1. 注释例子
1.1 注释一个宏
@def MAX(x,y)
Computes the maximum of \a x and \a y.
#define MAX(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y))
Computes the absolute value of its argument \a x.
#define ABS(x) (((x)>0)?(x):-(x))
1.2 注释一个枚举
* @enum my_enum
* enum for test.
enum my_enum {
var1, /**< first. */
var2, /**< second. */
var3 /**< third. */
1.3 注释一个union
* @union my_union
* This union is used for xxxx.
union my_union {
int choice1; /**< first desc */
unsigned long choice2; /**< second desc */
unsigned char *choice3; /**< third desc */
1.4 注释一个结构体
* @struct my_struct
* This struct used for xxxx.
struct my_struct {
int a; /**< first */
enum my_enum b; /**< second. @see enum my_enum */
union my_union c; /**< third. @see union my_union */
1.5 注释一个类型定义
* @typedef my_type
* This type is used for xxxx.
typedef unsigned long long int my_type;
1.6 注释一个函数
/** @fn int print_sth(int times, struct my_struct *ms)
* @brief print function.
* @details
* print function for struct my_struct.
* @see struct my_struct
* @param times print times.
* @param ms info source.
* @note note information.
* @warning warning information.
* @return -1 on fail while 0 on success.
1.7 注释文件头
* @file file name
* @version 1.0.0
* @date 2011-10-10
* @author Shulong Li
* @brief
* This is brief,
* Yes a brief description.
* @details
* This is detail,
* Yes a detailed description.
* @bug
* Known bugs.
* @warning
* warning information
* @copyright
* GNU Public License.
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