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12年 linux 系统运维工程师,网络架构设计、优化,故障处理。










分类: 系统运维

2014-12-24 17:13:37
































Copyright (c) 1989-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements the File Write routine for Write called by the
dispatch driver.
#include "FatProcs.h"
// The Bug check file id for this module
#define BugCheckFileId (FAT_BUG_CHECK_WRITE)
// The local debug trace level
// Macros to increment the appropriate performance counters.
#define CollectWriteStats(VCB,OPEN_TYPE,BYTE_COUNT) { \
PFILESYSTEM_STATISTICS Stats = &(VCB)->Statistics[KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber()].Common; \
if (((OPEN_TYPE) == UserFileOpen)) { \
Stats->UserFileWrites += 1; \
Stats->UserFileWriteBytes += (ULONG)(BYTE_COUNT); \
} else if (((OPEN_TYPE) == VirtualVolumeFile || ((OPEN_TYPE) == DirectoryFile))) { \
Stats->MetaDataWrites += 1; \
Stats->MetaDataWriteBytes += (ULONG)(BYTE_COUNT); \
} \
// Local support routines
FatDeferredFlushDpc (
IN PVOID DeferredContext,
IN PVOID SystemArgument1,
IN PVOID SystemArgument2
FatDeferredFlush (
PVOID Parameter
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FatDeferredFlush)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, FatCommonWrite)
FatFsdWrite (
Routine Description:
This routine implements the FSD part of the NtWriteFile API call
VolumeDeviceObject - Supplies the volume device object where the
file being Write exists
Irp - Supplies the Irp being processed
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - The FSD  for the IRP
DebugTrace(+1, Dbg, "FatFsdWrite\n", 0);
// Call the common Write routine, with blocking allowed if synchronous
// We are first going to do a quick check for paging file IO. Since this
// is a fast path, we must replicate the check for the fsdo.
if (!FatDeviceIsFatFsdo( IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp)->DeviceObject)) {
Fcb = (PFCB)(IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp)->FileObject->FsContext);
if ((NodeType(Fcb) == FAT_NTC_FCB) &&
FlagOn(Fcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_PAGING_FILE)) {
// Do the usual STATUS_PENDING things.
IoMarkIrpPending( Irp );
// Perform the actual IO, it will be completed when the io finishes.
FatPagingFileIo( Irp, Fcb );
#ifdef __ND_FAT__
do {

try {
if (IrpContext == NULL) { 
TopLevel = FatIsIrpTopLevel( Irp );
IrpContext = FatCreateIrpContext( Irp, CanFsdWait( Irp ) );
IrpContext->TopLevel = TopLevel;
// This is a kludge for the mod writer case. The correct state
// of recursion is set in IrpContext, however, we much with the
// actual top level Irp field to get the correct WriteThrough
// behaviour.
ModWriter = TRUE;
IoSetTopLevelIrp( Irp );
// If this is an Mdl complete request, don't go through
// common write.
if (FlagOn( IrpContext->MinorFunction, IRP_MN_COMPLETE )) {
DebugTrace(0, Dbg, "Calling FatCompleteMdl\n", 0 );
Status = FatCompleteMdl( IrpContext, Irp );
} else {
#if 0
BOOLEAN lazyWriter;
PSCB scb = (PSCB)(IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp)->FileObject->FsContext);
DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, ("FatFsdWrite: SavedTopLevelIrp = %p, FatIsTopLevelRequest() = %d, FatIsTopLevelFat() = %d, CanWait = %d\n", 
FatGetTopLevelContext()->SavedTopLevelIrp, FatIsTopLevelRequest(IrpContext), FatIsTopLevelFat(IrpContext), FlagOn(IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT)) );
lazyWriter = ( scb->LazyWriteThread[0] == PsGetCurrentThread() || scb->LazyWriteThread[1] == PsGetCurrentThread());

if (lazyWriter) {
if (IS_SECONDARY_FILEOBJECT(IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp)->FileObject))
ASSERT( !FatIsTopLevelRequest(IrpContext) && FatIsTopLevelFat(IrpContext) );
ASSERT( FlagOn(IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT) );
ASSERT( FlagOn(Irp->Flags, IRP_PAGING_IO) );

if (VolumeDeviceObject->Secondary)
ASSERT( FatGetTopLevelContext()->SavedTopLevelIrp == (PIRP)FSRTL_CACHE_TOP_LEVEL_IRP );
if (!FlagOn(Irp->Flags, IRP_PAGING_IO)) {
ASSERT( FatIsTopLevelRequest(IrpContext) );

} else {

ASSERT( FlagOn(Irp->Flags, IRP_NOCACHE) );

if (FatIsTopLevelRequest(IrpContext)) {

ASSERT( FlagOn(IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT) );

