#include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/errno.h> #include <linux/fs.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/slab.h> #include <linux/mm.h> #include <linux/ioport.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/sched.h> #include <linux/clk.h> #include <linux/random.h> #include <linux/version.h> #include <linux/videodev2.h> #include <linux/dma-mapping.h> #ifdef CONFIG_VIDEO_V4L1_COMPAT #include <linux/videodev.h> #endif #include <linux/interrupt.h> #include <media/v4l2-common.h> #include <linux/highmem.h> #include <linux/miscdevice.h> #include <linux/gpio.h>
#include <asm/io.h> #include <asm/memory.h> #include <mach/regs-gpio.h> #include <mach/regs-gpioj.h> #include <mach/regs-clock.h> #include <mach/map.h>
#include "s3c2440_camif.h"
/* debug print macro. */
/* hardware & driver name, version etc. */ #define CARD_NAME "camera"
static unsigned has_ov9650; unsigned long camif_base_addr;
/* camera device(s) */ static struct s3c2440camif_dev camera;
/* image buffer for previewing. */ struct s3c2440camif_buffer img_buff[] = { { .state = CAMIF_BUFF_INVALID, .img_size = 0, .order = 0, .virt_base = (unsigned long)NULL, .phy_base = (unsigned long)NULL }, { .state = CAMIF_BUFF_INVALID, .img_size = 0, .order = 0, .virt_base = (unsigned long)NULL, .phy_base = (unsigned long)NULL }, { .state = CAMIF_BUFF_INVALID, .img_size = 0, .order = 0, .virt_base = (unsigned long)NULL, .phy_base = (unsigned long)NULL }, { .state = CAMIF_BUFF_INVALID, .img_size = 0, .order = 0, .virt_base = (unsigned long)NULL, .phy_base = (unsigned long)NULL } };
/* software reset camera interface. */ static void __inline__ soft_reset_camif(void) { u32 cigctrl;
cigctrl = (1<<31)|(1<<29); iowrite32(cigctrl, S3C244X_CIGCTRL); mdelay(10);
cigctrl = (1<<29); iowrite32(cigctrl, S3C244X_CIGCTRL); mdelay(10); }
/* software reset camera interface. */ static void __inline__ hw_reset_camif(void) { u32 cigctrl;
cigctrl = (1<<30)|(1<<29); iowrite32(cigctrl, S3C244X_CIGCTRL); mdelay(10);
cigctrl = (1<<29); iowrite32(cigctrl, S3C244X_CIGCTRL); mdelay(10);
/* switch camif from codec path to preview path. */ static void __inline__ camif_c2p(struct s3c2440camif_dev * pdev) { /* 1. stop codec. */ { u32 cicoscctrl; cicoscctrl = ioread32(S3C244X_CICOSCCTRL); cicoscctrl &= ~(1<<15); // stop preview scaler.
