2010-12-02 14:37:15
online Verilog-1995 Quick Reference Guide(一)
by Stuart Sutherland of Sutherland HDL, Inc., Portland, Oregon, USA
copyright 1995, Sutherland HDL, Inc., all rights reserved. Permission is granted to use this document for personal purposes only.$nbsp; You may not reproduce or distribute any portion of this document by any means without first obtaining permission from Sutherland HDL, Inc.
Professionally printed copies of this reference guides are available for purchase. See for details.
Verilog HDL constructs that represent hierarchy scope are:
( begin - end or fork - join ) | |
Each scope has its own name space. An identifier name defined within a scope is unique to that scope. References to an identifier name will search first in the local scope, and then search upward through the scope hierarchy up to a module boundary.
The following Verilog HDL constructs are independent processes that are evaluated concurrently in simulation time:
always and assign attribute begin buf bufif0 bufif1 case casex casez cmos deassign default defparam disable edge else end endattribute endcase endfunction | endmodule endprimitive endspecify endtable endtask event for force forever fork function highz0 highz1 if ifnone initial inout input integer join medium module | large macromodule nand negedge nmos nor not notif0 notif1 or output parameter pmos posedge primitive pull0 pull1 pulldown pullup rcmos real realtime | reg release repeat rnmos rpmos rtran rtranif0 rtranif1 scalared signed small specify specparam strength strong0 strong1 supply0 supply1 table task time tran | tranif0 tranif1 tri tri0 tri1 triand trior trireg unsigned vectored wait wand weak0 weak1 while wire wor xnor xor |
blanks, tabs, newlines (carriage return), formfeeds and EOF (end-of-file).
begins a single line comment, terminated by a newline.
begins a multi-line comment, terminated by a */
Verilog is case sensitive.
Must begin with alphabetic or underscore characters a -z A -Z _ | |
May contain the characters a -z A -Z 0 -9 _ and $ | |
May use any character by escaping with a backslash ( \ ) at the beginning of the identifier, and terminating with a white space. |
Examples | Notes |
| legal identifier name |
| uppercase identifier is unique from xor keyword |
| an escaped identifier (must be followed by a white space) |
The Verilog HDL has 4 logic values.
Logic Value | Description |
| zero, low, or false |
| one, high, or true |
| high impedance (tri-stated or floating) |
| unknown or uninitialized |
The Verilog HDL has 8 logic strengths: 4 driving, 3 capacitive, and high impedance (no strength).
Strength Level | Strength Name | Specification Keyword | Display Mnemonic | ||
7 | Supply Drive |
6 | Strong Drive |
5 | Pull Drive |
4 | Large Capacitive |
| |
3 | Weak Drive |
2 | Med. Capacitive |
| |
1 | Small Capacitive |
| |
0 | High Impedance |
Syntax | |
size' base value | Sized integer in a specific radix (base) |
size (optional) is the number of bits in the number. Unsized integers default to at least 32-bits. | |
' base (optional) represents the radix. The default base is decimal. |
Base | Symbol | Legal Values |
binary |
| 0, 1, x, X, z, Z, ?, _ |
octal |
| 0-7, x, X, z, Z, ?, _ |
decimal |
| 0-9, _ |
hexadecimal |
| 0-9, a-f, A-F, x, X, z, Z, ?, _ |
The ? is another way of representing the Z logic value. | |
An _ (underscore) is ignored (used to enhance readability). | |
Values are expanded from right to left (lsb to msb). | |
When size is less than value, the upper bits are truncated. | |
When size is larger than value, and the left-most bit of value is 0 or 1, zeros are left-extended to fill the size. | |
When size is larger than value, and the left-most bit of value is Z or X, the Z or X is left-extended to fill the size. |
Examples | Size | Base | Binary Equivalent |
| unsized | decimal | 0...01010 (32-bits) |
| unsized | octal | 0...00111 (32-bits) |
| 1 bit | binary | 1 |
| 8 bits | hex | 11000101 |
| 6 bits | hex | 110000 (truncated) |
| 6 bits | hex | 001111 (zero filled) |
| 6 bits | hex | ZZZZZZ (Z filled) |
Syntax | |
value. value | decimal notation |
baseE exponent | scientific notation (the E is not case sensitive) |
Real numbers are limited to the values 0-9 and underscore. | |
There must be a value on either side of the decimal point. |
Examples | Notes |
| must have value on both sides of decimal point |
| 3 times 104 (30000) |
| 5.8 times 10-3 (0.0058) |
Verilog HDL models are represented as modules.
Syntax |
Implicit Internal Connection
Explicit Internal Connection
Implicit internal connections connect the port to an internal net or register of the same name. | |
Explicit internal connections connect the port to an internal signal with a different name, or a bit select, part select, or concatenation of internal signals. | |
The keyword macromodule is a synonym for module . Some EDA tools may optimize tool execution performance by flattening macromodule hierarchy. | |
are: |
Behavioral - modeled with procedural blocks or continuous assignment statements. | |
Structural - modeled as a netlist of module instances or primitive instances. | |
A combination of behavioral and structural. |
Syntax |
[ ] port_name, port_name, ... ; |
is declared as:
input for scalar or vector input ports. | |
output for scalar or vector output ports. | |
inout for scalar or vector bi-directional ports. |
is a range from [
msb :
lsb ]
(most-significant-bit to least-significant-bit).
