Before you consider posting to the linux-kernel mailing list,
please read at least the start of of this FAQ list.
These frequently asked questions are divided in various
categories. Please any category and
Q/A that you may find relevant. You can also add your answer to any
question that has already been answered, if you have additional
information to contribute.
The official site is: (this is in
the east coast of the U.S.A). Many thanks to Sam Chessman and David
Niemi for hosting the FAQ on a high-bandwidth, professionally
managed Linux server. The following mirrors are available (and are
updated at the same time as the official site):
in Sydney, Australia
in Calgary, Canada
in the west coast of the U.S.A.
官方的网站是:(此地址在美国东海岸).对Sam Chessman 和David
Hot off the Presses has enabled ECN. You may need to switch ISP in
order to receive linux-kernel email. See the section on for more details.
Two digest forms of linux-kernel (a normal digest every 100KB and a
once-daily digest) are available at .
Go to
for newflashes about official kernel releases.
NOTE: this page is no longer maintained. If there is an alternative
page, please let me know.
Read this before complaining to linux-kernel about compile
problems. Chances are a thousand other people have noticed and the
fix is already published.
问题 索引:
7:OS 问题
8.编译器/binutils 问题
10.kernels changes问题
12.kernel 编程问题
13.神秘kernel message
14.老版本kernel 表现
16.User-space 编程问题
Basic Linux kernel documentation
The following are
Linux kernel related documents,
which you should take a look at
before you post to the
linux-kernel mailing list:
- , compiled by Michael K. Johnson of
fame. Includes among
other documents selected Q/As from the linux-kernel mailing
- book, by David A. Rusling, available in
various formats from the Linux
Documentation Project and . Still being worked
on, but explains clearly the main structure of the Linux
- by Robert Kiesling has many high quality Q/As.
- by Brian Ward. Fundamental reading for
anybody wanting to post to the linux-kernel mailing list.
- Various Linux on
specific questions, such as the by
Wim van Dorst. These are all by definition LDP documents.
- The Linux kernel source code for any particular kernel
version that you may be using. Note that there is a /Documentation
directory which holds some very useful text files about drivers,
etc. Also check the MAINTAINERS file in the kernel source root
- Some drivers even have Web pages, with additional up to
date information e.g. , etc. Check the Hardware section in the LDP
- Similarly, Linux implementations for some CPU architectures
have dedicated Web pages, mailing lists, and sometimes even
a HOWTO e.g. the by Neal Crook. Check the LDP site and its mirrors for
Web links to the various architecture specific sites.
- Linux device drivers, a book written by
Alessandro Rubini. C. Scott Ananian .
- Linux kernel internals, a book by Michael Beck
(Editor) et al. Also .
- Another useful site is:
- Here is a general guide on how to ask questions in a way that
greatly improves your chances of getting a reply: .
If you have a bug to report, you should also read .
Extra instructions, specific to the Linux kernel are available
下面是linux-kernel相关文档,在你发邮件到linux-kernel 邮件清单时应该看看。
linux-kernel hacker's指南,ret hat 名誉的Micheal
K.Johnson编写。包括其他Q/AS来自linux-kernel 邮件清单。
linux-kernel 书,David
linux-FAQ,Robert Kiesling编写,有很多高质量的Q/AS.
linux kernel Howto,Brain
("" 和, 伪MIPS
是一种衡量CPU速度的不科学的方法),mini-Howto(Wim van Dorst).这些被定义为LDP文档。
linux source code 是各种你可能在用的版本。注意/Documentation目录包含了关于驱动等有用的文件。还有MAINTAINERS文件在kernel source 根目录。
一些驱动甚至有网页,上面有日期信息等。网络驱动(Donald Becker, 等).检查硬件部分在LDP位置。
相似的,linux 的对于一些cpu架构的完成在网页,邮件清单上,有时也在HOWTO等声明。Linux Alpha howto(Neal Crook),检查LDP站和它的镜像在web上提供各种架构的链接。
linux device driver,(Alessandro Rubini.C.scott )在Amazon.com回顾。
linux kernel 构件(Micheal Beck 编辑 等)在Amazon.com回顾。
Contributors and some special expressions
This is the list of contributors to this FAQ. They are listed in
alphabetic order of their abbreviations, used in the sections below to identify the author(s)
of each answer.
- AC :
- AV :
- ADB:
- CP :
- DBE:
- DSM:
- DW :
- JBG:
- KGB:
- KO :
- MEA:
- MRW:
- PG :
- RC :
- REG:
(FAQ maintainer)
- REW:
- RML:
- RRR:
- TAC:
- TJ :
- TYT:
- VKh:
Some English expressions for non-native English readers. Many of these
(and far more) may be obtained from the
AFAIK = As Far As I Know
AKA = Also Known As
ASAP = As Soon As Possible
BTW = By The Way (used to introduce some piece of information or
question that is on a different topic but may be of interest)
COLA = comp.os.linux.announce (newsgroup)
ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival
FAQ = Frequently Asked Question
FUD = Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt
FWIW = For What It's Worth
FYI = For Your Information
IANAL = I Am Not A Lawyer
IIRC = If I Recall Correctly
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO = In My Not-So-Humble Opinion
IOW = In Other Words
LART = Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool (quoting Al Viro: "Anything you
use to forcibly implant the clue into the place where luser's head
LUSER = pronounced "loser", a user who is considered to indeed be a
loser (idiot, drongo, wanker, dim-wit, fool, etc.)
OTOH = On The Other Hand
ROTFL = Rolling On The Floor Laughing
- RSN = Real Soon Now
RTFM = Read The Fucking Manual (original definition) or Read The Fine
Manual (if you want to pretend to be polite)
TANSTAAFL = There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch (contributed by
David Niemi, quoting Robert Heinlein in his science fiction novel 'The
Moon is a Harsh Mistress')
THX = Thanks (thank you)
TIA = Thanks In Advance
WIP = Work In Progress
WRT = With Respect To
AC: Alan Cox
AV: Alexander Viro
ADB: Andrew D.Balsa
CP : Colin Plumb
DSM: David S.Miller
DW: David Woodhouse
JBG: Jan-Benedict Glaw
KGB: Krzysztof G.Baranowski
KO: Keith Owens
KMA:Matti E.Aarnio
MRW: Matthew Wilcox
PG: Paul Gortmaker
RC: Ralph Corderoy
REW: Roger E.Wolff
RML: Robert
RRR:Rafael R.Reilova
TAC: Thomas A.cort
TJ: Trevor Johnson
TYT: Theodore Y.Ts'o
VKh:Vassili Khachaturov
AFAIK = As Far As I Know
AKA = Also Known As
ASAP = As Soon As Possible
BTW = By The Way
COLA = comp.os.linux.announce
ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival
FAQ = Frequently Asked Question
FUD = Fear, Uncertainty and Dount
FWIW = For What It's Worth
FYI = For Your Information
IANAL = I Am Not A Lawyer
IIRC = If I Reall Correctly
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO = In My Not -So - Humble Opinion
IOW = In Other Words
LART = Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool
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