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2012-03-02 15:41:56

The use of bamboo charcoal
Steamed rice to put on a piece of, can make the rice more sweet soft tasty; In the fridge, can eliminate flavour, extend the minimal food;

Bamboo charcoal soaked with water, water removed the smell of bleach and harmful impurities, Into the toilet and almirah, can remove peculiar

smell, insect-resistant eat by moth; Put in the bathtub, still can make more clean water, fish do not hit by the bacteria.
In addition, these a few years and eating bamboo charcoal powder appear, bamboo charcoal bread, bamboo charcoal cake bamboo fiber appeared in

the market. It is said that bamboo charcoal can absorb harmful material, side by side of the body; Can adjust have loose bowels generated

does not adapt the symptoms. Inhibition of feces stink, and so on.
I of this package of bamboo charcoal powder or just begin to contact the baking shop when baked the aunt to send me, just done a bamboo

charcoal bread aside to forget the brain!
This few days turn out, doing a bamboo charcoal dumplings, have never thought of the flesh, but also really like a black beauty!
Stuffing it, that is not to mention the, I used the shrimp and pig ground meat, estimation can have the effect of black and white!
The whole bag of shrimp, plus the pig meat, you said, can not delicious?
Juice I used the garlic and parsley add vinegar and soya at the end of the double flavor juice, if like spicy, then drop point chili oil,

sure means traipsing upstairs!
Raw material:
The dough: flour, bamboo charcoal powder, boiling water
Fillings: pig meat, shrimp, spring onion, salt and white pepper, soya, JiangMo, chicken essence
1, flour and a tablespoon of bamboo charcoal powder mixture. Stir well.
2, add boiling water, stir with chopsticks.
3, a little cool, and rubbed into smooth dough. Wrap with plastic wrap, and let rest for Xing for a while.
4, pig meat to join JiangMo, soya, white pepper, salt, chicken essence stir well, marinate for 1/2 hour.
5, spring onion, rinse the cm.long3com.wide3cm.thick.
6, shrimp (I buy packaged) wash, remove shrimp line, with paper towel blot moisture.
7, will be at the end of the green Onions into pigs and shrimp meat, stir well.
8, will Xing good out dough, knead well, pulled into appropriate size face agent.
9, rolled skin.
Many people are not eat bamboo charcoal dumplings, actually, the bamboo charcoal bamboo fiber is no special flavor, don't look at it, eat up

and white a taste!
Grandpa mother-in-law after eating ask me: "your rice isn't that bad? How to eat less than fragrance?"
Both nagging:
1, bamboo charcoal powder and flour mixture in advance.
2, must use boiling water, can be directly in the fire water, not superstitious water machine, the temperature can not reach.
Knead the dough 3, after a moment to Xing, could start operating the dough, then operate stuffing, playing a lag between the can.
4, pig meat prior to marinate for a moment, half an hour or so can.
5, shrimp if buy packaged, come back to thaw, wash shrimp line, accused of dry moisture, in with paper towel blot moisture


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