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2009-12-18 09:26:10

The world's 11 largest health-care massage methods

, as the old: ancient Greek and Roman nobility of special privileges, Hawaii Temple to celebrate the ceremony before the crowd, is the highest ancient royal Thai hospitality etiquette, is a unique skill of the Warring States Period Hua Tuo healing, caring ... ... Massage also like fashion: in hospitals, hotels, fitness centers everywhere, and even providing a telephone booking, on-site service. Hollywood beauty is not only a health secret, but also you and I, each of us a shortcut to get healthy. Massage is also so useful: the ability to weight-loss, breast enhancement, but also contribute to stress reduction, detoxification ... ... No wonder the lure of more and more people. But now need to temporarily put aside the temptation to carefully consider what kind of massage for yourself in the end schools. Simply is not enough to determine the genre, but also to master the details of this school of massage in order to determine will pay for the massage professional enough in the end. Five Traditional Massage 1. Traditional Chinese Massage: Chinese massage steeped in history, to health care, medical treatment and the main purpose is an important part of traditional medicine. Legend of the Warring States Period of the miracle-working doctor Hua Tuo is its inventor, after thousands of years of medical exploration, this approach has now been more perfect massage. Massage for 60 ~ 90 minutes Main effect - to help the rehabilitation of chronic diseases Chinese massage vary, dialectical and giving of treatment, by stimulating specific acupuncture points and meridians, balance of yin and yang, adjust the qi and blood to help the rehabilitation of chronic disease. Other effects - strengthening the immune system,swffwesad regulating mood, weight-loss Massage details Chinese massage, ranging from press, kneading, vibration, etc., in addition to the use of pulp to operate, but also commonly used to refer to joints, back of the hand, elbows and other parts. Massage the back, limbs, acupoints, the masseuse used a larger force; massage the head, abdomen, when the point is not too much force. Massage abdomen acupuncture, the masseur will also require experience of those with breathing. 2. Traditional Japanese-style massage Is widely circulated that Japanese-style massage originated in China, in the former government exchanges by the Chinese merchants brought to Dongying. Although this argument has not been clearly established, but even the Japanese medical experts also acknowledged that Japanese-style massage and Chinese massage strikingly similar way. However, the masseuse kneel on the experience of those who carried out the back with his knee is still very Japanese way of massage styles. Massage for 60 ~ 90 minutes Main effects - pain When you have a headache, back pain, low back pain, menstrual pain and distress, select Japanese-style massage is very fit, you can directly inhibit muscle stretch reflex spasm, relieve pain. Other effects - to improve skin texture, reduce muscle fatigue, improve human immunity and prevent aging of blood vessels Massage details In order to avoid skin abrasions, masseurs usually prior to the experience of those who Chashang massage massage oil. Massage finger pulp, palm or knee operations to them to support the use of the body's weight pressing down vertically instead of wrist force or friction, do not use swing class action. Massage during the masseuse will slowly increase the intensity of uniform will not be heated quickly afterburner. 3. Traditional Thai Massage A variety of massage Thai massage is the most intense, from Thailand physician Ji Wake Kumar western India, according to ancient Thai massage technique imported and local Chinese immigrants from a number of massage techniques to create, then, as the highest aristocratic royal hospitality etiquette. The technique has also been etched in the veranda wall Wate Bo Wat Pho, where they are known as "Thai massage base." Massage for 60 ~ 120 minutes Main effect - to enhance physical flexibility
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