一、Device Bus Operations
This section describes the requirements and use of the device bus operations, which are initiated through the internal command register. The command register itself does not occupy any addressable memory location. The register is a latch used to store the commands, along with the address and data information needed to execute the command. The contents of the register serve as inputs to the internal state machine. The state machine outputs dictate the function of the device. Table 1 lists the device bus operations, the inputs and control levels they require, and the resulting output. The following subsections describe each of these operations in further detail.
1、Requirements for Reading Array Data
To read array data from the outputs, the system must drive the CE# and OE# pins to VIL. CE# is the power control and selects the device. OE# is the output control and gates array data to the output pins. WE# should remain at VIH.
The internal state machine is set for reading array data upon device power-up, or after a hardware reset. This ensures that no spurious alteration of the memory content occurs during the power transition. No command is necessary in this mode to obtain array data. Standard microprocessor read cycles that assert valid addresses on the device address inputs produce valid data on the device data outputs. The device remains enabled for read access until the command register contents are altered.
Writing Commands/Command Sequences
To write a command or command sequence (which includes programming data to the device and erasing sectors of memory), the system must drive WE# and CE# to VIL, and OE# to VIH.
2、Writing Commands/Command Sequences
To write a command or command sequence (which includes programming data to the device and erasing sectors of memory), the system must drive WE# and CE# to VIL, and OE# to VIH.
The device features an Unlock Bypass mode to facilitate faster programming. Once the device enters the Unlock Bypass mode, only two write cycles are required to program a word or byte, instead of four. The Word Program Command Sequence‚ on page 38 has details on programming data to the device using both standard and Unlock Bypass command sequences.
Addr |
Addr |
Addr |
Addr |
Addr |
Addr |
555 |
AA |
2AA |
55 |
555 |
90 |
通过三个周期的一次对@555 = AA; @2AA = 55; @555 = 90;进入Autoselect模式。一直保持此模式直到发布一个复位命令。
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