} else {

if (FatIsTopLevelFat(IrpContext)) {

if (FlagOn(IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT)) {

if (IS_SECONDARY_FILEOBJECT(IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp)->FileObject))
ASSERT( lazyWriter == TRUE ); // || FatGetTopLevelContext()->SavedTopLevelIrp == (PIRP)FSRTL_CACHE_TOP_LEVEL_IRP );
} else
ASSERT( FatGetTopLevelContext()->SavedTopLevelIrp == (PIRP)FSRTL_MOD_WRITE_TOP_LEVEL_IRP ||
FatGetTopLevelContext()->SavedTopLevelIrp == (PIRP)FSRTL_CACHE_TOP_LEVEL_IRP );
} else {
ASSERT( FlagOn(IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT) );
if (IrpContext->TopLevelIrpContext->MajorFunction != IRP_MJ_WRITE && VolumeDeviceObject->Secondary)
DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, ("FatFsdWrite: IrpContext->TopLevelIrpContext->MajorFunction = %d\n", 
IrpContext->TopLevelIrpContext->MajorFunction) );
if (IS_SECONDARY_FILEOBJECT(IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp)->FileObject))
ASSERT( IrpContext->TopLevelIrpContext->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_WRITE );
if (IS_SECONDARY_FILEOBJECT(IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp)->FileObject)) {
BOOLEAN secondaryResourceAcquired = FALSE;
BOOLEAN secondaryRecoveryResourceAcquired = FALSE;
#if 0
BOOLEAN lazyWriter;
PSCB scb = (PSCB)(IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp)->FileObject->FsContext);
#ifdef __ND_FAT_DBG__
lazyWriter = ( scb->LazyWriteThread[0] == PsGetCurrentThread() || scb->LazyWriteThread[1] == PsGetCurrentThread());
if (FlagOn(Irp->Flags, IRP_PAGING_IO)) {

secondaryResourceAcquired = 
SecondaryAcquireResourceSharedStarveExclusiveLite( IrpContext, 
BooleanFlagOn(IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT) );
if (secondaryResourceAcquired == FALSE) {
//ASSERT( lazyWriter );
ASSERT( FlagOn(VolumeDeviceObject->Secondary->Thread.Flags, SECONDARY_THREAD_FLAG_REMOTE_DISCONNECTED) ||
FlagOn(VolumeDeviceObject->Secondary->Flags, SECONDARY_FLAG_RECONNECTING) );

FatCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, Status = STATUS_FILE_LOCK_CONFLICT );
try {
Status = FatCommonWrite( IrpContext, Irp );

} finally {
ASSERT( ExIsResourceAcquiredSharedLite(&VolumeDeviceObject->Secondary->Resource) );
SecondaryReleaseResourceLite( NULL, &VolumeDeviceObject->Secondary->Resource );
while (TRUE) {

ASSERT( secondaryRecoveryResourceAcquired == FALSE );
ASSERT( secondaryResourceAcquired == FALSE );
if (FlagOn(VolumeDeviceObject->Secondary->Thread.Flags, SECONDARY_THREAD_FLAG_REMOTE_DISCONNECTED) || 
FlagOn(VolumeDeviceObject->Secondary->Flags, SECONDARY_FLAG_RECONNECTING)) {

if (!FlagOn(IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT)) {
Status = FatFsdPostRequest( IrpContext, Irp );

if (FlagOn(VolumeDeviceObject->Secondary->Thread.Flags, SECONDARY_THREAD_FLAG_REMOTE_DISCONNECTED)) {

= SecondaryAcquireResourceExclusiveLite( IrpContext, 
BooleanFlagOn(IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT) );

if (!FlagOn(VolumeDeviceObject->Secondary->Thread.Flags, SECONDARY_THREAD_FLAG_REMOTE_DISCONNECTED) ) {
SecondaryReleaseResourceLite( IrpContext, &VolumeDeviceObject->Secondary->RecoveryResource );
secondaryRecoveryResourceAcquired = FALSE;
= SecondaryAcquireResourceExclusiveLite( IrpContext, 
BooleanFlagOn(IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT) );
try {

SessionRecovery( VolumeDeviceObject->Secondary, IrpContext );

} finally {
SecondaryReleaseResourceLite( IrpContext, &VolumeDeviceObject->Secondary->Resource );
secondaryResourceAcquired = FALSE;
SecondaryReleaseResourceLite( IrpContext, &VolumeDeviceObject->Secondary->RecoveryResource );
secondaryRecoveryResourceAcquired = FALSE;
= SecondaryAcquireResourceSharedLite( IrpContext, 
BooleanFlagOn(IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT) );
if (secondaryResourceAcquired == FALSE) {
ASSERT( FlagOn(VolumeDeviceObject->Secondary->Thread.Flags, SECONDARY_THREAD_FLAG_REMOTE_DISCONNECTED) ||
FlagOn(VolumeDeviceObject->Secondary->Flags, SECONDARY_FLAG_RECONNECTING) );
if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) {

try {

Status = FatCommonWrite( IrpContext, Irp );

