2010-12-22 12:59:48
There are two ways to input your server config. You
can either edit the autoexec.cfg file, or create
a secondary file and reference it in the %SAVAGE%/game/autoexec.cfg.
In my experience,
the best way to manage your server and multiple instances of that server, is to
create a .txt file for the server. For the purposes of this document, we will be
referring to this file as the %SAVAGE%/game/server.txt.
The %SAVAGE%/game/server.txt does not exist when
you first install Savage, and should be created by you. To have Savage execute
this file at startup, you'll need to add the following line to the bottom of your %SAVAGE%/game/autoexec.cfg file:
exec server.txt
Create the %SAVAGE%/game/server.txt file, and paste
the following lines into it:
// begin server.txt // other heartbeatserver_ip masterserver.savage.s2games.com //heartbeat server fix |
Line by Line Explanation -- All commands listed here are detailed below | ||||
command | explanation | parameters | usage/default | |
dedicated_server | Defines this to be a non-grapical server. | boolean integer | dedicated_server 1 | |
svr_name | Server name shown in the server list | string: 30 char max | svr_name "My Savage Server" | |
default_world | world that will be loaded if an invalid world is specified | valid worldname | default_world eden2 | |
svr_port | game server port, default is 11235, change if firewall is preventing connection | integer | svr_port 11235 | |
svr_sendStats | should server report stats to the stats collector. **note: if svr_broadcast is disabled, this will be disabled as well. |
boolean | svr_sendStats 1 | |
svr_broadcast | should server send heartbeat to master server (show up on server list) | boolean | svr_broadcast 1 | |
svr_maxclients | s max number of players for server | integer: 0 - 64 | svr_maxclients 24 | |
sv_allowGuestReferee | Have server auto assign ref / allow referee votes on server | boolean integer | sv_allowGuestReferee 1 | |
sv_doWarmup | Defines whether the server should have a warmup mode. | boolean | sv_doWarmup 1 | |
sv_warmupTime | time in ms for warmup time, max of ~300 seconds | integer | sv_warmupTime 15000 | |
sv_readyPercent | percent of players that need to be ready before warmup round starts | real to 2 digits | sv_readyPercent 0.50 | |
sv_minPlayers | Minimum number players before up countdown will start | integer | sv_minPlayers 2 | |
sv_autoRespawn | whether players must click a button to get the loadout screen | boolean integer | sv_autoRespawn 1 | |
sv_balancedTeams | allow players to join the team with more players | boolean | sv_balancedTeams 1 | |
sv_clientVoteTime | time in seconds for votes to last | integer | sv_clientVoteTime 15 | |
svr_adminPassword | password for using svcmd | string case-sensitive | svr_adminPassword remoteAdminPass | |
svr_password | password required to join server, entered by player as: ( cl_password myJoinPassword) | string case-sensitive | sv_svr_password myJoinPassword | |
sv_refereePassword | password entered in player console (refpwd refpass) | string case-sensitive | sv_refereePassword refpass |
Advanced Server Control Variables | |||
Server (sv) variables | |||
command | explaination | parameters | usage/default |
sv_activeEasterEggs | Does not seem to do anything | integer | sv_activeEasterEggs 0 |
sv_aiIgnoreSlope | integer | sv_aiIgnoreSlope 1 | |
sv_aiPredict | integer | sv_aiPredict 0 | |
sv_allowGuestReferee | Have server auto assign ref / allow referee votes on server | boolean | sv_allowGuestReferee 1 |