iowrite32(cicoscctrl, S3C244X_CICOSCCTRL); }
/* 2. soft-reset camif. */ soft_reset_camif();
/* 3. clear all overflow. */ { u32 ciwdofst; ciwdofst = ioread32(S3C244X_CIWDOFST); ciwdofst |= (1<<30)|(1<<15)|(1<<14)|(1<<13)|(1<<12); iowrite32(ciwdofst, S3C244X_CIWDOFST);
ciwdofst &= ~((1<<30)|(1<<15)|(1<<14)|(1<<13)|(1<<12)); iowrite32(ciwdofst, S3C244X_CIWDOFST); } }
/* calculate main burst size and remained burst size. */ static void __inline__ calc_burst_size(u32 pixperword,u32 hSize, u32 *mainBurstSize, u32 *remainedBurstSize) { u32 tmp;
tmp = (hSize/pixperword)%16;
switch(tmp) { case 0: *mainBurstSize = 16; *remainedBurstSize = 16; break; case 4: *mainBurstSize = 16; *remainedBurstSize = 4; break; case 8: *mainBurstSize=16; *remainedBurstSize = 8; break; default: tmp=(hSize/pixperword)%8; switch(tmp) { case 0: *mainBurstSize = 8; *remainedBurstSize = 8; break; case 4: *mainBurstSize = 8; *remainedBurstSize = 4; default: *mainBurstSize = 4; tmp = (hSize/pixperword)%4; *remainedBurstSize = (tmp)?tmp:4; break; } break; } }
/* calculate prescaler ratio and shift. */ static void __inline__ calc_prescaler_ratio_shift(u32 SrcSize, u32 DstSize, u32 *ratio, u32 *shift) { if(SrcSize>=32*DstSize) { *ratio=32; *shift=5; } else if(SrcSize>=16*DstSize) { *ratio=16; *shift=4; } else if(SrcSize>=8*DstSize) { *ratio=8; *shift=3; } else if(SrcSize>=4*DstSize) { *ratio=4; *shift=2; } else if(SrcSize>=2*DstSize) { *ratio=2; *shift=1; } else { *ratio=1; *shift=0; } }
/* update CISRCFMT only. */ static void __inline__ update_source_fmt_regs(struct s3c2440camif_dev * pdev) { u32 cisrcfmt;
cisrcfmt = (1<<31) // ITU-R BT.601 YCbCr 8-bit mode
|(0<<30) // CB,Cr value offset cntrol for YCbCr
|(pdev->srcHsize<<16) // source image width
// |(0<<14) // input order is YCbYCr
// |(1<<14) // input order is YCrYCb
|(2<<14) // input order is CbYCrY
// |(3<<14) // input order is CrYCbY
|(pdev->srcVsize<<0); // source image height
iowrite32(cisrcfmt, S3C244X_CISRCFMT); }
/* update registers: * PREVIEW path: * CIPRCLRSA1 ~ CIPRCLRSA4 * CIPRTRGFMT * CIPRCTRL * CIPRSCCTRL * CIPRTAREA * CODEC path: * CICOYSA1 ~ CICOYSA4 * CICOCBSA1 ~ CICOCBSA4 * CICOCRSA1 ~ CICOCRSA4 * CICOTRGFMT * CICOCTRL * CICOTAREA */ static void __inline__ update_target_fmt_regs(struct s3c2440camif_dev * pdev) { u32 ciprtrgfmt; u32 ciprctrl; u32 ciprscctrl;
u32 mainBurstSize, remainedBurstSize;
/* CIPRCLRSA1 ~ CIPRCLRSA4. */ iowrite32(img_buff[0].phy_base, S3C244X_CIPRCLRSA1); iowrite32(img_buff[1].phy_base, S3C244X_CIPRCLRSA2); iowrite32(img_buff[2].phy_base, S3C244X_CIPRCLRSA3); iowrite32(img_buff[3].phy_base, S3C244X_CIPRCLRSA4);
/* CIPRTRGFMT. */ ciprtrgfmt = (pdev->preTargetHsize<<16) // horizontal pixel number of target image
|(0<<14) // don't mirror or rotation.
|(pdev->preTargetVsize<<0); // vertical pixel number of target image
iowrite32(ciprtrgfmt, S3C244X_CIPRTRGFMT);
/* CIPRCTRL. */ calc_burst_size(2, pdev->preTargetHsize, &mainBurstSize, &remainedBurstSize); ciprctrl = (mainBurstSize<<19)|(remainedBurstSize<<14); iowrite32(ciprctrl, S3C244X_CIPRCTRL);
/* CIPRSCCTRL. */ ciprscctrl = ioread32(S3C244X_CIPRSCCTRL); ciprscctrl &= 1<<15; // clear all other info except 'preview scaler start'.
ciprscctrl |= 0<<30; // 16-bits RGB
iowrite32(ciprscctrl, S3C244X_CIPRSCCTRL); // 16-bit RGB
/* CIPRTAREA. */ iowrite32(pdev->preTargetHsize * pdev->preTargetVsize, S3C244X_CIPRTAREA); }
/* update CIWDOFST only. */ static void __inline__ update_target_wnd_regs(struct s3c2440camif_dev * pdev) { u32 ciwdofst; u32 winHorOfst, winVerOfst;
winHorOfst = (pdev->srcHsize - pdev->wndHsize)>>1; winVerOfst = (pdev->srcVsize - pdev->wndVsize)>>1;
winHorOfst &= 0xFFFFFFF8; winVerOfst &= 0xFFFFFFF8; if ((winHorOfst == 0)&&(winVerOfst == 0)) { ciwdofst = 0; // disable windows offset.