} finally {
ASSERT( ExIsResourceAcquiredSharedLite(&VolumeDeviceObject->Secondary->Resource) );
SecondaryReleaseResourceLite( NULL, &VolumeDeviceObject->Secondary->Resource );
} else
Status = FatCommonWrite( IrpContext, Irp );
Status = FatCommonWrite( IrpContext, Irp );
} except(FatExceptionFilter( IrpContext, GetExceptionInformation() )) {
// We had some trouble trying to perform the requested
// operation, so we'll abort the I/O request with
// the error  that we get back from the
// execption code
Status = FatProcessException( IrpContext, Irp, GetExceptionCode() );
} while (Status == STATUS_CANT_WAIT);
try {
TopLevel = FatIsIrpTopLevel( Irp );
IrpContext = FatCreateIrpContext( Irp, CanFsdWait( Irp ) );
// This is a kludge for the mod writer case. The correct state
// of recursion is set in IrpContext, however, we much with the
// actual top level Irp field to get the correct WriteThrough
// behaviour.
ModWriter = TRUE;
IoSetTopLevelIrp( Irp );
// If this is an Mdl complete request, don't go through
// common write.
if (FlagOn( IrpContext->MinorFunction, IRP_MN_COMPLETE )) {
DebugTrace(0, Dbg, "Calling FatCompleteMdl\n", 0 );
Status = FatCompleteMdl( IrpContext, Irp );
} else {
Status = FatCommonWrite( IrpContext, Irp );
} except(FatExceptionFilter( IrpContext, GetExceptionInformation() )) {
// We had some trouble trying to perform the requested
// operation, so we'll abort the I/O request with
// the error  that we get back from the
// execption code
Status = FatProcessException( IrpContext, Irp, GetExceptionCode() );
// ASSERT( !(ModWriter && (Status == STATUS_CANT_WAIT)) );
ASSERT( !(ModWriter && TopLevel) );
if (ModWriter) { IoSetTopLevelIrp((PIRP)FSRTL_MOD_WRITE_TOP_LEVEL_IRP); }
if (TopLevel) { IoSetTopLevelIrp( NULL ); }
// And return to our caller
DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatFsdWrite -> %08lx\n", Status);
return Status;
FatCommonWrite (
Routine Description:
This is the common write routine for NtWriteFile, called from both
the Fsd, or from the Fsp if a request could not be completed without
blocking in the Fsd. This routine's actions are
conditionalized by the Wait input parameter, which determines whether
it is allowed to block or not. If a blocking condition is encountered
with Wait == FALSE, however, the request is posted to the Fsp, who
always calls with WAIT == TRUE.
Irp - Supplies the Irp to process
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - The return  for the operation
PFCB FcbOrDcb;
VBO StartingVbo;
ULONG ByteCount;
ULONG FileSize;
ULONG InitialFileSize;
ULONG InitialValidDataLength;
BOOLEAN OplockPostIrp = FALSE;
BOOLEAN ExtendingFile = FALSE;
BOOLEAN FcbOrDcbAcquired = FALSE;
BOOLEAN SwitchBackToAsync = FALSE;
BOOLEAN CalledByLazyWriter = FALSE;
BOOLEAN ExtendingValidData = FALSE;
BOOLEAN FcbAcquiredExclusive = FALSE;
BOOLEAN FcbCanDemoteToShared = FALSE;
BOOLEAN WriteFileSizeToDirent = FALSE;
BOOLEAN RecursiveWriteThrough = FALSE;
BOOLEAN UnwindOutstandingAsync = FALSE;
BOOLEAN PagingIoResourceAcquired = FALSE;
BOOLEAN SynchronousIo;
BOOLEAN NonCachedIo;
FAT_IO_CONTEXT StackFatIoContext;
// A system buffer is only used if we have to access the buffer directly
// from the Fsp to clear a portion or to do a synchronous I/O, or a
// cached transfer. It is possible that our caller may have already
// mapped a system buffer, in which case we must remember this so
// we do not unmap it on the way out.
PVOID SystemBuffer = (PVOID) NULL;
// Get current Irp stack location and file object
IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp );
FileObject = IrpSp->FileObject;
DebugTrace(+1, Dbg, "FatCommonWrite\n", 0);
DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Irp = %8lx\n", Irp);
DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "ByteCount = %8lx\n", IrpSp->Parameters.Write.Length);
DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "ByteOffset.LowPart = %8lx\n", IrpSp->Parameters.Write.ByteOffset.LowPart);
DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "ByteOffset.HighPart = %8lx\n", IrpSp->Parameters.Write.ByteOffset.HighPart);
// Initialize the appropriate local variables.
Wait = BooleanFlagOn(IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT);
PagingIo = BooleanFlagOn(Irp->Flags, IRP_PAGING_IO);
NonCachedIo = BooleanFlagOn(Irp->Flags,IRP_NOCACHE);
SynchronousIo = BooleanFlagOn(FileObject->Flags, FO_SYNCHRONOUS_IO);
//ASSERT( PagingIo || FileObject->WriteAccess );
// Extract the bytecount and do our noop/throttle checking.
ByteCount = IrpSp->Parameters.Write.Length;
// If there is nothing to write, return immediately.
if (ByteCount == 0) {
Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
FatCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_SUCCESS );
// See if we have to defer the write.
if (!NonCachedIo &&
(BOOLEAN)(Wait && !BooleanFlagOn(IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_IN_FSP)),
BooleanFlagOn(IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_DEFERRED_WRITE))) {
BOOLEAN Retrying = BooleanFlagOn(IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_DEFERRED_WRITE);
FatPrePostIrp( IrpContext, Irp );
CcDeferWrite( FileObject,
Retrying );
// Determine our starting position and type. If we are writing
// at EOF, then we will need additional synchronization before
// the IO is issued to determine where the data will go.
StartingByte = IrpSp->Parameters.Write.ByteOffset;
StartingVbo = StartingByte.LowPart;
WriteToEof = ( (StartingByte.LowPart == FILE_WRITE_TO_END_OF_FILE) &&
(StartingByte.HighPart == -1) );
// Extract the nature of the write from the file object, and case on it
TypeOfOpen = FatDecodeFileObject(FileObject, &Vcb, &FcbOrDcb, &Ccb);
ASSERT( Vcb != NULL );
// Save callers who try to do cached IO to the raw volume from themselves.
if (TypeOfOpen == UserVolumeOpen) {
NonCachedIo = TRUE;
ASSERT(!(NonCachedIo == FALSE && TypeOfOpen == VirtualVolumeFile));
// Collect interesting statistics. The FLAG_USER_IO bit will indicate
// what type of io we're doing in the FatNonCachedIo function.
if (PagingIo) {
CollectWriteStats(Vcb, TypeOfOpen, ByteCount);
if (TypeOfOpen == UserFileOpen) {
SetFlag(IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_USER_IO);
} else {
ClearFlag(IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_USER_IO);
// We must disallow writes to regular objects that would require us
// to maintain an AllocationSize of greater than 32 significant bits.
// If this is paging IO, this is simply a case where we need to trim.
// This will occur in due course.
if (!PagingIo && !WriteToEof && (TypeOfOpen != UserVolumeOpen)) {
if (!FatIsIoRangeValid( Vcb, StartingByte, ByteCount )) {
Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
FatCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_DISK_FULL );
// Allocate if necessary and initialize a FAT_IO_CONTEXT block for
// all non cached Io. For synchronous Io
// we use stack storage, otherwise we allocate pool.
if (NonCachedIo) {
if (IrpContext->FatIoContext == NULL) {
if (!Wait) {
IrpContext->FatIoContext =
FsRtlAllocatePoolWithTag( NonPagedPool,
} else {
IrpContext->FatIoContext = &StackFatIoContext;
SetFlag( IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_STACK_IO_CONTEXT );
RtlZeroMemory( IrpContext->FatIoContext, sizeof(FAT_IO_CONTEXT) );
if (Wait) {
KeInitializeEvent( &IrpContext->FatIoContext->Wait.SyncEvent,
} else {
IrpContext->FatIoContext->Wait.Async.ResourceThreadId =
IrpContext->FatIoContext->Wait.Async.RequestedByteCount =
IrpContext->FatIoContext->Wait.Async.FileObject = FileObject;
// Check if this volume has already been shut down. If it has, fail
// this write request.
if ( FlagOn(Vcb->VcbState, VCB_STATE_FLAG_SHUTDOWN) ) {
Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
FatCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_TOO_LATE );
// This case corresponds to a write of the volume file (only the first
// fat allowed, the other fats are written automatically in parallel).
// We use an Mcb keep track of dirty sectors. Actual entries are Vbos
// and Lbos (ie. bytes), though they are all added in sector chunks.
