int f_nGetACK;
* name: iic_test
* func: test iic
* para: none
* ret: none
* modify:
* comment:
void iic_test(void)
char szData[16] = "liuzhiping";
unsigned int i;
Uart_Printf("\n IIC Protocol Test Example, using AT24C04...\n");
Uart_Printf(" Write char 0-f into AT24C04\n");
f_nGetACK = 0;
// Enable interrupt
rINTMOD = 0x0;
pISR_IIC = (unsigned)iic_int_24c04;
// Initialize iic
rIICADD = 0x10; // S3C2410X slave address
rIICCON = 0xaf; // Enable ACK, interrupt, SET IICCLK=MCLK/16
rIICSTAT = 0x10; // Enable TX/RX
// Write 0 - 16 to 24C04
for(i=0; i<16; i++)
iic_write_24c040(0xa0, i, szData[i]);
Uart_Printf(" %d", szData[i]);
// Clear array
for(i=0; i<16; i++)
// Read 16 byte from 24C04
for(i=0; i<16; i++)
iic_read_24c040(0xa0, i, &(szData[i]));
// Printf read data
Uart_Printf(" \nRead 16 bytes from AT24C04\n");
for(i=0; i<16; i++)
Uart_Printf(" %c ", szData[i]);
Uart_Printf("\n end.\n");
* name: iic_write_24c040
* func: write data to 24C040
* para: unSlaveAddr --- input, chip slave address
* unAddr --- input, data address
* ucData --- input, data value
* ret: none
* modify:
* comment:
void iic_write_24c040(unsigned int unSlaveAddr, unsigned int unAddr, char ucData)
f_nGetACK = 0;
// Send control byte
rIICDS = unSlaveAddr; // 0xa0
rIICSTAT = 0xf0; // Master Tx,Start
while(f_nGetACK == 0) // Wait ACK
f_nGetACK = 0;
//Send address
rIICDS = unAddr;
rIICCON = 0xaf; // Resumes IIC operation.
while(f_nGetACK == 0) // Wait ACK
f_nGetACK = 0;
// Send data
rIICDS = ucData;
rIICCON = 0xaf; // Resumes IIC operation.
while(f_nGetACK == 0) // Wait ACK
f_nGetACK = 0;
// End send
rIICSTAT = 0xd0; // Stop Master Tx condition
rIICCON = 0xaf; // Resumes IIC operation.
Delay(5); // Wait until stop condtion is in effect.
* name: iic_read_24c040
* func: read data from 24C040
* para: unSlaveAddr --- input, chip slave address
* unAddr --- input, data address
* pData --- output, data pointer
* ret: none
* modify:
* comment:
void iic_read_24c040(unsigned int unSlaveAddr, unsigned int unAddr, char *pData)
char cRecvByte;
f_nGetACK = 0;
//Send control byte
rIICDS = unSlaveAddr; // 0xa0
rIICSTAT = 0xf0; // Master Tx,Start
while(f_nGetACK == 0) // Wait ACK
f_nGetACK = 0;
// Send address
rIICDS = unAddr;
rIICCON = 0xaf; // Resumes IIC operation.
while(f_nGetACK == 0) // Wait ACK
f_nGetACK = 0;
//Send control byte
rIICDS = unSlaveAddr; // 0xa0
rIICSTAT = 0xb0; // Master Rx,Start
rIICCON = 0xaf; // Resumes IIC operation.
while(f_nGetACK == 0) // Wait ACK
f_nGetACK = 0;
//Get data
cRecvByte = rIICDS;
rIICCON = 0x2f;
// Get data
cRecvByte = rIICDS;
// End receive
rIICSTAT = 0x90; // Stop Master Rx condition
rIICCON = 0xaf; // Resumes IIC operation.
Delay(5); // Wait until stop condtion is in effect.
*pData = cRecvByte;
* name: iic_int_24c04()
* func: IIC interrupt handler
* para: none
* ret: none
* modify:
* comment:
void __irq iic_int_24c04(void)
f_nGetACK = 1;
心得:开始这份代码怎么也不能用,后来在每个while(f_nGetACK == 0)循环中添加了个延时,就可以用了,但还不知道原理,先用着吧