} else { ciwdofst = (1<<31) // window offset enable
|(1<<30) // clear the overflow ind flag of input CODEC FIFO Y
|(winHorOfst<<16) // windows horizontal offset
|(1<<15) // clear the overflow ind flag of input CODEC FIFO Cb
|(1<<14) // clear the overflow ind flag of input CODEC FIFO Cr
|(1<<13) // clear the overflow ind flag of input PREVIEW FIFO Cb
|(1<<12) // clear the overflow ind flag of input PREVIEW FIFO Cr
|(winVerOfst<<0); // window vertical offset
iowrite32(ciwdofst, S3C244X_CIWDOFST); }
/* update registers: * PREVIEW path: * CIPRSCPRERATIO * CIPRSCPREDST * CIPRSCCTRL * CODEC path: * CICOSCPRERATIO * CICOSCPREDST * CICOSCCTRL */ static void __inline__ update_target_zoom_regs(struct s3c2440camif_dev * pdev) { u32 preHratio, preVratio; u32 Hshift, Vshift; u32 shfactor; u32 preDstWidth, preDstHeight; u32 Hscale, Vscale; u32 mainHratio, mainVratio;
u32 ciprscpreratio; u32 ciprscpredst; u32 ciprscctrl;
/* CIPRSCPRERATIO. */ calc_prescaler_ratio_shift(pdev->wndHsize, pdev->preTargetHsize, &preHratio, &Hshift); calc_prescaler_ratio_shift(pdev->wndVsize, pdev->preTargetVsize, &preVratio, &Vshift);
shfactor = 10 - (Hshift + Vshift);
ciprscpreratio = (shfactor<<28) // shift factor for preview pre-scaler
|(preHratio<<16) // horizontal ratio of preview pre-scaler
|(preVratio<<0); // vertical ratio of preview pre-scaler
iowrite32(ciprscpreratio, S3C244X_CIPRSCPRERATIO);
/* CIPRSCPREDST. */ preDstWidth = pdev->wndHsize / preHratio; preDstHeight = pdev->wndVsize / preVratio; ciprscpredst = (preDstWidth<<16) // destination width for preview pre-scaler
|(preDstHeight<<0); // destination height for preview pre-scaler
iowrite32(ciprscpredst, S3C244X_CIPRSCPREDST);
/* CIPRSCCTRL. */ Hscale = (pdev->wndHsize >= pdev->preTargetHsize)?0:1; Vscale = (pdev->wndVsize >= pdev->preTargetVsize)?0:1; mainHratio = (pdev->wndHsize<<8)/(pdev->preTargetHsize<<Hshift); mainVratio = (pdev->wndVsize<<8)/(pdev->preTargetVsize<<Vshift); ciprscctrl = ioread32(S3C244X_CIPRSCCTRL); ciprscctrl &= (1<<30)|(1<<15); // keep preview image format (RGB565 or RGB24), and preview scaler start state.
ciprscctrl |= (1<<31) // this bit should be always 1.
|(Hscale<<29) // ???, horizontal scale up/down.
|(Vscale<<28) // ???, vertical scale up/down.
