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2012-03-10 11:25:57

Eat more vegetables and fruits is one of the important individual health care means. Adults should eat every day 400-800 grams of vegetables and fruits, and variety to achieve five or more, and often change, the perennial insists. At present our country family tends to miniaturization, many are 3 home or two home. As the population less and work/study very busy, daily food, wont drab, especially vegetables type and quantity is less, it is difficult to achieve the above requirements, it is very adverse to health.
In fact, as long as master some of tie-in principle, it can not only saves time and effort, and eat a variety of vegetables, still can reduce the intake of salt and oil. Here introduces two, for your reference.
"The same" mixed vegetable stir-fry
Vegetables can divide leaf vegetable, the root-stock, flower ball, etc, the so-called "the same" vegetables is to point to boil fry time close, taste similar or complementary vegetables, general belong to the same category vegetables such as carrots, lettuce, west hu reed, potatoes, etc. Fry cook can from each one, after washing, slices, add yellow bean sprouts, with onion, ginger, garlic is right amount, with salad oil and seasoning until become. Such mixed vegetables colourful, rich variety of nutrients and cancer active substances, tender and delicate, tasty delicious.
Learn to do "food meat Fried rice"
Average person in less time, more used to do eggs Fried rice. In fact, if more than usual to several vegetables, wash clean in refrigerator. Before using the cut ChengDing block, and meat, eggs, rice make it "food meat Fried rice", not only set as in the integral whole, rich nutrition, and simple operation and saves time and effort. If use the same amount of LuoBuDing, potatoes, and peas, butyl cabbage, scrambled eggs, ripe diced, Fried rice with made Fried rice.
Food meat match do chowders food
Many people like to use a while frying vegetables raw material, because it can keep the food see the original confused, and the results are often for work busy and can only eat one food. In fact, many vegetables and meat to stir-fry taste is not poor, still can solve time and nutrition this "dilemma". Such as cabbage, fresh mushrooms, vegetables, beans, eggplant, green Onions, cooked chicken breast, ripe shrimp, match a moderate amount of garlic, ginger, salt into a stew chowder food, its characteristic is tie-in, faint scent flavorful meat lai, nutrition is complete.
Cold dish made with vegetables
If choose fresh lettuce leaves, cucumber, tomatoes, spring onion as raw materials, the first lettuce leaves thoroughly abluent, with a little hot water, even and symmetrical shakedown is in a grail; Wash the cucumber peel and cut into flake on lettuce leaves; Wash tomatoes, with boiled water a little hot, cut into uniform crescent block, put in cucumber slices, also in circles is arranged, the central leave a small dish pore, insert the clean spring onion segment can. The food not only like a blooming lotus, and lettuce, cucumber, spring onion dip in seasoning edible, can maximize the save rich nutrients and cancer natural active material.
The above is only vegetables and tie-in combination principle and simple example, readers may according to your own taste and hobbies, extrapolate, collocation gives oneself to like delicious combination dish, rich diet, improve the quality of life and health promotion.


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