g_allUnitsAvailable | All units are available for purchase | integer | g_allUnitsAvailable 0 |
g_allWeaponsAvailable | All weapons are available for purchase | integer | g_allWeaponsAvailable 0 |
sv_autojoin | Auto join a team when joining a game instead of staying in spectator | integer | sv_autojoin 1 |
sv_autoPatchMyServer | When turned on: If a new patch is released by the dev team, your
server will be notified. If your server is empty, it will immediately quit and auto-download and install the patch, otherwise your server will wait for map end before quitting and getting the patch. |
boolean | sv_autoPatchMyServer 1 |
sv_autoRespawn | Defines whether players must click a button to get the loadout screen | boolean | sv_autoRespawn 0 |
sv_balancedTeams | Allow players to join the team with more players if set to 0 | boolean | sv_balancedTeams 1 |
sv_balanceLenience | How many more players on the other team there can be before you you cannot switch. If sv_balanceTeams is set to 1 | integer | sv_balanceLenience 2 |
sv_blockedStunTime | Not used anymore?? | integer | sv_blockedStunTime 650 |
sv_buildingDmgScale | How much damage weapons do to buildings? | integer | sv_buildingDmgScale 1 |
sv_buildingInitialHealthPercent | What percent of health building start with when built | integer | sv_buildingInitialHealthPercent 0.05 |
sv_chatFloodCount | Something to do with anti-flood/spam | integer | sv_chatFloodCount 10 |
sv_chatFloodInterval | Something to do with anti-flood/spam | integer | sv_chatFloodInterval 5 |
sv_chatFloodPenaltyTime | How long you are penalized for flooding | integer | sv_chatFloodPenaltyTime 10 |
sv_claimableBuildings | Active spawnflags? | integer | sv_claimableBuildings 1 |
sv_clientConnectMoney | Amount of gold assigned to players on initial connect | integer | sv_clientConnectMoney 1000 |
sv_clientVoteTime | time in seconds for votes to last | integer | sv_clientVoteTime 60000 |
sv_cullPlayerObjects | integer | sv_cullPlayerObjects 1 | |
sv_damagePushScale | How far you get knockbacked when you get hit | integer | sv_damagePushScale 0.35 |
sv_datetime | integer | sv_datetime "" | |
sv_debug | integer | sv_debug 0 | |
sv_debugBuilding | integer | sv_debugBuilding 1 | |
sv_demolishInterval | Amount of time in ms a commander must wait before destroying buildings in succession | integer | sv_demolishInterval 10000 |
sv_doSetup | Defines whether the server should have a setup mode. If sv_setupTime is set to 0, this variable is assumed 0. | boolean | sv_doSetup 1 |
sv_doWarmup | Defines whether the server should have a warmup mode. | boolean | sv_doWarmup 1 |
sv_easterEggs | Does not seem to do anything... | integer | sv_easterEggs 0 |
sv_endGameTime | Amount of time in ms for the end game screen to be shown before the server changesmaps. | integer | sv_endGameTime 60000 |
sv_fastTech | Building and teching is instant. Map must be loaded with devworld WORLD to use | integer | sv_fastTech 0 |
sv_fogRevealTime | integer | sv_fogRevealTime 5000 | |
sv_fraglimit | Not working yet | integer | sv_fraglimit 20 |
sv_gametype | Not working yet | integer | sv_gametype "RTSS" |
sv_goodieAmmoChance | Chance to get ammo/mana when you kill something | integer | sv_goodieAmmoChance 4 |
sv_goodieBags | Goodies bags pop out of things when they die | integer | sv_goodieBags 1 |
sv_goodieBigMoneyChance | The chance of about 20 goodie bags popping out of the enemy (one out of XX) | integer | sv_goodieBigMoneyChance 30 |
sv_goodieDuration | Time in ms that goodie bags stay on ground before disappearing | integer | sv_goodieDuration 10000 |