|(mainHratio<<16) // horizontal scale ratio for preview main-scaler
|(mainVratio<<0); // vertical scale ratio for preview main-scaler
iowrite32(ciprscctrl, S3C244X_CIPRSCCTRL); }
/* update camif registers, called only when camif ready, or ISR. */ static void __inline__ update_camif_regs(struct s3c2440camif_dev * pdev) { if (!in_irq()) { while(1) // wait until VSYNC is 'L'
{ barrier(); if ((ioread32(S3C244X_CICOSTATUS)&(1<<28)) == 0) break; } }
/* WARNING: don't change the statement sort below!!! */ update_source_fmt_regs(pdev); update_target_wnd_regs(pdev); update_target_fmt_regs(pdev); update_target_zoom_regs(pdev); }
/* start image capture. * * param 'stream' means capture pictures streamly or capture only one picture. */ static int start_capture(struct s3c2440camif_dev * pdev, int stream) { int ret;
u32 ciwdofst; u32 ciprscctrl; u32 ciimgcpt;
ciwdofst = ioread32(S3C244X_CIWDOFST); ciwdofst |= (1<<30) // Clear the overflow indication flag of input CODEC FIFO Y
|(1<<15) // Clear the overflow indication flag of input CODEC FIFO Cb
|(1<<14) // Clear the overflow indication flag of input CODEC FIFO Cr
|(1<<13) // Clear the overflow indication flag of input PREVIEW FIFO Cb
|(1<<12); // Clear the overflow indication flag of input PREVIEW FIFO Cr
iowrite32(ciwdofst, S3C244X_CIWDOFST);
ciprscctrl = ioread32(S3C244X_CIPRSCCTRL); ciprscctrl |= 1<<15; // preview scaler start
iowrite32(ciprscctrl, S3C244X_CIPRSCCTRL);
ciimgcpt = (1<<31) // camera interface global capture enable
|(1<<29); // capture enable for preview scaler.
iowrite32(ciimgcpt, S3C244X_CIIMGCPT);
ret = 0; if (stream == 0) { pdev->cmdcode = CAMIF_CMD_STOP;
ret = wait_event_interruptible(pdev->cmdqueue, pdev->cmdcode == CAMIF_CMD_NONE); } return ret; }
/* stop image capture, always called in ISR. * P-path regs: * CIPRSCCTRL * CIPRCTRL * C-path regs: * CICOSCCTRL. * CICOCTRL * Global regs: * CIIMGCPT */ static void stop_capture(struct s3c2440camif_dev * pdev) { u32 ciprscctrl; u32 ciprctrl;
u32 cicoscctrl; u32 cicoctrl;
switch(pdev->state) { case CAMIF_STATE_PREVIEWING: /* CIPRCTRL. */ ciprctrl = ioread32(S3C244X_CIPRCTRL); ciprctrl |= 1<<2; // enable last IRQ at the end of frame capture.
iowrite32(ciprctrl, S3C244X_CIPRCTRL);
/* CIPRSCCTRL. */ ciprscctrl = ioread32(S3C244X_CIPRSCCTRL); ciprscctrl &= ~(1<<15); // clear preview scaler start bit.
iowrite32(ciprscctrl, S3C244X_CIPRSCCTRL);
/* CIIMGCPT. */ iowrite32(0, S3C244X_CIIMGCPT); pdev->state = CAMIF_STATE_READY;
case CAMIF_STATE_CODECING: /* CICOCTRL. */ cicoctrl = ioread32(S3C244X_CICOCTRL); cicoctrl |= 1<<2; // enable last IRQ at the end of frame capture.
iowrite32(cicoctrl, S3C244X_CICOCTRL);
/* CICOSCCTRL. */ cicoscctrl = ioread32(S3C244X_CICOSCCTRL); cicoscctrl &= ~(1<<15); // clear codec scaler start bit.
iowrite32(cicoscctrl, S3C244X_CICOSCCTRL);
/* CIIMGCPT. */ iowrite32(0, S3C244X_CIIMGCPT); pdev->state = CAMIF_STATE_READY;
} }
/* update camera interface with the new config. */ static void update_camif_config (struct s3c2440camif_fh * fh, u32 cmdcode) { struct s3c2440camif_dev * pdev;
pdev = fh->dev;
switch (pdev->state) { case CAMIF_STATE_READY: update_camif_regs(fh->dev); // config the regs directly.
/* camif is previewing image. */
disable_irq(IRQ_S3C2440_CAM_P); // disable cam-preview irq.
