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2013-07-05 09:53:15

Drawing With A Color

After we have allocated the desired colors, we can use them when drawing text or graphics. To do that, we need to set these colors as the foreground and background colors of some GC (Graphics Context), and then use this GC to make the drawing. This is done using the XSetForeground() and XSetBackground() functions, as follows:

/* use the previously defined colors as the foreground and background */
/* colors for drawing using the given GC. assume my_gc is a handle to */
/* a previously allocated GC. */
XSetForeground(display, my_gc, screen_color_1.pixel);
XSetForeground(display, my_gc, screen_color_2.pixel);

As you see, this is rather simple. The actual drawing is done using the same functions we have seen earlier. Note that in order to draw using many different colors, we can do one of two things. We can either change the foreground and/or background colors of the GC before any drawing function, or we can use several different GCs to draw in different colors. The decision as of which option to use is yours. Note that allocating many GCs will use more resources of the X server, but this will sometime lead to more compact code, and will might it easier to replace the drawn colors.

As an example to drawing using colors, look at the color-drawing.c program. This is a copy of the simple-drawing.c program, except that here we also allocate colors and use them to paint the rainbow...

X Bitmaps And Pixmaps
X Bitmap 和 Pixmap

One thing many so-called "Multi-Media" applications need to do, is display images. In the X world, this is done using bitmaps and pixmaps. We have already seen some usage of them when setting an icon for our application. Lets study them further, and see how to draw these images inside a window, along side the simple graphics and text we have seen so far.

One thing to note before delving further, is that Xlib supplies no means of manipulating popular image formats, such as gif, jpeg or tiff. It is left up to the programmer (or to higher level graphics libraries) to translate these image formats into formats that the X server is familiar with - x bitmaps, and x pixmaps.
在进行更深的钻研之前要注意一件事情是Xlib没有提供一种操作流行图像格式的办法,如gif,jpeg或者tiff。这些是留给程序员(或者是更高层的图形库)来翻译这些图像格式为X服务器熟悉的格式 - x bitmap与x pixmap。

What Is An X Bitmap? An X Pixmap?
什么是X Bitmap?X Pixmap?

An X bitmap is a two-color image stored in a format specific to the X window system. When stored in a file, the bitmap data looks like a C source file. It contains variables defining the width and height of the bitmap, an array containing the bit values of the bitmap (the size of the array = width * height), and an optional hot-spot location (will be explained later, when discussing mouse cursors).
X bitmap是以X window系统规定的格式存储的双色图像。当存为文件时,bitmap数据看上去和C源代码一样。它包含定义bitmap宽和高的变量,一个包含bitmap的各个位的值的数组(数组的尺寸=width*height),以及可选的热区位置(将在后面讨论鼠标光标时解释)。

A X pixmap is a format used to store images in the memory of an X server. This format can store both black and white images (such as x bitmaps) as well as color images. It is the only image format supported by the X protocol, and any image to be drawn on screen, should be first translated into this format.
X pixmap时用来在X服务器内存中储存图像的格式。该格式既能够储存黑白图像(和X bitmap一样)也可以时彩色图像。这个时X协议唯一支持的图像格式,而且显示于屏幕上的图像首先也要翻译为这种格式。

In actuality, an X pixmap can be thought of as a window that does not appear on the screen. Many graphics operations that work on windows, will also work on pixmaps - just supply the pixmap ID instead of a window ID. In fact, if you check the manual pages, you will see that all these functions accept a 'Drawable', not a 'Window'. since both windows and pixmaps are drawables, they both can be used to "draw on" using functions such as XDrawArc(), XDrawText(), etc.
实际上,X pixmap能够认为是一个不显示在屏幕上的窗口。许多工作于窗口之上的图形操作,也能够工作于pixmap之上 - 仅仅以pixmap ID替代window ID来提供。事实上,如果你查阅手册,你能看到所有这些函数结构一个“可画”对象,不是一个“窗口”。窗口和pixmap都是可画的,因为他们都能用像XDrawArc()函数来“在其上做画”。

Loading A Bitmap From A File

We have already seen how to load a bitmap from a file to memory, when we demonstrated setting an icon for an application. The method we showed earlier required the inclusion of the bitmap file in our program, using the C pre-processor '#include' directive. We will see here how we can access the file directly.