// Since Vbo == Lbo for the volume file, the Mcb entries
// alternate between runs of Vbo == Lbo, and holes (Lbo == 0). We use
// the prior to represent runs of dirty fat sectors, and the latter
// for runs of clean fat. Note that since the first part of the volume
// file (boot sector) is always clean (a hole), and an Mcb never ends in
// a hole, there must always be an even number of runs(entries) in the Mcb.
// The strategy is to find the first and last dirty run in the desired
// write range (which will always be a set of pages), and write from the
// former to the later. The may result in writing some clean data, but
// will generally be more efficient than writing each runs seperately.
if (TypeOfOpen == VirtualVolumeFile) {
LBO DirtyLbo;
LBO CleanLbo;
VBO DirtyVbo;
VBO StartingDirtyVbo;
ULONG DirtyByteCount;
ULONG CleanByteCount;
ULONG WriteLength;
BOOLEAN MoreDirtyRuns = TRUE;
DebugTrace(0, Dbg, "Type of write is Virtual Volume File\n", 0);
// If we can't wait we have to post this.
if (!Wait) {
DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Passing request to Fsp\n", 0 );
Status = FatFsdPostRequest(IrpContext, Irp);
return Status;
// If we weren't called by the Lazy Writer, then this write
// must be the result of a write-through or flush operation.
// Setting the IrpContext flag, will cause DevIoSup.c to
// write-through the data to the disk.
if (!FlagOn((ULONG_PTR)IoGetTopLevelIrp(), FSRTL_CACHE_TOP_LEVEL_IRP)) {
// Assert an even number of entries in the Mcb, an odd number would
// mean that the Mcb is corrupt.
ASSERT( (FsRtlNumberOfRunsInLargeMcb( &Vcb->DirtyFatMcb ) & 1) == 0);
// We need to skip over any clean sectors at the start of the write.
// Also check the two cases where there are no dirty fats in the
// desired write range, and complete them with success.
// 1) There is no Mcb entry corresponding to StartingVbo, meaning
// we are beyond the end of the Mcb, and thus dirty fats.
// 2) The run at StartingVbo is clean and continues beyond the
// desired write range.
if (!FatLookupMcbEntry( Vcb, &Vcb->DirtyFatMcb,
|| ( (DirtyLbo == 0) && (DirtyByteCount >= ByteCount) ) ) {
"No dirty fat sectors in the write range.\n", 0);
FatCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_SUCCESS );
DirtyVbo = (VBO)DirtyLbo;
// If the last run was a hole (clean), up DirtyVbo to the next
// run, which must be dirty.
if (DirtyVbo == 0) {
DirtyVbo = StartingVbo + DirtyByteCount;
// This is where the write will start.
StartingDirtyVbo = DirtyVbo;
// Now start enumerating the dirty fat sectors spanning the desired
// write range, this first one of which is now DirtyVbo.
while ( MoreDirtyRuns ) {
// Find the next dirty run, if it is not there, the Mcb ended
// in a hole, or there is some other corruption of the Mcb.
if (!FatLookupMcbEntry( Vcb, &Vcb->DirtyFatMcb,
NULL )) {
DirtyVbo = (VBO)DirtyLbo;
DebugTrace(0, Dbg, "Last dirty fat Mcb entry was a hole: corrupt.\n", 0);
FatBugCheck( 0, 0, 0 );
} else {
DirtyVbo = (VBO)DirtyLbo;
// This has to correspond to a dirty run, and must start
// within the write range since we check it at entry to,
// and at the bottom of this loop.
ASSERT((DirtyVbo != 0) && (DirtyVbo < StartingVbo + ByteCount));
// There are three ways we can know that this was the
// last dirty run we want to write.
// 1) The current dirty run extends beyond or to the
// desired write range.
// 2) On trying to find the following clean run, we
// discover that this is the last run in the Mcb.
// 3) The following clean run extend beyond the
// desired write range.
// In any of these cases we set MoreDirtyRuns = FALSE.
// If the run is larger than we are writing, we also
// must truncate the WriteLength. This is benign in
// the equals case.
if (DirtyVbo + DirtyByteCount >= StartingVbo + ByteCount) {
DirtyByteCount = StartingVbo + ByteCount - DirtyVbo;
MoreDirtyRuns = FALSE;
} else {
// Scan the clean hole after this dirty run. If this
// run was the last, prepare to exit the loop
if (!FatLookupMcbEntry( Vcb, &Vcb->DirtyFatMcb,
DirtyVbo + DirtyByteCount,
NULL )) {
MoreDirtyRuns = FALSE;
} else {
// Assert that we actually found a clean run.
// and compute the start of the next dirty run.
ASSERT (CleanLbo == 0);
// If the next dirty run starts beyond the desired
// write, we have found all the runs we need, so
// prepare to exit.
if (DirtyVbo + DirtyByteCount + CleanByteCount >=
StartingVbo + ByteCount) {
MoreDirtyRuns = FALSE;
} else {
// Compute the start of the next dirty run.
DirtyVbo += DirtyByteCount + CleanByteCount;
} // while ( MoreDirtyRuns )
// At this point DirtyVbo and DirtyByteCount correctly reflect the
// final dirty run, constrained to the desired write range.
// Now compute the length we finally must write.
WriteLength = (DirtyVbo + DirtyByteCount) - StartingDirtyVbo;
// We must now assume that the write will complete with success,
// and initialize our expected  in RaiseIosb. It will be
// modified below if an error occurs.
RaiseIosb.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
RaiseIosb.Information = ByteCount;
// Loop through all the fats, setting up a multiple async to
// write them all. If there are more than FAT_MAX_PARALLEL_IOS
// then we do several muilple asyncs.
ULONG BytesPerFat;
IO_RUN StackIoRuns[2];
BytesPerFat = FatBytesPerFat( &Vcb->Bpb );
if ((ULONG)Vcb->Bpb.Fats > 2) {
IoRuns = FsRtlAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool,
} else {
IoRuns = StackIoRuns;
for (Fat = 0; Fat < (ULONG)Vcb->Bpb.Fats; Fat++) {
IoRuns[Fat].Vbo = StartingDirtyVbo;
IoRuns[Fat].Lbo = Fat * BytesPerFat + StartingDirtyVbo;
IoRuns[Fat].Offset = StartingDirtyVbo - StartingVbo;
IoRuns[Fat].ByteCount = WriteLength;
// Keep track of meta-data disk ios.
Vcb->Statistics[KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber()].Common.MetaDataDiskWrites += Vcb->Bpb.Fats;
try {
FatMultipleAsync( IrpContext,
IoRuns );
} finally {
if (IoRuns != StackIoRuns) {
ExFreePool( IoRuns );
// Wait for all the writes to finish
FatWaitSync( IrpContext );
// If we got an error, or verify required, remember it.
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Irp->IoStatus.Status )) {
DebugTrace( 0,
"Error %X while writing volume file.\n",
Irp->IoStatus.Status );
RaiseIosb = Irp->IoStatus;
// If the writes were a success, set the sectors clean, else
// raise the error  and mark the volume as needing
// verification. This will automatically reset the volume
// structures.
// If not, then mark this volume as needing verification to
// automatically cause everything to get cleaned up.
Irp->IoStatus = RaiseIosb;
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status = Irp->IoStatus.Status )) {
FatRemoveMcbEntry( Vcb, &Vcb->DirtyFatMcb,
WriteLength );
} else {
FatNormalizeAndRaiseStatus( IrpContext, Status );
DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "CommonRead -> %08lx\n", Status );
FatCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, Status );
return Status;
// This case corresponds to a general opened volume (DASD), ie.
// open ("a:").
if (TypeOfOpen == UserVolumeOpen) {
LBO StartingLbo;
LBO VolumeSize;
// Precalculate the volume size since we're nearly always going
// to be wanting to use it.
VolumeSize = (LBO) Int32x32To64( Vcb->Bpb.BytesPerSector,
(Vcb->Bpb.Sectors != 0 ? Vcb->Bpb.Sectors :
StartingLbo = StartingByte.QuadPart;
DebugTrace(0, Dbg, "Type of write is User Volume.\n", 0);
// Verify that the volume for this handle is still valid, permitting
// operations to proceed on dismounted volumes via the handle which
// performed the dismount.
if (!FlagOn( Ccb->Flags, CCB_FLAG_COMPLETE_DISMOUNT )) {
FatQuickVerifyVcb( IrpContext, Vcb );
if (!FlagOn( Ccb->Flags, CCB_FLAG_DASD_PURGE_DONE )) {
BOOLEAN PreviousWait = BooleanFlagOn( IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT );
// Grab the entire volume so that even the normally unsafe action
// of writing to an unlocked volume won't open us to a race between
// the flush and purge of the FAT below.
// I really don't think this is particularly important to worry about,
// but a repro case for another bug happens to dance into this race
// condition pretty easily. Eh.

