just do it
发布时间:2013-11-26 10:52:51
Procedure to reset a component's CHS status. 1. As stated before, a support engineer should first validate that the component(s) CHS status should be reset. The support engineer should perform analysis of the data and determined whether the CHS status should be reset or whether the co.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-11-19 22:25:42
前几天升级一组补丁,导致Sun Fire 4800所有的domain的日期不正常,出现时间跳跃,时间会往下走.一天会慢十多个钟.隔几天竟会慢一个多月.多处查找资料,从sun网站上查明证实是SC 的bug. 由于计划升级SC Firmware.我将升级过程记录下来,供大家分享。具体操作如下:升级前准备:从http://sunsolve.sun.com/ 下载SF4800 SC.........【阅读全文】