marginSets or returns the margins of an element (can have up to four values)Yes
marginBottomSets or returns the bottom margin of an elementYes
marginLeftSets or returns the left margin of an elementYes
marginRightSets or returns the right margin of an elementYes
marginTopSets or returns the top margin of an elementYes
paddingSets or returns the padding of an element (can have up to four values)Yes
paddingBottomSets or returns the bottom padding of an elementYes
paddingLeftSets or returns the left padding of an elementYes
paddingRightSets or returns the right padding of an elementYes
paddingTopSets or returns the top padding of an elementYes
Misc properties
cssTextSets or returns the contents of a style declaration as a stringYes
Positioning/Layout properties
bottomSets or returns the bottom position of a positioned elementYes
clearSets or returns the position of the element relative to floating objectsYes
clipSets or returns which part of a positioned element is visibleYes
cssFloatSets or returns the horizontal alignment of an objectYes
cursorSets or returns the type of cursor to display for the mouse pointerYes
displaySets or returns an element's display typeYes
heightSets or returns the height of an elementYes
leftSets or returns the left position of a positioned elementYes
maxHeightSets or returns the maximum height of an elementYes
maxWidthSets or returns the maximum width of an elementYes
minHeightSets or returns the minimum height of an elementYes
minWidthSets or returns the minimum width of an elementYes
overflowSets or returns what to do with content that renders outside the element boxYes
positionSets or returns the type of positioning method used for an element (static, relative, absolute or fixed)Yes
rightSets or returns the right position of a positioned elementYes
topSets or returns the top position of a positioned elementYes
verticalAlignSets or returns the vertical alignment of the content in an elementYes
visibilitySets or returns whether an element should be visibleYes
widthSets or returns the width of an elementYes
zIndexSets or returns the stack order of a positioned elementYes
Printing properties
orphansSets or returns the minimum number of lines for an element that must be visible at the bottom of a pageYes
pageBreakAfterSets or returns the page-break behavior after an elementYes
pageBreakBeforeSets or returns the page-break behavior before an elementYes
pageBreakInsideSets or returns the page-break behavior inside an elementYes
widowsSets or returns the minimum number of lines for an element that must be visible at the top of a pageYes
Table properties
borderCollapseSets or returns whether the table border should be collapsed into a single border, or notYes
borderSpacingSets or returns the space between cells in a tableYes
captionSideSets or returns the position of the table captionYes
emptyCellsSets or returns whether to show the border and background of empty cells, or notYes
tableLayoutSets or returns the way to lay out table cells, rows, and columnsYes
Text properties
colorSets or returns the color of the textYes
directionSets or returns the text directionYes
fontSets or returns font-style, font-variant, font-weight, font-size, line-height, and font-family in one declarationYes
fontFamilySets or returns the font face for textYes
fontSizeSets or returns the font size of the textYes
fontSizeAdjustSets or returns the font aspect valueYes
fontStyleSets or returns whether the style of the font is normal, italic or obliqueYes
fontVariantSets or returns whether the font should be displayed in small capital lettersYes
fontWeightSets or returns the boldness of the fontYes
letterSpacingSets or returns the space between characters in a textYes
lineHeightSets or returns the distance between lines in a textYes
quotesSets or returns the type of quotation marks for embedded quotationsYes
textAlignSets or returns the horizontal alignment of textYes
textDecorationSets or returns the decoration of a textYes
textIndentSets or returns the indentation of the first line of textYes
textShadowSets or returns the shadow effect of a textYes
textTransformSets or returns the case of a textYes
unicodeBidiSets or returns whether the text should be overridden to support multiple languages in the same documentYes
whiteSpaceSets or returns how to handle tabs, line breaks and whitespace in a textYes
wordSpacingSets or returns the spacing between words in a textYes
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