sv_goodieMaxMoney | Maximum amount of money goodiebags can give you | integer | sv_goodieMaxMoney 1000 |
sv_goodiesForAll | Defines who can pickup goodie bags 0 - only the killer can pick up reward 1 - any team member can pick up the reward 2 - *anyone* can pick up the reward |
integer | sv_goodiesForAll 1 |
sv_hitStructureRewardScale | integer | sv_hitStructureRewardScale 2 | |
sv_hitStunTime | integer | sv_hitStunTime 150 | |
sv_impeachPenaltyTime | How long a someone will be banned from commander seat after being impeached | integer | sv_impeachPenaltyTime 60000 |
sv_invincibleTime | How long you will be invincible after you spawn | integer | sv_invincibleTime 2000 |
sv_maxMoney | Maxium amount of gold a player can have at one time | integer | sv_maxMoney 10000 |
sv_maxzvelocity | integer | sv_maxzvelocity 100 | |
sv_minClaimInterval | Time before you wait before you can claim a spawn flag after an enemy claims it | integer | sv_minClaimInterval 5000 |
sv_minPlayers | Minimum number players before setup countdown will start | integer | sv_minPlayers 2 |
sv_minVotePercent | Minimum amount of votes that must be achieved before a vote will pass | real to 2 digits | sv_minVotePercent .66 |
sv_motd1 | Message of the day, apperars in chat window after joining | string | sv_motd1 |
sv_motd2 | Same as sv_motd1, line 2 of it | string | sv_motd2 |
sv_motd3 | Same as sv_motd1, line 3 of it | string | sv_motd3 |
sv_motd4 | Same as sv_motd1, line 4 of it | string | sv_motd4 |
sv_musicResetTime | integer | sv_musicResetTime 120000 | |
sv_newPatchAvailable | integer | sv_newPatchAvailable 0 | |
sv_nextMap | auto generated variable for the nextmap command | integer | sv_nextMap "bunker" |
sv_nextMapCmd | auto generated variable for the nextmap command | string | sv_nextMapCmd "set sv_nextMap crossroads; set sv_nextMapCmd #round3#" |
sv_nextStatus | integer | sv_nextStatus 1 | |
sv_npcs | Define whether the server has NPCs | boolean | sv_npcs 1 |
sv_officerCommandRadius | Distance in meters that from an officer for a player to receive officer commands. | integer | sv_officerCommandRadius 600 |
sv_placeBuildingTestScale | The area the commander needs to place a building | integer | sv_placeBuildingTestScale 0.5 |
sv_placementLeniency | The area the commander needs to place a building | integer | sv_placementLeniency 20 |
sv_playerChosenMap | integer | sv_playerChosenMap "eden" | |
sv_projRestSlope | integer | sv_projRestSlope 0.55 | |
sv_projRestVelocity | integer | sv_projRestVelocity 35.0 | |
sv_quakeMultiplyer | integer | sv_quakeMultiplyer 3.5 | |
sv_radiusTweak | integer | sv_radiusTweak 5.0 | |
sv_rangedHitStructureRewardScale | Xp and gold percent you get for attacking a building with ranged?? | integer | sv_rangedHitStructureRewardScale 0.2 |
sv_readyPercent | percent of players that need to be ready before warmup round starts | real to 2 digits | sv_readyPercent 0.60 |
sv_refereePassword | password entered in player console refpwd refpass | integer | sv_refereePassword "" |
sv_repairCost | Cost of resources it takes for a worker to repair a building (per swing) | integer | sv_repairCost 1 |
sv_respawnMultiplier | integer | sv_respawnMultiplier 1 | |
sv_respawnNPCInterval | integer | sv_respawnNPCInterval 40000 | |
sv_respawnNPCs | Defines whether npcs spawn | integer | sv_respawnNPCs 1 |
sv_respawnTime | Time in ms for the respawn timer. | integer | sv_respawnTime 30000 |
sv_serverNotes | This text will show up in the game info window | integer | sv_serverNotes "" |
sv_setupTime | Time in ms for the setup mode to last | integer | sv_setupTime 120000 |
