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2010-01-18 08:56:51

Deep Tissue Massage Therapists use techniques designed
Indeed some other website description re-inforce this attitude that Deep Tissue Massage is deep work virtually for it's own sake. Deep tissue work should not be painful and can be very nuturing for the recipient.
Art Riggs, author of "Deep Tissue Massage - A Visual Guide to Techniques" defines Deep Tissue Massage as
"the understanding of the layers of the body, and the ability to work with tissue in these layers to relax, lengthen, and release holding patterns in the most effective and energy efficient way possible".
Deep tissue massage is not an approach of prescribed strokes or the use of deep pressure for it's own sake. It is a technigue that may focus on the deeper layers of muscle tissue but is more aimed at releasing the chronic patterns of tension in the body through slow strokes.
It is not the case that
"Deep Tissue Massage Therapists use techniques designed to massage deep muscles by applying strong pressure to superficial muscles" 
nor is it's main aim to
"..... helps loosen muscle tissues, release toxins from muscles and get blood and oxygen circulating properly"
That is the role of remedial massage. However it must be stated that the border between remedial and deep tissue massage is a grey one and there is no reason why the two techniques should not be interspersed within a massage.
In Deep Tissue Massage there is a lower emphasis placed on pleasure as the primary goal. The objective is to altering the soft tissue structure whilst releasing some muscular restrictions. However that is not to say that the work may not be pleasurable. Most recipients of a deep tissue massage, prefer the increased degree of relaxation, the alleviation of pain and the longer lasting benefits, once they become accustomed to the techniques used.
Deep Tissue Massage - A convert writes
I start my week with a massage. For me it's one of the best ways to deal with stress, tension headaches and the aches and pains from spending too much time in front of the computer. While I'm a firm believer in the benefits of remedial massage to relieve muscle tension, pain and stress, I'm now a convert to the advantages of Richard's Deep Tissue massage as well. In my experience Deep Tissue massage isn't as 'relaxing' as remedial massage - it's a bit more interactive during the session and the physical sensations can be a little more intense. The relaxation comes after you walk out the door, when you realise the muscle tension is gone, you can move your head from side to side without pain and you're standing an inch taller!. After just one session I was amazed at how much looser and flexible my body felt.
Most pregnant women feel discomfort during pregnancy. The physical,siojrlrix physiological and emotional changes that occur cause added stress on the mother-to-be. More and more women are discovering the benefits of a pregnancy massage.
We prefer to perform pregnancy massage with the client in a side-lying or seated position. Many of our therapists use a specifically designed pregnancy massage cushion manufactured by Meridian. For more information then please check out our
This view is independently supported on a recent forum discussion by massage therapists which discusses the merits or otherwise of prenatal massage tables.

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