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2010-05-23 16:52:19

    CALSEP.PVTSIM.V18 多用途PVT模拟软件 
PVTsim 软件已广泛应用于计算机含油气盆地中液态烃包裹体的捕获压力;利用PVTsim软件对该类包裹体捕获压力进行了模拟计算,结果表明,包裹体的最小捕获压力为16-21MPa,并有从南向北逐渐减小的趋势,而且包裹体的捕获压力远小于深盆气藏形成时的静水压力,这一特征与深盆气藏形成的地质地球化学条件相一致。 
PVTsim  是为石油工程师开发的多用途PVT模拟软件。要精确模拟油和凝析气混合物的PVT特性,需要进行标准的组份分析。多种油藏组分流体可以被定性化和集总为一个唯一的拟组分。程序中的回归方法选项允许将PVT数据匹配成与最少的拟组分。PVTsim中的天然气水化物、蜡、沥青质和结垢功能选项使PVTsim 非常适合于评估在管线运输过程中的固体沉降的风险。PVTsim 中还有组分蜡分解模拟器(DepoWax)。PVTsim可以定量地模拟从深层油藏到标准条件下得油、气、水多相的组份分布及相特性。PVTsim 可以将结果向其他油藏模拟器、管道模拟器、处理模拟器的输出,这样就可能在模拟整个油/气生产过程中使用同一种热动力基础。流体处理器:处理流体组分和PVT数据是PVTsim 中的主要组成部分。PVT实验室测出的PVT数据可以输入到并存在PVTsim的数据库中去。PVTsim自动的将加号组分分开,并结成拟组分,准备好在模拟过程中所需的各组分和模型参数。PVTsim 中的“泥浆清理”功能可以将数据中被泥浆中的油基所污染的数据数字化清理。  
PVTsim的流体处理器中还包括两相压力/温度闪蒸和相态变化模拟功能。闪蒸计算的输出结果包括:密度和Z因子;焓、熵、Cp和Cv;声速:粘度;热传导率;表面张力。      PVTsim 模拟器:PVTsim 适合于计划PVT实验、检查实验数据的质量。所有的常规PVT实验都可以被模拟:定量膨胀;定容脱离;差异脱离;分离试验;膨胀试验;粘度试验还有其他选项可计算饱和点、零界点和随深度的组分变化。      闪蒸和设备操作:PVTsim 所支持的闪蒸有:PT(压力,温度):PH(压力,焓):PS(压力,熵):VT(容积,温度):UV(内能,容积);HS(焓,熵);      可以模拟的设备有:压缩机;扩容机;冷却器;加热器;泵;阀;闪蒸分离器      与油藏模拟器的接口:      PVTsim 只用几分钟就可以将标准组分分析的结果转化为向油藏和井流模拟器的输入文件。所支持的模拟器有:Eclipse 黑油模型;Eclipse 200(Gi);Eclipse组分模型;VIP黑油模型;VIP 组分模型;Prosper/Mbal;Saphir。 
电话tel: 18980583122   18980583122(早9点--晚6:30点)
还有更多软件请登陆好好行业软件网: 好好行业软件网
PVTsim 18  is a versatile PVT simulation program developed for reservoir engineers, flow assurance specialists, PVT lab engineers and process engineers. 
The PVT simulation package PVTsim is being used by leading oil producing and operating companies throughout the world. 
Based on an extensive data material collected over a period of more than 20 years, PVTsim carries the information from experimental PVT studies into simulation software in a consistent manner and without loosing valuable information on the way. 
PVTsim 18 allows reservoir engineers, flow assurance specialists and process engineers to combine reliable fluid characterization procedures with robust and efficient regression algorithms to match fluid properties and experimental data. The fluid parameters may be exported to produce high quality input data for reservoir, pipeline and process simulators. 
PVTsim 18 is petroleum phase behavior at the tip of your fingers.    Updates and Bug fixes from PVTsim 17 to 18  Options/Models   PC-SAFT asphaltene model available to JIP sponsors as alternative to SRK/PR.   Updates and Bug Fixes  General   FLEXlm license system upgraded to version 11.5 to have Open Structure applications run from Excel under Vista.  Improved water densities from Water Package for pressure higher than 1000 atm and temperatures of 0-50 °C.  New parameters for propylene glycol to give improved hydrate inhibitor predictions.  MEG Peneloux volume shift parameter updated to give improved densities of fluid with MEG.  Salt CP-coefficients revised to give improved energy properties of salt water.  Recombination failed for Plus/No Plus fluids with defined C5-C6 components other than iC5, nC5 in case the fluids further contained an nC6 component with no density specified.  Improved smoothing of CSP viscosity in region between classical CSP and heavy oil viscosity model.  Error corrected in correlations for solubility of salts with crystal water. Solubility of salts with no crystal water corrected to not be influenced by crystal water bound to other salts.  Various minor changes and updates in pure component parameters.  Warning displayed when changing default number of pseudo-components in Unit System & Settings.   Fluid Management   QC module extended with check for consistent closing and opening pressures.  Updated text message in QC module on how to "cure" a fluid composition having a simulated separator pressure being larger than reported separator pressure.  QC module updated to fail unrealistic GC-compositions.  Error corrected in Same Pseudos option for Plus-fluids with only defined C7, C8 and/or C9 components. The error lead to incorrect component mole%'s.  Weaving and Save Phase options corrected to handle asphaltene components correctly.  Mix option corrected to properly handle mixing of fluids with components of the same name but different properties.          
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