sv_showClanAbbrev | Show clan tag left of icon in the player list? | integer | sv_showClanAbbrev 1 |
sv_skillfullKillDist | Distance in meters from a kill for the "skillful" audible sound to play on the client | integer | sv_skillfullKillDist 500 |
sv_startingTeamGold | Amount of starting gold each team has | integer | sv_startingTeamGold 1500 |
sv_startingTeamStone | Amount of starting stone each team has | integer | sv_startingTeamStone 1500 |
sv_team1race | Race for team 1 | string (beast|human) | sv_team1race "human" |
sv_team2race | Race for team 2 | string (beast|human) | sv_team2race "human" |
sv_teamDamage | Defines whether teammates can damage each other and their team's workers | boolean | sv_teamDamage 0 |
sv_teamSwitchCommandDelay | integer | sv_teamSwitchCommandDelay 60000 | |
sv_teamSwitchConnectFreedom | How long you can switch teams after you join without having to wait | integer | sv_teamSwitchConnectFreedom 30000 |
sv_teamSwitchDelay | Time you must wait after you switch to one team then want to switch back? | integer | sv_teamSwitchDelay 60000?? |
sv_timeLimit | Time in ms to define how long a game will alst | integer | sv_timeLimit 3600000 |
sv_tithe | Percentage of gold that does not go to the team funds | integer | sv_tithe 0.7 |
sv_todSpeed | Variable which defines how fast Time of Day passes | real to 3 digits | sv_todSpeed 0.003 |
sv_todStart | Defines the Time of Day at map start | integer | sv_todStart 500 |
sv_unitAngleLerp | integer | sv_unitAngleLerp 4 | |
sv_useRespawnWindow | integer | sv_useRespawnWindow 1 | |
sv_warmupTime | Time in ms for warmup | integer | sv_warmupTime 15000 |
sv_writeScores | Write the end game scores to a text file | boolean | sv_writeScores 0 |
Server Experience (sv_xp) Variables | |||
command | explaination | parameters | usage/default |
sv_xp_adjust_by_level | real to 1 digit | sv_xp_adjust_by_level 0.0 | |
sv_xp_allow_level_loss | Allows you to lose levels from losing xp? (goes to the bottom of the xp bar then stops)? | boolean | sv_xp_allow_level_loss 0 |
sv_xp_build | How much xp you get for building | real to 5 digits | sv_xp_build .00150 |
sv_xp_cap_at_level | integer | sv_xp_cap_at_level 0 | |
sv_xp_commander_demolish | How much xp you loose for demolishing a building | integer | sv_xp_commander_demolish -20 |
sv_xp_commander_gather | How much xp you get for gathering resources | real to 3 digits | sv_xp_commander_gather .001 |
sv_xp_commander_order_followed | How much xp you get for someone folowing an order | integer | sv_xp_commander_order_followed 1 |
sv_xp_commander_order_given | How much xp you get for giving an order | integer | sv_xp_commander_order_given 1 |
sv_xp_commander_order_interval | Time in ms before commander can gain additional experience from giving orders | integer | sv_xp_commander_order_interval 5000 |
sv_xp_commander_powerup_given | How much xp you get for giving a powerup | integer | sv_xp_commander_powerup_given 5 |
sv_xp_commander_raze | How much xp you get for contructing a building | integer | sv_xp_commander_raze 50 |
sv_xp_commander_request_ignore | How much xp you loose for ignoring a money request | integer | sv_xp_commander_request_ignore -1 |
sv_xp_commander_research | How much xp you get for researching tech | integer | sv_xp_commander_research 10 |
sv_xp_commander_structure | How much xp you get for contructing a building | integer | sv_xp_commander_structure 20 |
sv_xp_die | How much xp you get/loose for dieing | integer | sv_xp_die 0 |
sv_xp_hero | How much xp you get for receiving the hero award | integer | sv_xp_hero 15 |
