1、选秀节目打分,分为专家评委和大众评委,score[] 数组里面存储每个评委打的分数,judge_type[] 里存储与 score[] 数组对应的评委类别,judge_type[i] == 1,表示专家评委,judge_type[i] == 2,表示大众评委,n表示评委总数。打分规则如下:专家评委和大众评委的分数先分别取一个平均分(平均分取整),然后,总分 = 专家评委平均分 * 0.6 + 大众评委 * 0.4,总分取整。如果没有大众评委,则 总分 = 专家评委平均分,总分取整。函数最终返回选手得分。
my program :
- /*
*just for hw machine examination
#include <stdio.h>
#define N 5
int cal_score(int score[], int judge_type[], int n)
int nExpertSum = 0;
int nCommonSum = 0;
int nCountExpert = 0;
int nCountCommon = 0;
int nAverageExpert = 0;
int nAverageCommon = 0;
int nscore;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
if(judge_type[i] == 1)
nExpertSum += score[i];
else if(judge_type[i] == 2)
nCommonSum += score[i];
if(nCountCommon != 0)
nAverageExpert = (int)nExpertSum/nCountExpert;
nAverageCommon = (int)nCommonSum/nCountCommon;
nscore = (int)(nAverageExpert*0.6 + nAverageCommon*0.4);
return nscore;
nscore = nAverageExpert;
return nscore;
int main()
int score[N];
int judge_type[N];
int nStudentScore;
int i;
printf("please input the %d score: \n", N);
for (i = 0; i < N ; i++)
scanf("%d", &score[i]);
printf("please input the level of the judger(1:expert, 2: common)\n");
for (i = 0; i < N ; i++)
scanf("%d", &judge_type[i]);
nStudentScore = cal_score(score, judge_type, N);
printf("the score is:%d\n", nStudentScore);
return 0;
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