SetFlag( IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT );
FatAcquireExclusiveVolume( IrpContext, Vcb );
try {
// If the volume isn't locked, flush and purge it.
if (!FlagOn(Vcb->VcbState, VCB_STATE_FLAG_LOCKED)) {
FatFlushFat( IrpContext, Vcb );
CcPurgeCacheSection( &Vcb->SectionObjectPointers,
FatPurgeReferencedFileObjects( IrpContext, Vcb->RootDcb, Flush );
} finally {
FatReleaseVolume( IrpContext, Vcb );
if (!PreviousWait) {
ClearFlag( IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT );
if (!FlagOn( Ccb->Flags, CCB_FLAG_ALLOW_EXTENDED_DASD_IO )) {
// Make sure we don't try to write past end of volume,
// reducing the requested byte count if necessary.
if (WriteToEof || StartingLbo >= VolumeSize) {
FatCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, STATUS_SUCCESS );
if (ByteCount > VolumeSize - StartingLbo) {
ByteCount = (ULONG) (VolumeSize - StartingLbo);
// For async writes we had set the byte count in the FatIoContext
// above, so fix that here.
if (!Wait) {
IrpContext->FatIoContext->Wait.Async.RequestedByteCount =
} else {
// This has a peculiar interpretation, but just adjust the starting
// byte to the end of the visible volume.
if (WriteToEof) {
StartingLbo = VolumeSize;
// For DASD we have to probe and lock the user's buffer
FatLockUserBuffer( IrpContext, Irp, IoReadAccess, ByteCount );
// Set the FO_MODIFIED flag here to trigger a verify when this
// handle is closed. Note that we can err on the conservative
// side with no problem, i.e. if we accidently do an extra
// verify there is no problem.
SetFlag( FileObject->Flags, FO_FILE_MODIFIED );
// Write the data and wait for the results
FatSingleAsync( IrpContext,
Irp );
if (!Wait) {
// We, nor anybody else, need the IrpContext any more.
IrpContext->FatIoContext = NULL;
FatDeleteIrpContext( IrpContext );
DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatNonCachedIo -> STATUS_PENDING\n", 0);
FatWaitSync( IrpContext );
// If the call didn't succeed, raise the error 
// Also mark this volume as needing verification to automatically
// cause everything to get cleaned up.
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status = Irp->IoStatus.Status )) {
FatNormalizeAndRaiseStatus( IrpContext, Status );
// Update the current file position. We assume that
// open/create zeros out the CurrentByteOffset field.
if (SynchronousIo && !PagingIo) {
FileObject->CurrentByteOffset.QuadPart =
StartingLbo + Irp->IoStatus.Information;
DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "FatCommonWrite -> %08lx\n", Status );
FatCompleteRequest( IrpContext, Irp, Status );
return Status;
// At this point we know there is an Fcb/Dcb.
ASSERT( FcbOrDcb != NULL );
// Use a try-finally to free Fcb/Dcb and buffers on the way out.
try {
// This case corresponds to a normal user write file.
if ( TypeOfOpen == UserFileOpen ) {
ULONG ValidDataLength;
ULONG ValidDataToDisk;
ULONG ValidDataToCheck;
DebugTrace(0, Dbg, "Type of write is user file open\n", 0);
// If this is a noncached transfer and is not a paging I/O, and
// the file has been opened cached, then we will do a flush here
// to avoid stale data problems. Note that we must flush before
// acquiring the Fcb shared since the write may try to acquire
// it exclusive.
// The Purge following the flush will garentee cache coherency.
if (NonCachedIo && !PagingIo &&
(FileObject->SectionObjectPointer->DataSectionObject != NULL)) {
// We need the Fcb exclsuive to do the CcPurgeCache
if (!FatAcquireExclusiveFcb( IrpContext, FcbOrDcb )) {
DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Cannot acquire FcbOrDcb = %08lx shared without waiting\n", FcbOrDcb );
try_return( PostIrp = TRUE );
FcbOrDcbAcquired = TRUE;
FcbAcquiredExclusive = TRUE;
// Preacquire pagingio for the flush.