/* source image format. */ if (cmdcode & CAMIF_CMD_SFMT) { // ignore it, nothing to do now.
/* target image format. */ if (cmdcode & CAMIF_CMD_TFMT) { /* change target image format only. */ pdev->cmdcode |= CAMIF_CMD_TFMT; }
/* target image window offset. */ if (cmdcode & CAMIF_CMD_WND) { pdev->cmdcode |= CAMIF_CMD_WND; }
/* target image zoomi & zoomout. */ if (cmdcode & CAMIF_CMD_ZOOM) { pdev->cmdcode |= CAMIF_CMD_ZOOM; }
/* stop previewing. */ if (cmdcode & CAMIF_CMD_STOP) { pdev->cmdcode |= CAMIF_CMD_STOP; } enable_irq(IRQ_S3C2440_CAM_P); // enable cam-preview irq.
wait_event(pdev->cmdqueue, (pdev->cmdcode==CAMIF_CMD_NONE)); // wait until the ISR completes command.
/* camif is previewing image. */
disable_irq(IRQ_S3C2440_CAM_C); // disable cam-codec irq.
/* source image format. */ if (cmdcode & CAMIF_CMD_SFMT) { // ignore it, nothing to do now.
/* target image format. */ if (cmdcode & CAMIF_CMD_TFMT) { /* change target image format only. */ pdev->cmdcode |= CAMIF_CMD_TFMT; }
/* target image window offset. */ if (cmdcode & CAMIF_CMD_WND) { pdev->cmdcode |= CAMIF_CMD_WND; }
/* target image zoomi & zoomout. */ if (cmdcode & CAMIF_CMD_ZOOM) { pdev->cmdcode |= CAMIF_CMD_ZOOM; }
/* stop previewing. */ if (cmdcode & CAMIF_CMD_STOP) { pdev->cmdcode |= CAMIF_CMD_STOP; } enable_irq(IRQ_S3C2440_CAM_C); // enable cam-codec irq.
wait_event(pdev->cmdqueue, (pdev->cmdcode==CAMIF_CMD_NONE)); // wait until the ISR completes command.
default: break; } }
/* config camif when master-open camera.*/ static void init_camif_config(struct s3c2440camif_fh * fh) { struct s3c2440camif_dev * pdev;
pdev = fh->dev;
pdev->input = 0; // FIXME, the default input image format, see inputs[] for detail.
/* the source image size (input from external camera). */ pdev->srcHsize = 1280; // FIXME, the OV9650's horizontal output pixels.
pdev->srcVsize = 1024; // FIXME, the OV9650's verical output pixels.
/* the windowed image size. */ pdev->wndHsize = 1280; pdev->wndVsize = 1024;
/* codec-path target(output) image size. */ pdev->coTargetHsize = pdev->wndHsize; pdev->coTargetVsize = pdev->wndVsize;
/* preview-path target(preview) image size. */ pdev->preTargetHsize = 640; pdev->preTargetVsize = 512;
update_camif_config(fh, CAMIF_CMD_STOP); }
static void __inline__ invalid_image_buffer(void) { img_buff[0].state = CAMIF_BUFF_INVALID; img_buff[1].state = CAMIF_BUFF_INVALID; img_buff[2].state = CAMIF_BUFF_INVALID; img_buff[3].state = CAMIF_BUFF_INVALID; }
/* init image buffer (only when the camif is first open). */ static int __inline__ init_image_buffer(void) { int size1, size2; unsigned long size; unsigned int order;
/* size1 is the max image size of codec path. */ size1 = MAX_C_WIDTH * MAX_C_HEIGHT * 16 / 8;
/* size2 is the max image size of preview path. */ size2 = MAX_P_WIDTH * MAX_P_HEIGHT * 16 / 8;
size = (size1 > size2)?size1:size2;
order = get_order(size); img_buff[0].order = order; img_buff[0].virt_base = __get_free_pages(GFP_KERNEL|GFP_DMA, img_buff[0].order); if (img_buff[0].virt_base == (unsigned long)NULL) { goto error0; } img_buff[0].phy_base = img_buff[0].virt_base - PAGE_OFFSET + PHYS_OFFSET; // the DMA address.
