在FPGA上搭建nios系统,在上面实现hello world应用,总是出现如下错误:
Reading System ID at address 0x00000808:
ID value does not match: read 0xFFFFFFFF; expected 0x5E5B656D
Timestamp value does not match: image on board is older than expected
Read timestamp 7:59:59 1970/01/01; expected 9:48:46 2011/02/23
The software you are downloading may not run on the system which is currently
configured into the device. Please download the correct SOF or recompile.
一般出现上述错误原因为在FPGA板上烧的sof文件和nios ide软件工程文件不匹配,但自己反复编译多次仍出现上述错误。最后解决方法如下:
在quartus II 工程setting中,点击device and pin option。出现对话框中在unused选项卡中将reversed all unused pins 设为 as input tri-stated。重新编译,烧入FPGA板。再在nios ide中运行helloworld即可。
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