Location of Manual Pages
The online Reference Manual page directories are convention-
ally located in /usr/share/man. The nroff sources are
located in the /usr/share/man/man* directories. The SGML
sources are located in the /usr/share/man/sman* directories.
Each directory corresponds to a section of the manual. Since
these directories are optionally installed, they might not
reside on your host. You might have to mount /usr/share/man
from a host on which they do reside.
If there are preformatted, up-to-date versions in the
corresponding cat* or fmt* directories, man simply displays
or prints those versions. If the preformatted version of
interest is out of date or missing, man reformats it prior
to display and stores the preformatted version if cat* or
fmt* is writable. The windex database is not updated. See
catman(1M). If directories for the preformatted versions are
not provided, man reformats a page whenever it is
requested. man uses a temporary file to store the formatted
text during display.
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