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分类: Mysql/postgreSQL

2013-09-02 12:07:21


1.redo log

     innodb 作为事务型的存储引擎,为了保证事务的安全性,在数据库恢复过程中丢失尽可能少的事务,innodb采用redo:重做日志来实现事务的重现。

    innodb 中以数据页(data page)为单位存储数据,使用space_id,space_no来标识唯一数据页,数据的读写操作都在内存中进行,之后刷新到磁盘。也就是说

redo log 生成过程
     2.事务的redo 记录生成存放在mtr buffer中,并传递给全局的redo log buffer
     3.全局的redo log buffer 写入redo log文件,并flush到磁盘

     1.redo log中记录的是什么信息?
         redo log 用于数据恢复,因此,它需要包含数据变更之前的状态和发生的变动,以在恢复中重建数据页 
     2.redo log和脏页如何关联,如何保证刷新的顺序?
         redo的持久化发生在数据脏页持久化之前,也就是WAL理论:write-ahead logging (WAL). 

2.redo log file
    默认情况下innodb在数据目录中创建2个redo log 文件 ib_logfile0 and ib_logfile1。配置参数:
     innodb_log_file_size 用于配置文件大小。
     innodb_log_files_in_group 配置文件个数



2.2 日志块

 log sequence number,8字节无符号整形,重做日志中的偏移量标示,用于日志的定位。

LSN Description
log_sys->lsn The redo log record that will be generated next will make use of this lsn
log_sys->flushed_to_disk_lsn The redo log file is flushed upto this LSN. All redo log records whose LSN is < flushed_to_disk_lsn is safely on the disk.
log_sys->write_lsn There is a currently running write operation which will write upto this LSN.
log_sys->current_flush_lsn There is a currently running write + flush operation which will write upto this LSN.

    LSN 指向数据脏页,redo log 记录,redo log文件。当数据页发生变化时,redo log产生,每一条redo log 在被复制到内存日志缓存时分配相应的LSN,。每一个数据页也关联到相应的LSN,页的LSN存放在每页的页头。页的LSN提供了在该页刷新之前需要刷新的重做日志LSN。

Global Log System Object
 /** Redo log buffer */
struct log_t{
        lsn_t          lsn;           /*!< log sequence number */
        ulint          buf_free;      /*!< first free offset within the log
                                        buffer */
        byte*          buf_ptr;       /* unaligned log buffer */
        byte*          buf;           /*!< log buffer */
        ulint          buf_size;      /*!< log buffer size in bytes */
        ulint          max_buf_free;  /*!< recommended maximum value of
                                        buf_free, after which the buffer is
                                        flushed */

        ulint          buf_next_to_write;/*!< first offset in the log buffer
                                        where the byte content may not exist
                                        written to file, e.g., the start
                                        offset of a log record catenated
                                        later; this is advanced when a flush
                                        operation is completed to all the log
                                        groups */
        lsn_t          write_lsn;     /*!< end lsn for the current running
                                        write */
        ulint          write_end_offset;/*!< the data in buffer has
                                        been written up to this offset
                                        when the current write ends:
                                        this field will then be copied
                                        to buf_next_to_write */
        lsn_t          current_flush_lsn;/*!< end lsn for the current running
                                        write + flush operation */
        lsn_t          flushed_to_disk_lsn;
                                        /*!< how far we have written the log
                                        AND flushed to disk */

log_sys->buf  指向log buffer内存地址,存储 mtr_commit()产生的redo log记录
log_sys->buf_size 指定log buffer的大小
log_sys->buf_free  当前buffer中记录的偏移量,下次写入的开始位置。刷新到磁盘的结束位置。也就是有效数据位置。
log_sys->buf_next_to_write   redo log 刷新到磁盘日志文件的偏移量

log_sys->flushed_to_disk_lsn  已经刷新到磁盘的便宜量。小于或等于log_sys->write_lsn and log_sys->lsn

log_sys->lsn  当前的lsn值,mtr_commit()后更新。

log_sys->write_lsn  当前写入buffer的lsn 值

log_sys->current_flush_lsn  当前刷新磁盘文件的lsn

Global In-memory Redo Log Buffer
 innodb_log_buffer_size  默认8MB 

    当一个事务产生了数据更新,相应的redo log将产生在log buffer中,事务提交或者buffer满时,这些buffer将会写入到磁盘日志文件中。
当redo log buffer 满时, mtr_commit()产生的日志记录没有足够的空间来存放。就会调用log_buffer_flush_to_disk() 方法将buffer中的内容刷新到磁盘日志文件,函数将log_sys->buf_next_to_write to log_sys->buf_free的内容刷新到日志文件。在lsn关系上,log_sys->flushed_to_disk_lsn to log_sys->lsn。也是lsn在整个事务持久化过程扮演标尺作用,有利于数据恢复时准确地定位恢复日志点。

The mini transaction (mtr)
用于产生redo log 记录,mtr产生日志后先存入mtr buffer
        2.调用方法 mtr_start(),初始化最小事务的缓存
        3.调用mlog_write_ulint()  生成redo log 记录
        4.调用 mtr_commit() 从最小事务缓存提交事务redolog到全局redolog缓存中,脏页列表也加入到缓存池的刷新列表中。 

mtr_t::log 存放redo log 记录, mtr_t::memo 存放最小事务产生的脏页列表。
/* Mini-transaction handle and buffer */
struct mtr_t{
        dyn_array_t    memo;  /*!< memo stack for locks etc. */
        dyn_array_t    log;   /*!< mini-transaction log */
        unsigned      inside_ibuf:1;
                                /*!< TRUE if inside ibuf changes */
        unsigned      modifications:1;
                                /*!< TRUE if the mini-transaction
                                modified buffer pool pages */
        unsigned      made_dirty:1;
                                /*!< TRUE if mtr has made at least
                                one buffer pool page dirty */
        ulint          n_log_recs;
                                /* count of how many page initial log records
                                have been written to the mtr log */
        ulint          n_freed_pages;
                                /* number of pages that have been freed in
                                this mini-transaction */
        ulint          log_mode; /* specifies which operations should be
                                logged; default value MTR_LOG_ALL */
        lsn_t          start_lsn;/* start lsn of the possible log entry for
                                this mtr */
        lsn_t          end_lsn;/* end lsn of the possible log entry for
                                this mtr */ 

Redo Log Record Types
     physical redo logs  物理重做日志,将记录数据变动,日志文件和数据文件同样大小
     logical redo logs   逻辑重做日志,记录重组数据页的必要信息,日志内容小

Life cycle of a redo log record   重做日志的生命周期


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