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分类: Oracle

2010-10-21 08:52:25

Oracle Clusterware and 
Oracle Real Application Clusters Pre-Installation Procedures

Chapter 2,"Pre-Installation Tasks"
Chapter 3,"Configuring Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Database Storage"

Pre-Installation Tasks

Prerequisites for using Cluster Verfication Utility:
You must have JDK 1.4.2 installed on your system before you can run CVU.
To determine if you have an installed JDK 1.4.2 home:
$ find . -name "j2" -print | more
CVU Commands:
/dev/dvdrom/clusterware/cluvfy/ comp nodereach -n node1,node2 - verbose
Using CVU to Determine if Installation Prerequisites are Complete:

/mountpoint/clusterware/cluvfy/ stage -pre crsinst -n node_list
/dev/dvdrom/clusterware/cluvfy/ stage -pre crsinst -n node1,node2,node3
CVU help:
cluvfy -help
cluvfy comp -list
cluvfy comp -help
cluvfy stage -list
cluvfy stage -help
Using CVU with Oracle 10g Release 1:

/dev/devrom/clusterware/cluvfy/ stage -pre crsinst -n node1,node2,node3 -r 10gR1
By default,members of the OSDBA group also have the SYSOPER privilege.
user: nobody 
test the nobody user by "id nobody"
the nobody user must own the external jobs(extjob) executable after the installation.
oinstall group:
This group owns the Oracle Invertory,which is a catalog of all Oracle software installed on the system.
user oracle:
This user owns all of the software installed during the installation.
This user must have the Oracle Invertory group as its primary group.
It must also have the OSDBA and OSOPER group as secondary groups.
Determing if the Oracle Inventory Exists:
When you install Oracle software on the system for the first time,Oracle Universal Installer creates
the oraInst.loc file.
This file identifies the name of the Oralce Inventory group (typically,oinstall),and the path of the 
Inventory directory.
#more /etc/oraInst.loc
linux 中是怎么把组和oracle  中的权限,角色绑定在一起的?  
Configuring SSH on AllCluster Nodes:
By default ,the rsh,rcp are disabled.
$pgrep sshd
Configuring SSH on Cluster Member Nodes:
To configure SSH,you must first create RSA and DSA keys on each cluster node,and then copy 
the keys from all cluster node members into an authorized keys file on each node.
To do this task,complete the following steps:
1,Create RSA and DSA keys on each node
login as oracle 
$ mkdir ~/.ssh
$ chmod 700 ~/.ssh
$ /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t rsa     
$ /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t dsa
2,Add keys to an authorized key file
step1:determine if you have an authorized key file
$ ssh node1 cat /home/oracle/.ssh/ >> authorized_keys
oracle@node1's password:
$ ssh node1 cat /home/oracle/.ssh/ >> authorized_keys
$ ssh node2 cat /home/oracle/.ssh/ >> authorized_keys
oracle@node2's password:
$ ssh node2 cat /home/oracle/.ssh/ >> authorized_keys
oracle@node2's password:
*****Note:Repeat this process for each node in the cluster.*****
To copy the authorized_keys file to the Oracle user .ssh directory on a remote node.
$ scp authorized_keys node2:/home/oracle/.ssh/
repeat step2 and 3 for each cluster node member.
$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Enabling SSH User Equivalency on Cluster Member Nodes

To enable Oracle Universal Installer to use the ssh and scp commands without being prompted for a pass
phrase,follow these steps:
1,On the system where you want to run Oracle Universal Installer,login as the oracle user.
2,Enter the following commands:
$ exec /usr/bin/ssh-agent $SHELL
$ /usr/bin/ssh-add
3,At the prompts,enter the pass phrase for each key that you generated.
4,Bourne,Korn,and Bash shells
$ export DISPLAY=hostname:0
C shell:
$ setenv DISPLAY 0
5,$ ssh nodename1 date
$ ssh nodename2 date
During an Oracle Clusterware installation,Oracle Universal Installer uses SSH
(if available) to run commands and copy files to the other nodes.
Preventing Oracle Clusterware Installation Errors Caused by stty Commands:

Bourne,Bash,or Korn shell:
if [ -t 0 ];then
stty intr ^C
C shell:
test -t 0
if ($status == 0) then
stty intr ^C
User Environment:
Borune shell(sh),Bash shell(bash) or Korn shell(ksh):
% vi .bash_profile
C shell(csh or tcsh)
% vi .login
C shell :
% source ./.login
Bash shell on Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
$ ../.bash_profile
Bourne,Bash,or Korn shell:
$ ../.profile

Hardware requirement:
physical RAM
#grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
SWAP space
#grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo
/tmp directory
# df -k /tmp
# df -k
# grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo
Network Hardware Requirements:

If a node fails ,then its VIP address fails over to another node.?  这里怎么实现的?
Node time requirements:
To prevent network hangs with failovers from public to virtual IP address with
RAC database using NAS devices or NFS mounts,enter the following command as root
to enable the Name Service Cache Daemon(nscd):
# /sbin/service nscd start
Software Requirements:

1,To determine which distribution and version of Linux is installed
# cat /proc/version
# uname -r 
rpm -q package_name
rpm -qa|grep ocfs
Configuring Kernel Parameters:

/sbin/sysctl -p 
make the following changes to the default shell startup file:
Bourne,Bash,or Korn shell   /etc/profile  or the file on  SUSE system /etc/profile.local
if [ $ USER ="oracle" ];then
if [ $SHELL = "/bin/ksh" ];then
ulimit -p 16384
ulimit -n 65536
ulimit -u 16384 -n 65536
For C shell (csh or tcsh)
if ($USER == "oracle" ) then
limit maxproc 16384
limit descreptors 65536
Identifying Required Software Directories:

1,Oracle Base Directory 
The Oracle base directory acts as a top_level directory for Oracle software installations.
On linux system ,the OFA guidelines recommend that you use a path similar:
mount_point is the mount point directory for the file system that will contain 
the Oracle software.
eg:/u01,/oracle or /opt/oracle
oracle_sw_owner is the operating system user name of the Oracle software owner,
2,Oracle Inventory Directory
The Oracle Inventory directory (oraInventory) stores an inventory of all
software installed on the system.
It is required by,and shared by,all Oracle software installations on a 
single system.
3,Oracle Clusterware Home Directory:
The Oracle Clusterware home directory is the directory where you choose to install the software
for Oracle Clusterware.You must install Oracle Clusterware in a separate home directory.
4,Oracle Home Directory
The Oracle home directory is the directory where you choose to install the software for
a particular Oracle product.
The directory that you specify must be a subdirectory of the Oracle base directory.
Inventory directory
# more /etc/oraInst.loc

home directory
# more /etc/oratab

Do not create the Oracle base directory on an OCFS version 1 file system.
The path to the Oracle base directory must be  the same on all nodes.
Do not create the Oracle Clusterware home directory on an OCFS system.
The path to the Oracle Clusterware home directory must be  the same on all nodes.
$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl status listenername
$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl stop listenername
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