ExAcquireSharedStarveExclusive( FcbOrDcb->Header.PagingIoResource, TRUE );
CcFlushCache( FileObject->SectionObjectPointer,
WriteToEof ? &FcbOrDcb->Header.FileSize : &StartingByte,
&Irp->IoStatus );
ExReleaseResourceLite( FcbOrDcb->Header.PagingIoResource );
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Irp->IoStatus.Status)) {
try_return( Irp->IoStatus.Status );
// Now pick up and hold pagingIO exclusive. This serializes us with the
// completion of a coincedent lazy writer doing its part of the write of
// this range.
// We hold so that we will prevent a pagefault from occuring and seeing
// soon-to-be stale data from the disk. We used to believe this was
// something to be left to the app to synchronize; we now realize that
// noncached IO on a fileserver is doomed without the filesystem forcing
// the coherency issue. By only penalizing noncached coherency when
// needed, this is about the best we can do.

ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite( FcbOrDcb->Header.PagingIoResource, TRUE);
PagingIoResourceAcquired = TRUE;
CcPurgeCacheSection( FileObject->SectionObjectPointer,
WriteToEof ? &FcbOrDcb->Header.FileSize : &StartingByte,
// Indicate we're OK with the fcb being demoted to shared access
// if that turns out to be possible later on after VDL extension
// is checked for.
// PagingIo must be held all the way through.

FcbCanDemoteToShared = TRUE;
// We assert that Paging Io writes will never WriteToEof.
ASSERT( WriteToEof ? !PagingIo : TRUE );
// First let's acquire the Fcb shared. Shared is enough if we
// are not writing beyond EOF.
if ( PagingIo ) {
(VOID)ExAcquireResourceSharedLite( FcbOrDcb->Header.PagingIoResource, TRUE );
PagingIoResourceAcquired = TRUE;
if (!Wait) {
IrpContext->FatIoContext->Wait.Async.Resource =
// Check to see if we colided with a MoveFile call, and if
// so block until it completes.
if (FcbOrDcb->MoveFileEvent) {
(VOID)KeWaitForSingleObject( FcbOrDcb->MoveFileEvent,
} else {
// We may already have the Fcb due to noncached coherency
// work done just above; however, we may still have to extend
// valid data length. We can't demote this to shared, matching
// what occured before, until we figure that out a bit later. 
// We kept ahold of it since our lockorder is main->paging,
// and paging must now held across the noncached write from
// the purge on.