img_buff[1].order = order; img_buff[1].virt_base = __get_free_pages(GFP_KERNEL|GFP_DMA, img_buff[1].order); if (img_buff[1].virt_base == (unsigned long)NULL) { goto error1; } img_buff[1].phy_base = img_buff[1].virt_base - PAGE_OFFSET + PHYS_OFFSET; // the DMA address.
img_buff[2].order = order; img_buff[2].virt_base = __get_free_pages(GFP_KERNEL|GFP_DMA, img_buff[2].order); if (img_buff[2].virt_base == (unsigned long)NULL) { goto error2; } img_buff[2].phy_base = img_buff[2].virt_base - PAGE_OFFSET + PHYS_OFFSET; // the DMA address.
img_buff[3].order = order; img_buff[3].virt_base = __get_free_pages(GFP_KERNEL|GFP_DMA, img_buff[3].order); if (img_buff[3].virt_base == (unsigned long)NULL) { goto error3; } img_buff[3].phy_base = img_buff[3].virt_base - PAGE_OFFSET + PHYS_OFFSET; // the DMA address.
return 0; error3: free_pages(img_buff[2].virt_base, order); img_buff[2].phy_base = (unsigned long)NULL; error2: free_pages(img_buff[1].virt_base, order); img_buff[1].phy_base = (unsigned long)NULL; error1: free_pages(img_buff[0].virt_base, order); img_buff[0].phy_base = (unsigned long)NULL; error0: return -ENOMEM; }
/* free image buffers (only when the camif is latest close). */ static void __inline__ free_image_buffer(void) { free_pages(img_buff[0].virt_base, img_buff[0].order); free_pages(img_buff[1].virt_base, img_buff[1].order); free_pages(img_buff[2].virt_base, img_buff[2].order); free_pages(img_buff[3].virt_base, img_buff[3].order);
img_buff[0].order = 0; img_buff[0].virt_base = (unsigned long)NULL; img_buff[0].phy_base = (unsigned long)NULL;
img_buff[1].order = 0; img_buff[1].virt_base = (unsigned long)NULL; img_buff[1].phy_base = (unsigned long)NULL;
img_buff[2].order = 0; img_buff[2].virt_base = (unsigned long)NULL; img_buff[2].phy_base = (unsigned long)NULL;
img_buff[3].order = 0; img_buff[3].virt_base = (unsigned long)NULL; img_buff[3].phy_base = (unsigned long)NULL; }
/* * ISR: service for C-path interrupt. */ static irqreturn_t on_camif_irq_c(int irq, void * dev) { u32 cicostatus;
u32 frame; struct s3c2440camif_dev * pdev;
cicostatus = ioread32(S3C244X_CICOSTATUS); if ((cicostatus & (1<<21))== 0) { return IRQ_RETVAL(IRQ_NONE); }
pdev = (struct s3c2440camif_dev *)dev;
/* valid img_buff[x] just DMAed. */ frame = (cicostatus&(3<<26))>>26; frame = (frame+4-1)%4;
if (pdev->cmdcode & CAMIF_CMD_STOP) { stop_capture(pdev);
pdev->state = CAMIF_STATE_READY; } else { if (pdev->cmdcode & CAMIF_CMD_C2P) { camif_c2p(pdev); }
if (pdev->cmdcode & CAMIF_CMD_WND) { update_target_wnd_regs(pdev); }
if (pdev->cmdcode & CAMIF_CMD_TFMT) { update_target_fmt_regs(pdev); }
if (pdev->cmdcode & CAMIF_CMD_ZOOM) { update_target_zoom_regs(pdev); }
invalid_image_buffer(); } pdev->cmdcode = CAMIF_CMD_NONE; wake_up(&pdev->cmdqueue);
/* * ISR: service for P-path interrupt. */ static irqreturn_t on_camif_irq_p(int irq, void * dev) { u32 ciprstatus;
u32 frame; struct s3c2440camif_dev * pdev;
ciprstatus = ioread32(S3C244X_CIPRSTATUS); if ((ciprstatus & (1<<21))== 0) { return IRQ_RETVAL(IRQ_NONE); }
pdev = (struct s3c2440camif_dev *)dev;
/* valid img_buff[x] just DMAed. */ frame = (ciprstatus&(3<<26))>>26; frame = (frame+4-1)%4;