/* this variable will contain the ID of the newly created pixmap. */
Pixmap bitmap;

/* these variables will contain the dimensions of the loaded bitmap. */
unsigned int bitmap_width, bitmap_height;

/* these variables will contain the location of the hot-spot of the */
/* loaded bitmap. */
int hotspot_x, hotspot_y;

/* this variable will contain the ID of the root window of the screen */
/* for which we want the pixmap to be created. */
Window root_win = DefaultRootWindow(display);

/* load the bitmap found in the file "icon.bmp", create a pixmap */
/* containing its data in the server, and put its ID in the 'bitmap' */
/* variable. */
int rc = XReadBitmapFile(display, root_win,
&bitmap_width, &bitmap_height,
&hotspot_x, &hotspot_y);
/* check for failure or success. */
switch (rc) {
case BitmapOpenFailed:
fprintf(stderr, "XReadBitmapFile - could not open file 'icon.bmp'.\n");
case BitmapFileInvalid:
"XReadBitmapFile - file '%s' doesn't contain a valid bitmap.\n",
case BitmapNoMemory:
fprintf(stderr, "XReadBitmapFile - not enough memory.\n");
case BitmapSuccess:
/* bitmap loaded successfully - do something with it... */

Note that the 'root_win' parameter has nothing to do with the given bitmap - the bitmap is not associated with this window. This window handle is used just to specify the screen that we want the pixmap to be created for. This is important, as the pixmap must support the same number of colors as the screen does, in order to make it useful.
注意'root_win'参数对于给定bitmap没有影响 - bitmap没有关联到这个窗口。这个窗口句柄仅仅用于指定我们想要bitmap创建到的窗口。这很重要,因为pixmap为了使得它有用,必须支持屏幕一样多的色彩数。

Drawing A Bitmap In A Window

Once we got a handle to the pixmap generated from a bitmap, we can draw it on some window, using the XCopyPlane() function. This function allows us to specify what drawable (a window, or even another pixmap) to draw the given pixmap onto, and at what location in that drawable.

/* draw the previously loaded bitmap on the given window, at location */
/* 'x=100, y=50' in that window. we want to copy the whole bitmap, so */
/* we specify location 'x=0, y=0' of the bitmap to start the copy from, */
/* and the full size of the bitmap, to specify how much of it to copy. */
XCopyPlane(display, bitmap, win, gc,
0, 0,
bitmap_width, bitmap_height,
100, 50,

As you can see, we could also copy a given rectangle of the pixmap, instead of the whole pixmap. Also note the last parameter to the XCopyPlane function (the '1' at the end). This parameter specifies which plane of the source image we want to copy to the target window. For bitmaps, we always copy plane number 1. This will become clearer when we discuss color depths below.
如你所能看到的,我们还能拷贝pixmap个给定矩形内的内容,而不是整个pixmap。还要注意传递给XCopyPlane函数额最后一个参数(最后的'1')。该参数指定了我们想要拷贝到目标窗口的源图像是什么plane的。对于bitmap,我们总是拷贝第一号plane。这在我们下面 讨论色深的时候会变得明白一点。

Creating A Pixmap

Sometimes we want to create an un-initialized pixmap, so we can later draw into it. This is useful for image drawing programs (creating a new empty canvas will cause the creation of a new pixmap on which the drawing can be stored). It is also useful when reading various image formats - we load the image data into memory, cerate a pixmap on the server, and then draw the decoded image data onto that pixmap.
有时我们想要创建一个未初始化的pixmap,然后我们能在它上面画图。这对于作图程序来说有用(创建一个新的空画布将导致一个新的将要在其上储存绘画内容的pixmap的创建)。在读取各种图像格式的时候也有用处 - 我们把图像数据载入到内存中,在服务器上创建pixmap,然后把图像数据解码之后画到pixmap上。

/* this variable will store the handle of the newly created pixmap. */
Pixmap pixmap;

/* this variable will contain the ID of the root window of the screen */
/* for which we want the pixmap to be created. */
Window root_win = DefaultRootWindow(display);

/* this variable will contain the color depth of the pixmap to create. */
/* this 'depth' specifies the number of bits used to represent a color */
/* index in the color map. the number of colors is 2 to the power of */
/* this depth. */
int depth = DefaultDepth(display, DefaultScreen(display));

/* create a new pixmap, with a width of 30 pixels, and height of 40 pixels. */
pixmap = XCreatePixmap(display, root_win, 30, 40, depth);

/* just for fun, draw a pixel in the middle of this pixmap. */
XDrawPoint(display, pixmap, gc, 15, 20);

Drawing A Pixmap In A Window

Once we got a handle to pixmap, we can draw it on some window, using the XCopyArea() function. This function allows us to specify what drawable (a window, or even another pixmap) to draw the given pixmap onto, and at what location in that drawable.

/* draw the previously loaded bitmap on the given window, at location */
/* 'x=100, y=50' in that window. we want to copy the whole bitmap, so */
/* we specify location 'x=0, y=0' of the bitmap to start the copy from, */
/* and the full size of the bitmap, to specify how much of it to copy. */
XCopyArea(display, bitmap, win, gc,
0, 0,
bitmap_width, bitmap_height,
100, 50);

As you can see, we could also copy a given rectangle of the pixmap, instead of the whole pixmap.