// If this is async I/O, we will wait if there is an exclusive
// waiter.
if (!Wait && NonCachedIo) {
if (!FcbOrDcbAcquired &&
!FatAcquireSharedFcbWaitForEx( IrpContext, FcbOrDcb )) {
DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Cannot acquire FcbOrDcb = %08lx shared without waiting\n", FcbOrDcb );
try_return( PostIrp = TRUE );
// Note we will have to release this resource elsewhere. If we came
// out of the noncached coherency path, we will also have to drop
// the paging io resource.
IrpContext->FatIoContext->Wait.Async.Resource = FcbOrDcb->Header.Resource;
if (FcbCanDemoteToShared) {

IrpContext->FatIoContext->Wait.Async.Resource2 = FcbOrDcb->Header.PagingIoResource;
} else {
if (!FcbOrDcbAcquired &&
!FatAcquireSharedFcb( IrpContext, FcbOrDcb )) {
DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Cannot acquire FcbOrDcb = %08lx shared without waiting\n", FcbOrDcb );
try_return( PostIrp = TRUE );
FcbOrDcbAcquired = TRUE;
// Get a first tentative file size and valid data length.
// We must get ValidDataLength first since it is always
// increased second (in case we are unprotected) and
// we don't want to capture ValidDataLength > FileSize.
ValidDataToDisk = FcbOrDcb->ValidDataToDisk;
ValidDataLength = FcbOrDcb->Header.ValidDataLength.LowPart;
FileSize = FcbOrDcb->Header.FileSize.LowPart;
ASSERT( ValidDataLength <= FileSize );
// If are paging io, then we do not want
// to write beyond end of file. If the base is beyond Eof, we will just
// Noop the call. If the transfer starts before Eof, but extends
// beyond, we will truncate the transfer to the last sector
// boundary.
// Just in case this is paging io, limit write to file size.
// Otherwise, in case of write through, since Mm rounds up
// to a page, we might try to acquire the resource exclusive
// when our top level guy only acquired it shared. Thus, =><=.
if ( PagingIo ) {
if (StartingVbo >= FileSize) {
DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "PagingIo started beyond EOF.\n", 0 );
Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
try_return( Status = STATUS_SUCCESS );
if (ByteCount > FileSize - StartingVbo) {
DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "PagingIo extending beyond EOF.\n", 0 );
ByteCount = FileSize - StartingVbo;
// Determine if we were called by the lazywriter.
// (see resrcsup.c)
if (FcbOrDcb->Specific.Fcb.LazyWriteThread == PsGetCurrentThread()) {
CalledByLazyWriter = TRUE;
if (FlagOn( FcbOrDcb->Header.Flags, FSRTL_FLAG_USER_MAPPED_FILE )) {
// Fail if the start of this request is beyond valid data length.
// Don't worry if this is an unsafe test. MM and CC won't
// throw this page away if it is really dirty.
if ((StartingVbo + ByteCount > ValidDataLength) &&
(StartingVbo < FileSize)) {
// It's OK if byte range is within the page containing valid data length,
// since we will use ValidDataToDisk as the start point.
if (StartingVbo + ByteCount > ((ValidDataLength + PAGE_SIZE - 1) & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1))) {
// Don't flush this now.
try_return( Status = STATUS_FILE_LOCK_CONFLICT );
// This code detects if we are a recursive synchronous page write
// on a write through file object.
if (FlagOn(Irp->Flags, IRP_SYNCHRONOUS_PAGING_IO) &&
PIRP TopIrp;
TopIrp = IoGetTopLevelIrp();
// This clause determines if the top level request was
// in the FastIo path. Gack. Since we don't have a
// real sharing protocol for the top level IRP field ...
// yet ... if someone put things other than a pure IRP in
// there we best be careful.
NodeType(TopIrp) == IO_TYPE_IRP) {
IrpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(TopIrp);
// Finally this routine detects if the Top irp was a
// write to this file and thus we are the writethrough.
if ((IrpStack->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_WRITE) &&
(IrpStack->FileObject->FsContext == FileObject->FsContext)) {
RecursiveWriteThrough = TRUE;
// Here is the deal with ValidDataLength and FileSize:
// Rule 1: PagingIo is never allowed to extend file size.
// Rule 2: Only the top level requestor may extend Valid
// Data Length. This may be paging IO, as when a
// a user maps a file, but will never be as a result
// of cache lazy writer writes since they are not the
// top level request.
// Rule 3: If, using Rules 1 and 2, we decide we must extend
// file size or valid data, we take the Fcb exclusive.
// Now see if we are writing beyond valid data length, and thus
// maybe beyond the file size. If so, then we must
// release the Fcb and reacquire it exclusive. Note that it is
// important that when not writing beyond EOF that we check it
// while acquired shared and keep the FCB acquired, in case some
// turkey truncates the file.
// Note that the lazy writer must not be allowed to try and
// acquire the resource exclusive. This is not a problem since
// the lazy writer is paging IO and thus not allowed to extend
// file size, and is never the top level guy, thus not able to
// extend valid data length.
if ( !CalledByLazyWriter &&
!RecursiveWriteThrough &&
(WriteToEof ||
StartingVbo + ByteCount > ValidDataLength)) {
// If this was an asynchronous write, we are going to make
// the request synchronous at this point, but only kinda.
// At the last moment, before sending the write off to the
// driver, we may shift back to async.
// The modified page writer already has the resources
// he requires, so this will complete in small finite
// time.
if (!Wait) {
Wait = TRUE;
SetFlag( IrpContext->Flags, IRP_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT );
if (NonCachedIo) {
ASSERT( TypeOfOpen == UserFileOpen );
SwitchBackToAsync = TRUE;
// We need Exclusive access to the Fcb/Dcb since we will
// probably have to extend valid data and/or file.
// Y'know, the PagingIo case is a mapped page writer, and
// MmFlushSection or the mapped page writer itself already
// snatched up the main exclusive for us via the AcquireForCcFlush
// or AcquireForModWrite logic (the default logic parallels FAT's
// requirements since this order/model came first). Should ASSERT
// this since it'll just go 1->2, and a few more unnecesary DPC
// transitions.
// The preacquire is done to avoid inversion over the collided flush
// meta-resource in Mm. The one time this is not true is at final
// system shutdown time, when Mm goes off and flushes all the dirty
// pages. Since the callback is defined as Wait == FALSE he can't
// guarantee acquisition (though with clean process shutdown being
// enforced, it really should be now). Permit this to float.
// Note that since we're going to fall back on the acquisition aleady
// done for us, don't confuse things by thinking we did the work
// for it.
if ( PagingIo ) {
ExReleaseResourceLite( FcbOrDcb->Header.PagingIoResource );
PagingIoResourceAcquired = FALSE;
} else {
// The Fcb may already be acquired exclusive due to coherency
// work performed earlier. If so, obviously no work to do.