img_buff[frame].state = CAMIF_BUFF_RGB565;
if (pdev->cmdcode & CAMIF_CMD_STOP) { stop_capture(pdev);
pdev->state = CAMIF_STATE_READY; } else { if (pdev->cmdcode & CAMIF_CMD_P2C) { camif_c2p(pdev); }
if (pdev->cmdcode & CAMIF_CMD_WND) { update_target_wnd_regs(pdev); }
if (pdev->cmdcode & CAMIF_CMD_TFMT) { update_target_fmt_regs(pdev); }
if (pdev->cmdcode & CAMIF_CMD_ZOOM) { update_target_zoom_regs(pdev); }
invalid_image_buffer(); } pdev->cmdcode = CAMIF_CMD_NONE; wake_up(&pdev->cmdqueue);
/* * camif_open() */ static int camif_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) { struct s3c2440camif_dev *pdev; struct s3c2440camif_fh *fh;
int ret;
if (!has_ov9650) { return -ENODEV; } pdev = &camera;
fh = kzalloc(sizeof(*fh),GFP_KERNEL); // alloc memory for filehandle
if (NULL == fh) { return -ENOMEM; } fh->dev = pdev;
pdev->state = CAMIF_STATE_READY;
ret = init_image_buffer(); // init image buffer.
if (ret < 0) { goto error1; }
request_irq(IRQ_S3C2440_CAM_C, on_camif_irq_c, IRQF_DISABLED, "CAM_C", pdev); // setup ISRs
if (ret < 0) { goto error2; }
request_irq(IRQ_S3C2440_CAM_P, on_camif_irq_p, IRQF_DISABLED, "CAM_P", pdev); if (ret < 0) { goto error3; }
clk_enable(pdev->clk); // and enable camif clock.
file->private_data = fh; fh->dev = pdev; update_camif_config(fh, 0); return 0;
error3: free_irq(IRQ_S3C2440_CAM_C, pdev); error2: free_image_buffer(); error1: kfree(fh); return ret; }
/* * camif_read() */ static ssize_t camif_read(struct file *file, char __user *data, size_t count, loff_t *ppos) { int i; struct s3c2440camif_fh * fh; struct s3c2440camif_dev * pdev;
fh = file->private_data; pdev = fh->dev;
if (start_capture(pdev, 0) != 0) { return -ERESTARTSYS; }
disable_irq(IRQ_S3C2440_CAM_C); disable_irq(IRQ_S3C2440_CAM_P); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (img_buff[i].state != CAMIF_BUFF_INVALID) { copy_to_user(data, (void *)img_buff[i].virt_base, count); img_buff[i].state = CAMIF_BUFF_INVALID; } } enable_irq(IRQ_S3C2440_CAM_P); enable_irq(IRQ_S3C2440_CAM_C);
return count; }
/* * camif_release() */ static int camif_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) { struct s3c2440camif_fh * fh; struct s3c2440camif_dev * pdev;
fh = file->private_data; pdev = fh->dev;
clk_disable(pdev->clk); // stop camif clock
free_irq(IRQ_S3C2440_CAM_P, pdev); // free camif IRQs
free_irq(IRQ_S3C2440_CAM_C, pdev);
free_image_buffer(); // and free image buffer
return 0; }
/* * the key methods/attributes for this video device. */ static struct file_operations camif_fops = { .owner = THIS_MODULE, .open = camif_open, .release = camif_release, .read = camif_read, };
static struct miscdevice misc = { .minor = MISC_DYNAMIC_MINOR, .name = CARD_NAME, .fops = &camif_fops, };
#if 1 int __init sccb_init(void); void __exit sccb_cleanup(void); int __init s3c2440_ov9650_init(void); void __exit s3c2440_ov9650_cleanup(void); #endif
/* * camif_init() */ static int __init camif_init(void) { int ret; struct s3c2440camif_dev * pdev; struct clk * camif_upll_clk;
printk(KERN_ALERT"initializing s3c2440 camera interface......\n");
pdev = &camera;