sv_xp_honor | How much xp you get for receiving the honor award | integer | sv_xp_honor 5 |
sv_xp_kill_item | How much xp you get for killing a deployed item | integer | sv_xp_kill_item 0 |
sv_xp_kill_npc | How much xp you get for killing an npc (multiplyer) | integer | sv_xp_kill_npc 2 |
sv_xp_kill_player | How much xp you get for killing a player | integer | sv_xp_kill_player 10 |
sv_xp_kill_siege | How much xp you get for killing a siege unit | integer | sv_xp_kill_siege 20 |
sv_xp_kill_worker | How much xp you get for killing a worker | integer | sv_xp_kill_worker 2 |
sv_xp_legend | How much xp you get for receiving the legend award | integer | sv_xp_legend 25 |
sv_xp_max_gain | How much xp you can gain at a time? | real to 1 digit | sv_xp_max_gain .2 |
sv_xp_max_level | Max level you can get to | integer | sv_xp_max_level 99 |
sv_xp_mine | How much xp you get for bringing resources to a dropoff point | real to 2 digits | sv_xp_mine .02 |
sv_xp_raze | integer | sv_xp_raze 50 | |
sv_xp_repair | How much xp you get for repairing | integer | sv_xp_repair 0 |
sv_xp_skill | How much xp you get for getting a skillfull kill | integer | sv_xp_skill 10 |
sv_xp_structure_damage | How much xp you get per 1 damage to a building | real to 5 digits | sv_xp_structure_damage .00667 |
sv_xp_survival | How much xp you get for surviving (triggerd by sv_xp_survival_interval) | integer | sv_xp_survival 1 |
sv_xp_survival_interval | Timer in ms for sv_xp_survival triggers | integer | sv_xp_survival_interval 30000 |
sv_xp_team_kill | How much xp you get/loose for killing a team member | integer | sv_xp_team_kill 0 |
Server (svr) variables | |||
command | explaination | parameters | usage/default |
svr_adminPassword | password for using svcmd | string | svr_adminPassword "" |
svr_allowCheats | Read only (turns to 1 when using devworld WORLD) | boolean | Read Only |
svr_allowRemotesvcmds | Allows server to be able to be remotely controled by a administration program | boolean | svr_allowRemotesvcmds 0 |
svr_broadcast | should server send heartbeat to master server (show up on server list) | integer | svr_broadcast 1 |
svr_clientConnectionTimeout | Amount of time in ms before disconnecting a non-responsive client | integer | svr_clientConnectionTimeout 1350 |
svr_clientTimeout | Amount of time in ms before disconnecting a client | integer | svr_clientTimeout 400 |
svr_debug | boolean | svr_debug 0 | |
svr_dedicated | Defines this to be a non-grapical server. | boolean | svr_dedicated 0 |
svr_defaultBanTime | Time in ms for a ban to stay in place | integer | svr_defaultBanTime 300000 |
svr_demo | Defines whether server is demo version or not | boolean | Read Only |
svr_dump | boolean | svr_dump 0 | |
svr_firewalled | bolean | svr_firewalled 1 | |
svr_gamefps | integer | svr_gamefps 15 | |
svr_mapurl | Tells clients where to download maps from | string | svr_mapurl "" |
svr_maxclients | Max number of players that can join | integer | svr_maxclients 32 |
svr_name | Server name shown in the server list | string | svr_name "Unnamed Savage Server" |
svr_password | password required to join server, entered by player as: cl_password myJoinPassword | string | svr_password "" |
svr_port | game server port, default is 11235, change if firewall is preventing connection | integer | svr_port 11235 |
svr_pure | If 1, makes players not be able to use altered .s2z files | boolean | svr_pure 0 |
svr_requiredArchives | Not working yet. (will let clients download mods) | integer | svr_requiredArchives "" |