One important note should be made - it is possible to create pixmaps of different depths on the same screen. When we perform copy operations (a pixmap onto a window, etc), we should make sure that both source and target have the same depth. If they have a different depth, the operation would fail. The exception to this is if we copy a specific bit plane of the source pixmap, using the XCopyPlane() function shown earlier. In such an event, we can copy a specific plain to the target window - in actuality, setting a specific bit in the color of each pixel copied. This can be used to generate strange graphic effects in window, but is beyond the scope of out tutorial.
一点重要的值得注意的是 - 能够在同一窗口上创建不同色深的pixmap。当我们执行拷贝操作的时候(把pixmap拷贝到窗口,等),我们应当确保源和目标有相同的色深。如果他们色深不同,操作将失败。例外是如果我们使用前面展示的XCopyPlane()函数,拷贝源pixmap的指定bit plane。在这种情况下,我们能拷贝指定plain到目标窗口上 - 实际上,设置一个指定位位每个拷贝象素的颜色。这能用于在窗口中产生奇异的图形效果,但是超过了我们教程的范围。

Freeing A Pixmap

Finally, when we are done using a given pixmap, we should free it, in order to free resources of the X server. This is done using the XFreePixmap() function:

/* free the pixmap with the given ID. */
XFreePixmap(display, pixmap);

After freeing a pixmap - we must not try accessing it again.
在释放pixmap之后 - 我们不能再次访问了。

To summarize this section, take a look at the draw-pixmap.c program, to see a pixmap being created using a bitmap file, and then tiled up on a window on your screen.

Messing With The Mouse Cursor

Often we see programs that modify the shape of the mouse pointer (also called the X pointer) when in certain states. For example, a busy application would often display a sand clock over its main window, to give the user a visual hint that they should wait. Without such a visual hint, the user might think that the application got stuck. Lets see how we can change the mouse cursor for our windows.

Creating And Destroying A Mouse Cursor

There are two methods for creating cursors. One of them is by using a set of pre-defined cursors, that are supplied by Xlib. The other is by using user-supplied bitmaps.

In the first method, we use a special font named "cursor", and the function XCreateFontCursor(). This function accepts a shape identifier, and returns a handle to the generated cursor. The list of allowed font identifiers is found in the include file . Here are a few such cursors:

The normal pointing-arrow cursor displayed by the server.
A cursor shaped as a pencil.
A sand watch.
And creating a cursor using these symbols is very easy:

#include /* defines XC_watch, etc. */

/* this variable will hold the handle of the newly created cursor. */
Cursor watch_cursor;

/* create a sand watch cursor. */
watch_cursor = XCreateFontCursor(display, XC_watch);

The other methods of creating a cursor is by using a pair of pixmaps with depth of one (that is, two color pixmaps). One pixmap defines the shape of the cursor, while the other works as a mask, specifying which pixels of the cursor will be actually drawn. The rest of the pixels will be transparent. Creating such a cursor is done using the XCreatePixmapCursor() function. As an example, we will create a cursor using the "icon.bmp" bitmap. We will assume that it was already loaded into memory, and turned into a pixmap, and its handle is stored in the 'bitmap' variable. We will want it to be fully transparent. That is, only the parts of it that are black will be drawn, while the white parts will be transparent. To achieve this effect, we will use the icon both as the cursor pixmap and as the mask pixmap. Try to figure out why...

/* this variable will hold the handle of the newly created cursor. */
Cursor icon_cursor;

/* first, we need to define foreground and background colors for the cursor. */
XColor cursor_fg, cursor_bg;

/* access the default color map of our screen. */
Colormap screen_colormap = DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display));

/* allocate black and while colors. */
Status rc = XAllocNamedColor(display,
if (rc == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "XAllocNamedColor - cannot allocate 'black' ??!!??\n");
Status rc = XAllocNamedColor(display,
if (rc == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "XAllocNamedColor - cannot allocate 'white' ??!!??\n");

/* finally, generate the cursor. make the 'hot spot' be close to the */
/* top-left corner of the cursor - location (x=5, y=4). */
icon_cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(display, bitmap, bitmap,
&cursor_fg, &cursor_bg,
5, 4);

One thing to be explained is the 'hot spot' parameters. When we define a cursor, we need to define which pixel of the cursor is the pointer delivered to the user in the various mouse events. Usually, we will choose a location of the cursor that visually looks like a hot spot. For example, in an arrow cursor, the tip of the arrow will be defined as the hot spot.

Finally, when we are done with a cursor and no longer need it, we can release it using the XFreeCursor() function:

XFreeCursor(display, icon_cursor);

Setting A Window's Mouse Cursor

After we have created a cursor, we can tell the X server to attach this cursor to any of our windows. This is done using the XDefineCursor(), and causes the X server to change the mouse pointer to the shape of that cursor, each time the mouse pointer moves into and across that window. We can later detach this cursor from our window using the XUndefineCursor() function. This will cause the default cursor to be shown when the mouse enter that windows.

/* attach the icon cursor to our window. */
XDefineCursor(display, win, icon_cursor);

/* detach the icon cursor from our window. */
XUndefineCursor(display, win);

As an example, look at our cursor.c program, and see how mouse cursors are set, changed and removed. Run the program, place the mouse pointer over the created window, and watch.

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