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just do it















2013-10-14 20:21:03

f the password for ALOM4v is lost or forgotten then the following password recovery steps can be taken to erase/reset the ALOM NVRAM so that a user can gain access to ALOM, set a new password and restore the NVRAM settings.

Steps to Follow

O91XZKG Internal ID use only.

Note: physical access to the system so that the power cables can be accessed and a serial connection can be made to the system is required for this procedure.

1. Make a connection to the ALOM serial management port.

2. Power cycle the system by unplugging the server's power supplies, waiting several seconds and then plugging the power supplies back in.

3. You should see the ALOM booting on the serial management console. Hit "Esc" (the Escape key) during the ALOM boot, before or at the point: "Return to Boot Monitor for Handshake"

This will cause the system to produce the message: "Return to Boot Monitor for Handshake ESC keypress detected."

4. ALOM will now enter the "ALOM boot escape menu" and the following will be displayed:

e - Erase ALOM NVRAM.
m - Run POST Menu.
R - Reset ALOM.
r - Return to bootmon.
Your selection:
5. To clear out the existing password you must choose 'e' to erase the ALOM NVRAM. After using the 'e' option to erase the NVRAM choose the 'r' option to resume the ALOM boot. You will automatically be logged in as user 'admin' with no password and no permissions. The NVRAM settings will be reset to their factory defaults. Note that since this procedure resets the NVRAM settings to their defaults any customization (such as the ALOM network settings) will need to be recreated.

The above procedure can be adapted for the two Blade products Sun Blade T6300
Server Module and Netra CP3060 Board which also use the ALOM4v.

1. Ensure a working serial connection is made to the serial port at the front of the Blade.

2. Power cycle the board by powering off the server as per the relevant
architecture, unplug the Blade from the chassis, wait several seconds and then
plug the Blade back into the chassis.

Follow steps 3 to 5 above.


How to bypass ALOM password on a Sun Fire V210/V240/V250/V440

To overide the ALOM password on the system you will need to:

1) Attach console to Serial Management Port

2) Power on the server via the front power button. Once POST has completed, you will need to wait 1 to 2 minutes for a timeout to occur and the system to drop to the "ok>" prompt.
If you do not get the "Please login:" prompt (you will likely see the SC prompt) then you must power the system off remove the battery from the LOM board, wait a minute, and re-install everything).

    * Below is an example of what you might see on the console:

    Please login:
    SC Alert: Host System has Reset

    [wait one two minutes]
    Serial line login timeout, returns to console stream.


3) Boot the system to the OS level. If Solaris is not currently installed on the server, you will need to install it at this point.

4) Use the scadm command to reset the admin password:

   1. cd /usr/platform/`uname -i`/sbin
   2. ./scadm userpassword admin

5) Use the escape sequence "#." to get system back to the alom login prompt.

   1. You can now log into the admin account using the password from step 4 b).
Serial line login timeout, returns to console stream.

Enter #. to return to ALOM


# cd /usr/platform/`uname -i`/sbin
# ./scadm userpassword admin


如果是通过Console口访问ALOM(Advanced Lights Out Manager),在启动系统时,在ALOM的命令行提示符下,输入break命令,就可以将系统重新引导到OK提示符状态。

    #. -- 退出Console
    sc> break -- 重新引导到OK提示符状态
    sc> console -- 进入Console

如果已经安装了操作系统,那么init 0或者shutdown命令会重启系统进入OK提示符状态。

如果接了键盘,那么L1-A (Stop-A) 键或Break键也可以进入OK提示符状态。

加注:OK提示符状态其实是进入OpenBoot PROM。

Customer should shut OS down gracefully (using "init 0"). Then, at the OK prompt type #. (in key sequence) to get into ALOM (sc>). Run the following commands from ALOM:
1. setlocator on
2. poweroff

1. Shutting System Down.
2. Extending Server to Maintenance Position.
3. Performing Electrostatic Discharge Prevention Measures.
4. Disconnecting Power From Server.
5. Removing Top Cover
6. Locate system controller card.
7. Push down on ejector levers on each side of system controller until card releases from socket.
8. Grasp top corners of card and pull it out of socket. Place system controller card on antistatic mat.
9. Using a small flat-head screwdriver, carefully pry battery from system controller.
10. Unpackage replacement battery and Press new battery into system controller with positive side facing upward (away from card).
11. Re-install system controller. Holding bottom edge of system controller, carefully align system controller so that each of its contacts is centered on a socket pin. Ensure that system controller is correctly oriented and ejector levers are open. A notch along the bottom of system controller corresponds to a tab on socket. Push firmly and evenly on both ends of system controller until it is firmly seated in socket. You hear a click when ejector levers lock into place.
12. Use ALOM CMT setdate command to set day and time. Use setdate command before you power on host system.
13. Place top cover on chassis. Slide front top cover forward until it snaps into place, being careful to avoid catching cover on intrusion switch.

OBTAIN CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE (these steps need to be performed by the field engineer)
At ALOM prompt:
1. Verify the battery status after replacement. Check showenvironment to make sure that there is no warning for SC/BAT/V_BAT in the Voltage Sensors section, see example:

Voltage sensors (in Volts):
Sensor                      Status    Voltage   LowSoft   LowWarn   HighWarn   HighSoft
SC/BAT/V_BAT         OK       2.90         --             2.25              --              --

2. Use SC setdate command to set ALOM day and time (before you power on host system), see example:

sc> setdate mmddHHMMccyy.SS

Note: The date format includes the month, day, hour, minute, century, year, and seconds. The century value and the value for seconds can be omitted. Your server uses local time, but ALOM CMT uses Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). ALOM CMT does not accept time zone conversions or daylight time changes.

3. poweron -c

At OK prompt:
Note: The ALOM date and Solaris date are not in sync. The Solaris date may not be correct and should be set separately.
1. Boot -s (to avoid any applications being affected by wrong OS date).
2. Use date command to set the correct OS date (optional: init 0, boot -s to verify)

修改SC和 OS时间,另外切记,SC和OS的时间不能同步,它两采用的时间机制不一样,
SC为 UTC时间,OS 是本地时间,说的直接些就是  SC+8 hour =OS

# init 0     //进OK
OK> console 或 #.
SC> setlocator on    //打开指示灯  可忽略
SC> poweroff

SC> showenvironment

sc> setdate mmddHHMMccyy.SS

SC> poweron -c

# date mmddHHMMccyy.SS  (月 天 时 分 2013.秒)


#hastatus -sum

haconf -makerw

hagrp -switch -to

hagrp -freeze -persistent

hagrp -unfreeze -persistent

hagrp -online [-force] [-nopre] -sys

hagrp -offline [-force] [-nopre] -sys

hagrp -clear [service_group] -sys [system]

gabconfig -a

#tail -f /var/VRTSvcs/log/engine_A.log

bash-2.05# cat /etc/inet/ntp.conf
# ident "@(#)ntp.client 1.3     00/07/17 SMI"
# /etc/inet/ntp.client
# An example file that could be copied over to /etc/inet/ntp.conf; it
# provides a configuration for a host that passively waits for a server
# to provide NTP packets on the ntp multicast net.

server prefer
driftfile /var/ntp/ntp.drift
bash-2.05# /etc/init.d/xntpd start

1 停机换备机电池,修改系统时间和备机一致
2 切换资源组,停机更换电池,修改系统时间
3 检查群集状态
4 停机更换另一单机电池,修改系统时间

sun cluster需启动到单节点更改系统时间,然后reboot重启
{0} ok
{0} ok
{0} ok boot -x    //启动sun cluster到单节点
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