if (!FcbAcquiredExclusive) {

FatReleaseFcb( IrpContext, FcbOrDcb );
FcbOrDcbAcquired = FALSE;
if (!FatAcquireExclusiveFcb( IrpContext, FcbOrDcb )) {
DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Cannot acquire FcbOrDcb = %08lx shared without waiting\n", FcbOrDcb );
try_return( PostIrp = TRUE );

FcbOrDcbAcquired = TRUE;
FcbAcquiredExclusive = TRUE;
// Now that we have the Fcb exclusive, see if this write
// qualifies for being made async again. The key point
// here is that we are going to update ValidDataLength in
// the Fcb before returning. We must make sure this will
// not cause a problem. One thing we must do is keep out
// the FastIo path.
if (SwitchBackToAsync) {
if ((FcbOrDcb->NonPaged->SectionObjectPointers.DataSectionObject != NULL) ||
(StartingVbo + ByteCount > FcbOrDcb->Header.ValidDataLength.LowPart) ||
FatNoAsync) {
RtlZeroMemory( IrpContext->FatIoContext, sizeof(FAT_IO_CONTEXT) );
KeInitializeEvent( &IrpContext->FatIoContext->Wait.SyncEvent,
SwitchBackToAsync = FALSE;
} else {
if (!FcbOrDcb->NonPaged->OutstandingAsyncEvent) {
FcbOrDcb->NonPaged->OutstandingAsyncEvent =
FsRtlAllocatePoolWithTag( NonPagedPool,
KeInitializeEvent( FcbOrDcb->NonPaged->OutstandingAsyncEvent,
// If we are transitioning from 0 to 1, reset the event.
if (ExInterlockedAddUlong( &FcbOrDcb->NonPaged->OutstandingAsyncWrites,
&FatData.GeneralSpinLock ) == 0) {
KeClearEvent( FcbOrDcb->NonPaged->OutstandingAsyncEvent );
UnwindOutstandingAsync = TRUE;
IrpContext->FatIoContext->Wait.Async.NonPagedFcb = FcbOrDcb->NonPaged;
// Now that we have the Fcb exclusive, get a new batch of
// filesize and ValidDataLength.
ValidDataToDisk = FcbOrDcb->ValidDataToDisk;
ValidDataLength = FcbOrDcb->Header.ValidDataLength.LowPart;
FileSize = FcbOrDcb->Header.FileSize.LowPart;
// If this is PagingIo check again if any pruning is
// required. It is important to start from basic
// princples in case the file was *grown* ...
if ( PagingIo ) {
if (StartingVbo >= FileSize) {
Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
try_return( Status = STATUS_SUCCESS );

ByteCount = IrpSp->Parameters.Write.Length;
if (ByteCount > FileSize - StartingVbo) {
ByteCount = FileSize - StartingVbo;
// Remember the final requested byte count
if (NonCachedIo && !Wait) {
IrpContext->FatIoContext->Wait.Async.RequestedByteCount =
// Remember the initial file size and valid data length,
// just in case .....
InitialFileSize = FileSize;
InitialValidDataLength = ValidDataLength;
// Make sure the FcbOrDcb is still good
FatVerifyFcb( IrpContext, FcbOrDcb );
// Check for writing to end of File. If we are, then we have to
// recalculate a number of fields.
if ( WriteToEof ) {
StartingVbo = FileSize;
StartingByte = FcbOrDcb->Header.FileSize;
// Since we couldn't know this information until now, perform the
// necessary bounds checking that we ommited at the top because
// this is a WriteToEof operation.
if (!FatIsIoRangeValid( Vcb, StartingByte, ByteCount )) {
Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
try_return( Status = STATUS_DISK_FULL );
// If this is a non paging write to a data stream object we have to
// check for access according to the current state op/filelocks.
// Note that after this point, operations
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