android support three types variants eng/user/userdebug
use “eng” internally for our development - as it is the super set
Installs modules tagged with user.
Installs non-APK modules that have no tags specified.
Installs APKs according to the product definition files;
tags are ignored for APK modules.
eng product is user build. subset of modules will get built
-> Installs modules tagged with: eng, debug, user, and/or development.
-> Installs non-APK modules that have no tags specified.
-> Installs APKs according to the product definition files, in addition to tagged APKs.
-> ro.debuggable=1
-> adb is enabled by default.
userdebug is for debugging - generally we don’t use this.
mostly the same as user, Also installs modules tagged with debug ro.debuggable=1 adb is enabled by default
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