现象:在安装director 6.3.2时,DB2安装 错误:
- hu Aug 9 03:57:32 CDT 2012
- +=============================================================================+
- [Thu Aug 9 03:57:37 CDT 2012]: Start of product installation.
- +=============================================================================+
- PortNumber : 8401
- SecurePortNumber : 8402
- /usr/bin/lslpp: 0504-132 Fileset DirectorServer not installed.
- [Thu Aug 9 03:57:38 CDT 2012]: isMigrationTriggered: 0.
- [Thu Aug 9 03:57:38 CDT 2012]: localIP:
- /mnt/SysDir/server
- [Thu Aug 9 03:57:45 CDT 2012]: Return code of db2prereqcheck: 0.
- [Thu Aug 9 03:57:45 CDT 2012]: Managed DB2 is supported and its prerequisites are met.
- DB_DATAPATH : /home/dirinst1
- [Thu Aug 9 03:57:45 CDT 2012]: DB_DATAPATH_FS : /home
- DB_PWD : default.
- DB_SERVER : localhost
- DB_PORT : default
- [Thu Aug 9 03:57:45 CDT 2012]: imagePath : /mnt/SysDir/server
- [Thu Aug 9 03:57:46 CDT 2012]: Trying to enlarge space of filesystem / to 128M
- Filesystem size changed to 1114112
- [Thu Aug 9 03:57:48 CDT 2012]: Trying to enlarge space of filesystem /usr to 512M
- Filesystem size changed to 11141120
- [Thu Aug 9 03:57:52 CDT 2012]: INST_PHASE:=========== Managed DB2 install begins ===============
- 3004-687 User "dirinst1" does not exist.
- The system call does not exist on this system.
- Log file: /tmp/installdb2.log
- Check for availability of port 50010
- Installing 64-bit DB2
- DBI1191I db2setup is installing and configuring DB2 according to the
- response file provided. Please wait.
- iocp0 A minor error occurred while installing "DB2 Enterprise Server Edition " on
- this computer. Some features may not function correctly.
- For more information see the DB2 installation log at "/tmp/db2setup.log".
- DB2 failed to install.
- error rc 17
- Log file: /tmp/uninstalldb2.log
- DB2 Instance: dirinst1
- Dropping DIRDB, stopping DB2 and terminating DB2
- 3004-500 User "dirinst1" does not exist.
- DBI1291E The instance dirinst1 was not found in the instance
- list.
- Explanation:
- The specified instance was not found in the instance list.
- User response:
- Verify that the list of instances as reported by the "db2ilist" command
- is correct. Retry the command with a valid instance name.
- DBI1079I Output is saved in the log file /tmp/db2idrop.log.3408176.
#ps -ef|grep ypbind
#stopsrc -s ypbind
注意是stopsrc 停止这个服务,而不是杀死这个服务,否则因为有一个daemon进程会一直的创建新的
ypbind 进程,所以不要傻傻的要把这个服务给杀死。。。然后重试安装DB2顺利安装:
ypbind 服务是NIS 提供的服务。。
ypbind 是 NIS提供的服务。。下面是IBM iNFORMATION Center 提供的:
- AIX 6.1 information > Commands > y
- ypbind Daemon
- Purpose
- Enables client processes to bind, or connect, to an NIS server.
- Syntax
- /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypbind [ -s -ypset -ypsetme ]
- Description
- The ypbind daemon binds, or connects, processes on a Network Information Services (NIS) client to services on an NIS server. This daemon, which runs on every NIS client, is started and stopped by the following System Resource Controller (SRC) commands:
- startsrc -s ypbind
- stopsrc -s ypbind
- When a client requests information from a Network Information Services (NIS) map, the ypbind daemon broadcasts on the network for a server. When the server responds, it gives the daemon the Internet address and port number of a host. This is the host that provides the information the client is seeking. The ypbind daemon stores this address information in the /var/yp/binding directory using a file name of domainname.version. Then, the next time the client wants to access an NIS map, the client's ypbind daemon refers to the addresses in the domainname.version file.
- The ypbind daemon can maintain bindings to several domains and their servers -ypsetme simultaneously. The default domain is the one specified by the domainname command at startup time.
- Notes:
- If a domain becomes unbound (usually when the server crashes or is overloaded), the ypbind daemon broadcasts again to find another server.
- To force a client to bind to a specific server, use the ypset command.
- To find out which server a client is bound to, use the ypwhich command.
- If the /var/yp/binding/domainname/ypservers file exists, ypbind will attempt to contact the servers listed in that file before broadcasting. The file should contain a list of server IP addresses, one per line.
- By default, the NIS client will wait indefinitely for the NIS server, during which time, logins to the client system are not possible. It is possible, however, to limit the length of this wait. If the YPBIND_MAXWAIT environment variable is set (usually in /etc/environment) before the ypbind daemon is started, this value (in seconds) will limit the amount of time the NIS client will wait for the NIS server. If this limit is exceeded, the client behaves as if NIS were unavailable and continues using local files. This will allow local logins, such as root.
- If a domain becomes unbound and it is listed in the /var/yp/binding/domainnanme/ypservers file, by default ypbind daemon attempts to contact the server that is currently down; however, if the YPBIND_SKIP environment variable is set to 1 (usually set in the /etc/environment file) before the ypbind daemon is started, the server that is currently down will not be contacted again.
- Flags
- -s Runs the ypbind daemon in a secure mode on privileged communications ports.
- -ypset Indicates the local host accepts ypset commands from local or remote hosts.
- -ypsetme Indicates that the local host accepts ypset commands only from the local host. This flag overrides the -ypset flag if both are specified.
- Notes:
- If neither the -ypset or -ypsetme flags are specified, the local host rejects all ypset commands from all hosts. This is the most secure mode because the NIS server cannot change.
- If neither the -ypset or -ypsetme flags are specified, the local host rejects all ypset commands from all hosts. This is the most secure mode because the NIS server cannot change. However, if no NIS servers exist on the networks directly connected to the client machine, then the -ypsetme flag must be used and the NIS server should be specified with the ypset command.
- Files
- /var/yp/binding directory Contains Internet addresses and port numbers for NIS servers.
- /var/yp/binding/domainname/ypservers Contains a list of internet addresses, one per line, of servers to attempt to contact before broadcasting.
- domainname.version Binary file that contains the address and port number of the current NIS server.
NIS 的由來與功能
在一個大型的網域當中,如果有多部 Linux 主機,萬一要每部主機都需要設定相同的帳號與密碼時,你該怎麼辦?複製
/etc/passwd ?應該沒有這麼呆吧?如果能夠有一部帳號主控伺服器來管理網域中所有主機的帳號,
這樣的功能有很多的伺服器軟體可以達成,這裡我們要介紹的則是 Network Information
Services (NIS server) 這個伺服器軟體喔!底下就先來談一談這個 NIS 的相關功能吧!
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