OVERVIEW The S3C2440A watchdog timer is used to resume the controller operation whenever it is disturbed by malfunctions(故障 )such a noise and system errors. It can be used as a normal 16-bit interval timer to request interrupt service. The watchdog timer generates the reset signal for 128 PCLK cycles.(The watchdog timer uses only PCLK as its source clock.) FEATURES — Normal interval timer mode with interrupt request — Internal reset signal is activated for 128 PCLK cycles when the timer count value reaches 0 (time-out). WATCHDOG TIMER OPERATION The watchdog timer uses only PCLK as its source clock. The PCLK frequency is prescaled to generate the corresponding watchdog timer clock, and theresulting frequency is divided again.
The prescaler(预分频器) value and the frequency division factor(频率除数因子) are specified in the watchdog timer control (WTCON) register.Valid prescaler values range from 0 to 28-1. The frequency division factor can be selected as 16, 32, 64, or 128.Use the following equation to calculate the watchdog timer clock frequency and the duration of each timer clockcycle: t_watchdog = 1/[ PCLK / (Prescaler value + 1) / Division_factor ] t_watchdog:看门狗控制器递减时间间隔(单位:秒)
WTD sepical registers WTDAT & WTCNT & WTCON The WTDAT register is used to specify the time-out duration.(WTDAT 用于指定 WTCNT 的计数初值,但如果看门狗已经启动,WTDAT 中的值必须要等到本次计数超时后才会被装入)。 The WTCNT register contains the current count values for the watchdog timer during normal operation.