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2010-01-19 08:55:31

the intervention group receiving massage therapy
Researchers at the Yale Prevention Research Center carried out a 16 week study attempting to identify the potential benefits of Swedish massage on osteoarthritis patients with pain, stiffness and limited range of motion (1). 68 patients who had been diagnosed by x-ray as having osteoarthritis of the knee were randomly assigned to either an intervention group that received massage therapy immediately or to a wait-list control group that received massage after an initial eight-week delay.
The individuals in the massage intervention group received a standard one-hour Swedish massage twice a week for 4 weeks, followed by Swedish massage once as week for the next 4 weeks.
The results indicated that the intervention group receiving massage therapy demonstrated significant improvements in their mean pain level. There were also measurable improvements in stiffness and physical functional disability. The control group experienced similar improvements when they received the massage therapy. When the patients were reassessed eight weeks after the completion of the massage intervention, the benefits of massage persisted and remained significant, although the magnitude of the effects were somewhat reduced.
The study authors suggest that massage therapy could be used in conjunction with conventional treatment for osteoarthritis and ultimately, massage may lessen a patient reliance on medications and decrease health care costs.
There is no substitute for studying massage at an accredited and recognised massage school for those who wish to become professional massage therapists. However,girostexxt
 many people are just interested in a simple introduction to massage - "Massage for Dummies". They may just wish to give their partner a relaxing/sensual massage with the knowledge that their partner may benefit physically and emotionally from the power our their touch or they may be interested in trying it out with a view to more formal study at a later stage.
There are a significant number of online resources aimed at assisting these people gain an insight into the world of massage. One of the better ones of these is
If you choose to buy the online massage video workshop you'll get
15 Online massage lessons (video). This include the basic strokes and routines for parts of the body including back, neck, legs, arms, feet, head etc.
Basic anatomy relevant for massage.
Step-by-step massage instruction to attack critical hot spots of the body - key areas of tightness on most people that 'demand' to be released.
Tips on how to perform massage safely.
Hard copies of the full body massage sequence to make it easier for you to remember.
Member support and other helpful resources.
Now we would repeat that studying massage from watching online videos is not the best way to learn. Enrolling in a good massage school is the preferred approach. However if you only have time during your lunchbreak and your only study tool is your computer or you want to use a resource in addition to your than massage school, then you would do a lot worse than to invest

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