The msb and lsb must be literal integers, integer parameters, or an expression that resolves to an integer constant. | |
Either little-endian convention (the lsb is the smallest bit number) or big-endian convention (the lsb is the largest bit number) may be used. | |
The maximum port size may be limited, but will be at least 256 bits. |
Examples | Notes |
input a,b,sel; | 3 scalar ports |
output [7:0] result; | little endian convention |
inout [0:15] data_bus; | big endian convention |
input [15:12] addr; | msb:lsb may be any integer |
parameter word = 32; | constant expressions may be used |
Syntax |
[ ] variable_name , variable_name , ... ; |
[ ] memory_name [ ]; |
[ ] #( ) net_name , net_name , ... ; |
( ) [ ] #( ) net_name = ; |
trireg ( ) [] #( , ) net_name, net_name, ... ; |
parameter constant_name = value, constant_name = value, ... ; |
specparam constant_name = value, constant_name = value, ... ; |
event event_name, event_name, ... ; |
(optional) may only be specified on net data types. The syntax is the same as .
is a range from [
msb :
(most-significant-bit to least-significant-bit).
The msb and lsb must be integers, integer parameters or an expression that resolves to an integer constant. | |
Either little-endian convention (the lsb is the smallest bit number) or big-endian convention (the lsb is the largest bit number) may be used. | |
The maximum vector size is at least 65,536 bits (216). |
is from [
first_address :
first_address and last_address must be integers, integer parameters, or an expression that resolves to integer.
Either ascending or descending address order may be used. | |
The maximum array size is at least 16,777,216 words (224). |
(optional) is specified as (
or (
. See for keywords.
(optional) specifies the amount of time a trireg net will store a charge after all drivers turn-off, before decaying to logic X. The syntax is (
. The default decay is infinite.
Keyword | Functionality |
| unsigned variable of any bit size |
| signed 32-bit variable |
| unsigned 64-bit variable |
| double-precision floating point variable |
Register data types are used as variables in procedural blocks.
Registers store logic values only (no logic strength). | |
A register data type must be used when the signal is on the left-hand side of a procedural assignment. |
Keyword | Functionality |
wire or tri | Simple interconnecting wire |
wor or trior | Wired outputs OR together |
wand ortriand | Wired outputs AND together |
tri0 | Pulls down when tri-stated |
tri1 | Pulls up when tri-stated |
supply0 | Constant logic 0 (supply strength) |
supply1 | Constant logic 1 (supply strength) |
trireg | Stores last value when tri-stated (capacitance strength) |
Net data types connect structural components together.
Nets transfer both logic values and logic strengths. | |
A net data type must be used when: |
A signal is driven by the output of some device. | |
A signal is also declared as an input port or inout port. | |
A signal is on the left-hand side of a continuous assignment. |
Other Types | Functionality |
| Run-time constant for storing integers, real numbers, time, delays, or ASCII strings. Parameters may be for each instance of a module. |
| Specify block constant for storing integers, real numbers, time, delays or ASCII strings |
| A momentary flag with no logic value or data storage. Often used for synchronizing concurrent activities within a module. |
Data Type Examples | Notes |
wire a, b, c; | 3 scalar nets |
tri1 [7:0] data_bus; | 8-bit net, pulls-up when tri-stated |
reg [1:8] result; | an 8-bit unsigned variable |
reg [7:0] RAM [0:1023]; | a memory array; 8-bits wide, with 1K of addresses |
wire #(2.4,1.8) carry; | a net with rise, fall delays |
wire (strong1,pull0) sum = a+b; | net with drive strength and a continuous assignment |
trireg (small) #(0,0,35) ram_bit; | net with small capacitance and 35 time unit decay time |
Syntax |
Port Order Connections module_name |
Port Name Connections module_name |
Explicit Parameter Redefinition
Implicit Parameter Redefinition module_name |
A module may be instantiated using port order or port names.
Port order instantiation lists signal connections in the same order as the port list in the module definition. Unconnected ports are designated by two commas with no signal listed. | |
Port name instantiation lists the port name and signal connected to it, in any order. |
(required) is used to make multiple instances of the same module unique from one another.
(optional) instantiates multiple modules, each instance connected to separate bits of a vector.
The range is specified as [ lhi: rhi] (left-hand-index to right-hand-index). | |
If the bit width of a module port in the array is the same as the width of the signal connected to it, the full signal is connected to each instance of the module port. | |
If the bit width of a module port is different than the width of the signal connected to it, each module port instance is connected to a part select of the signal, with the right-most instance index connected to the right-most part of the vector, and progressing towards the left. | |
There must be the correct number of bits in each signal to connect to all instances (the signal size and port size must be multiples). |
Parameters in a module may be redefined for each instance.