svr_sendProjectilePos | boolean | svr_sendProjectilePos 0 | |
svr_sendStats | should server report stats to the stats collector. Note: if svr_broadcast is disabled, this will be disabled as well. | boolean | svr_sendStats 1 |
svr_velocityCompare | boolean | svr_velocityCompare 1 | |
svr_world | string | svr_world "" |
Physics Server Variables | |||
Physics (p) variables | |||
command | explaination | parameters | usage/default |
p_aircontrol | Determines how much control players have while airborne | real to 1 digit | p_aircontrol 1.5 |
p_attackingSpeed | Speed you move while attacking | real to 1 digit | p_attackingSpeed 0.8 |
p_autoRunSpeed | - doesn't seem to do anything - | real to 1 digit | p_autoRunSpeed 1.8 |
p_autoRunTime | - doesn't seem to do anything - | integer | p_autoRunTime 4000 |
p_backwardsSpeed | Speed you move while backing up | real to 1 digit | p_backwardsSpeed 0.5 |
p_blockSpeed | Speed you move while blocking | integer | p_blockSpeed 0 |
p_cooldownRate | - doesn't seem to do anything - | real to 2 digits | p_cooldownRate 0.75 |
p_dodgeStaminaCost | How much stamina it costs to leap | integer | p_dodgeStaminaCost 1600 |
p_fallingDamage | Not working | boolean | p_fallingDamage 1 |
p_fallingDamageSpeed | Not working | integer | p_fallingDamageSpeed 50 |
p_focusAngleAmplify | Affects sniper weapons | integer | p_focusAngleAmplify 2 |
p_focusMaxAngleChange | Affects sniper weapons | integer | p_focusMaxAngleChange 3 |
p_focusMinAngleChange | Affects sniper weapons | real to 1 digit | p_focusMinAngleChange 0.6 |
p_friction | - doesn't seem to do anything - | integer | p_friction 1 |
p_gravity | Amount of gravity on the server | integer | p_gravity 1 |
p_groundfriction | How much the player slides on the ground | integer | p_groundfriction 10 |
p_jumpheight | How high a player can jump (multiplyer) | integer | p_jumpheight 1 |
p_jumpStaminaCost | How much stamina it costs to jump | integer | p_jumpStaminaCost 500 |
p_landDuration | How long after you land that it will show the landing animation | integer | p_landDuration 100 |
p_levelHealthBonus | - doesn't seem to do anything - | real to 1 digit | p_levelHealthBonus 0.0 |
p_lunge | - doesn't seem to do anything - | integer | p_lunge 0 |
p_maxBlockTime | Maximum time you can block for | integer | p_maxBlockTime 600 |
p_minslope | How steep of a slope you | real to 1 digit | p_minslope 0.7 |
p_slowWeaponAttack | - doesn't seem to do anything - | integer | p_slowWeaponAttack 0 |
p_speed | how fast players move | real to 1 digit | p_speed 2.8 |
p_sprintBurst | changes how you sprint.. | integer | p_sprintBurst 0 |
p_sprintDeadZone | The amount of stamina in the dead zone (regains slowly) | integer | p_sprintDeadZone 1000 |
p_sprintRegainDelay | Time in ms before you start regaining stamina after its used | integer | p_sprintRegainDelay 200 |
p_sprintRegainLandDelay | Time in ms before you start regaining stamina after you land | integer | p_sprintRegainLandDelay 200 |
p_sprintRegenFast | How much stamina you get for when its regen'ing fast | real to 1 digit | p_sprintRegenFast 0.6 |
p_sprintRegenSlow | How much stamina you get for when its regen'ing slow | real to 1 digit | p_sprintRegenSlow 0.2 |
p_sprintSpeed | Speed you run when sprinting (multiplyed) | real to 1 digit | p_sprintSpeed 1.4 |
p_staminaDepleteSpeed | Amount of stamina you lose while sprinting (multiplyed) | real to 1 digit | p_staminaDepleteSpeed 1.5 |
p_stepheight | How high you can step | integer | p_stepheight 1 |
p_strafeSpeed | Speed you move while strafing | integer | p_strafeSpeed 1 |