/* set gpio-j to camera mode. */ s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(S3C2440_GPJ0, S3C2440_GPJ0_CAMDATA0); s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(S3C2440_GPJ1, S3C2440_GPJ1_CAMDATA1); s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(S3C2440_GPJ2, S3C2440_GPJ2_CAMDATA2); s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(S3C2440_GPJ3, S3C2440_GPJ3_CAMDATA3); s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(S3C2440_GPJ4, S3C2440_GPJ4_CAMDATA4); s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(S3C2440_GPJ5, S3C2440_GPJ5_CAMDATA5); s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(S3C2440_GPJ6, S3C2440_GPJ6_CAMDATA6); s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(S3C2440_GPJ7, S3C2440_GPJ7_CAMDATA7); s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(S3C2440_GPJ8, S3C2440_GPJ8_CAMPCLK); s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(S3C2440_GPJ9, S3C2440_GPJ9_CAMVSYNC); s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(S3C2440_GPJ10, S3C2440_GPJ10_CAMHREF); s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(S3C2440_GPJ11, S3C2440_GPJ11_CAMCLKOUT); s3c2410_gpio_cfgpin(S3C2440_GPJ12, S3C2440_GPJ12_CAMRESET);
/* init camera's virtual memory. */ if (!request_mem_region((unsigned long)S3C2440_PA_CAMIF, S3C2440_SZ_CAMIF, CARD_NAME)) { ret = -EBUSY; goto error1; }
/* remap the virtual memory. */ camif_base_addr = (unsigned long)ioremap_nocache((unsigned long)S3C2440_PA_CAMIF, S3C2440_SZ_CAMIF); if (camif_base_addr == (unsigned long)NULL) { ret = -EBUSY; goto error2; }
/* init camera clock. */ pdev->clk = clk_get(NULL, "camif"); if (IS_ERR(pdev->clk)) { ret = -ENOENT; goto error3; } clk_enable(pdev->clk);
camif_upll_clk = clk_get(NULL, "camif-upll"); clk_set_rate(camif_upll_clk, 24000000); mdelay(100);
/* init reference counter and its mutex. */ mutex_init(&pdev->rcmutex); pdev->rc = 0;
/* init image input source. */ pdev->input = 0;
/* init camif state and its lock. */ pdev->state = CAMIF_STATE_FREE;
/* init command code, command lock and the command wait queue. */ pdev->cmdcode = CAMIF_CMD_NONE; init_waitqueue_head(&pdev->cmdqueue);
/* register to videodev layer. */ if (misc_register(&misc) < 0) { ret = -EBUSY; goto error4; } printk(KERN_ALERT"s3c2440 camif init done\n"); sccb_init(); hw_reset_camif(); has_ov9650 = s3c2440_ov9650_init() >= 0; s3c2410_gpio_setpin(S3C2410_GPG(4), 1); return 0;
error4: clk_put(pdev->clk); error3: iounmap((void *)camif_base_addr); error2: release_mem_region((unsigned long)S3C2440_PA_CAMIF, S3C2440_SZ_CAMIF); error1: return ret; }
/* * camif_cleanup() */ static void __exit camif_cleanup(void) { struct s3c2440camif_dev *pdev;
pdev = &camera;
iounmap((void *)camif_base_addr); release_mem_region((unsigned long)S3C2440_PA_CAMIF, S3C2440_SZ_CAMIF);
printk(KERN_ALERT"s3c2440camif: module removed\n"); }
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("v4l2 driver module for s3c2440 camera interface"); MODULE_AUTHOR("sunxq [baobaoba520@yahoo.com.cn]"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");
module_init(camif_init); module_exit(camif_cleanup);