Explicit redefinition uses a defparam statement with the parameter's hierarchical name. | |
Implicit redefinition uses the # token as part of the module instantiation. Parameters must be redefined in the same order they are declared within the module. |
Module Instance Examples |
Array of Instances Example |
Syntax |
( drive_strength) #( delay) [ ] ( terminal, terminal, ... ); |
#( delay) [ ] ( terminal, terminal, ... ); |
Terminal Order | ||
and | nand xnor | (1_output, 1-or-more_inputs) |
buf | not | (1-or-more_outputs, 1_input) |
bufif0 | notif0 | (1_output, 1_input, 1_control) |
pullup | pulldown | (1_output) |
(1_output, 1-or-more_inputs) |
Terminal Order | ||
pmos | rpmos | (1_output, 1_input, 1_control) |
cmos | rcmos | (1_output, 1_input, n_control, p_control) |
tran | rtran | (2_bidirectional-inouts) |
tranif0 | rtranif1 | (2_bidirectional-inouts, 1_control) |
# or #( ) Single delay for all output transitions |
#( , ) Separate delays for (rising, falling) transitions |
#( , , ) Separate delays for (rising, falling, turn-off) transitions |
#( : : ) Minimum to maximum range of delays for all transitions |
#( : : , : : ) Min. to max. range of delays for (rising, falling) transitions |
#( : : , : : , : : ) Min. to max. range of delays for (rising, falling, turn-off) transitions |
(optional) represents the propagation delay through a primitive. The default delay is zero. Integers or real numbers may be used.
(optional) is specified as (
or (
Refer to for strength keywords.
Only gate primitives may have drive strength specified. Switch primitives pass the input strength to the output. Resistive switches reduce the strength as it passes through. |
(optional) may used to reference specific primitives in debugging tools, schematics, etc.
(optional) instantiates multiple primitives, each instance connected to separate bits of a vector.
The range is specified as [ lhi: rhi] (left-hand-index to right-hand-index). | |
The primitive instances are connected with the right-most instance index connected to the right-most bit of each vector, and progressing towards the left. | |
Vector signals must be the same size as the array. | |
Scalar signals are connected to all instances in the array. |
Primitive Instance Examples | Notes |
and i1 (out,in1,in2); | zero delay gate primitive |
and #5 (o,i1,i2,i3,i4); | same delay for all transitions |
not #(2,3) u7(out,in); | separate rise & fall delays |
buf (pull0,strong1)(y,a); | output drive strengths model ECL |
wire [31:0] y, a; | array of 32 buffers |
Syntax |
is either initial
or always
initial procedural blocks process statements one time. | |
always procedural blocks process statements repeatedly. |
(optional) is an event timing control that controls when all statements in the procedural block will start to be evaluated. The sensitivity list is used to model combinational and sequential logic behavior.
-- is used to group two or more procedural statements together and control the execution order.
begin --end groups two or more statements together sequentially, so that statements are evaluated in the order they are listed. Each timing control is relative to the previous statement. | |
fork --join groups two or more statements together in parallel, so that all statements are evaluated concurrently. Each timing control is absolute to when the group started. |
(optional) creates a local scope in a statement group. Named groups may have local variables, and may be disabled with the disable
(optional) must be a register data type (may only be declared in named statement groups).
is used to control when statements in a procedural block are executed. Refer to Procedural Timing
is a to a register variable or a .
Procedural Block Examples | Notes |
| initial procedure executes statements one time; The fork--join group places statements in parallel. |
| always procedure executes statements repeatedly. |
| a statement group is not required when there is only one statement |
edge signal or
edge signal or
... )
edge (optional) maybe either posedge or negedge . If no edge is specified, then any logic transition is used. | |
or is used to specify events on any of several signals. | |
signal may be scalar or vector, and any data type. |
wait (
sequential statement group, execution of the next statement is blocked until the assignment is complete. In the sequence begin m=n; n=m; end
, the 1st assignment changes m before the 2nd assignment evaluates m.<=
sequential statement group, execution of the next statement is not blocked; and may be evaluated before the assignment is complete. In the sequence begin m<=n; n<=m; end
, both assignments will be evaluated before m or n changes.=
register_data_type =
net_or_register_data_type =
net_or_register_data_type;if (
statement or statement_group
if (
expression) statement or statement_groupelse
statement or statement_group
case (
net_or_register_or_literal) case_match1: statement or statement_group case_match2, case_match3: statement or statement_groupdefault:
statement or statement_groupendcase
casez (
net_or_register_or_literal)casex (
statement or statement_grouprepeat (
number) statement or statement_groupwhile (
expression) statement or statement_groupfor (
initial_assignment; expression; step_assignment) statement or statement_groupExecutes initial_assignment once when the loop starts. | |
Executes the statement or statement group as long as the expression evaluates as true. | |
Executes the step_assignment at the end of each pass through the loop. |
group_name;Procedural Statement Examples |