每次装cadence都会花点时间,这次新加sigrity ASI16.60。整体安装思路不变,这里再重复记录一下,希望朋友们少走弯路。
1. You must install Cadence SPB 16.6 before. Then rename the folder SPB_16.6 in the directory C:\Cadence to SPB_16.6=.
2. Install the program (Cadence ASI 16.6).
3. Copy the pubkey to tools directory.
4. In console window (cmd), change the directory to C:\Cadence\SPB_16.6\tools and run the pubkey
5. Then re-run the pubkey -y
6. Copy the pubkey to C:\Cadence\SPB_16.6\ASI\Base directory.
7. In console window (cmd), change the directory to C:\Cadence\SPB_16.6\ASI\Base and run the pubkey
8. Then re-run the pubkey -y
9. Copy the folder SPB_16.6 into the folder SPB_16.6=
10. Delete the folder SPB_16.6
11. Rename the folder SPB_16.6= to SPB_16.6
5. Go to Crack\LicGen. Change, by any text editor, in the file src.lic, the User-PC name by the real name of your computer. Save the file.
6. Run the script LicGen to generate a license file license.lic.
7. Start the license server configuration program:
Start -> Programs -> Cadence -> License Manager -> License Server Configuration Utility
to specify the license file as generated in the previous step.
Double click Next - you should see a successful diagnostic
startup license server.
由于是Windows7 64bit所以先安装License Manager的时候要用16.5的来安装,直接用16.6我之前没安装成功过,所以现在我装也是先用16.5的来装的,装完License后,再来装cadence16.6,这个过程比较长,冲个凉回来就差不多了。然后不要先急着破解,先来安装最新补丁,今天装的是46号补丁,目前是最新的。这些安装好之后就可以开始和谐了。按装顺序,先把和谐包里的文件依次放入:
2.X:\Cadence\SPB_16.6\tools, 如上,这里执行的是Tools.cmd(需要注意的是,网上很多说如果需要仿真的话要先把该目录下面的D:\Cadence\SPB_16.6\tools\pspice\orSimSetup.dll这个文件剪切出来,待破解完成后再复制回去)。
3.如果不装sigrity ASI16.60的话,直接执行最后的LicGen.cmd这个文件,执行这个文件之前
4.安装sigrity ASI16.60,这个我们先把之前安装后的X:\Cadence下的SPB_16.6备份,然后安装sigrity ASI16.60,具体的和谐步骤就是上面的拼音部分!
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