Windows Azure Powershell remove virtual machines and VHD
The scripts can remove virtual machines and cloud server and VHD, but can't remove storage account
echo "Starting remove all vms of service $serviceName"
echo "Get all DiskNames of all VMs of service $serviceName."
$azureDiskNames= Get-AzureDisk| where{$_.AttachedTo -ne $null -and $_.AttachedTo.HostedServicename.StartsWith($serviceName)} | select DiskName
if($azureDiskNames -eq $null -or $azureDiskNames.Count -eq 0){
echo "No VMs wanted to Remove."
echo "`r`nStarting remove all VMs of service $serviceName..."
Get-AzureVM | where{$_.ServiceName.StartsWith($serviceName)} | Remove-AzureVM -Verbose
#It spends time to remove VM on backend.
echo "Waiting Removing VM on backend..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 120 $azureDiskNames.Count
echo "`r`nStarting remove all related disks..."
foreach($diskName in $azureDiskNames){
Get-AzureDisk | where {$_.DiskName -eq $diskName.DiskName } | Remove-AzureDisk -DeleteVHD -Verbose
echo "`r`nStarting remove all services"
Get-AzureService | where{$_.ServiceName.StartsWith($serviceName)} | Remove-AzureService -Force -Verbose
echo "`r`Starting remove all StorageAccountName"
Get-AzureStorageAccount |select StorageAccountName | Remove-AzureStorageAccount -Verbose
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