We tend to come across COMP, COMP-3 etc. very frequently in mainframes. Some facts:
Did you know that COMP-3 means Packed Decimal format?
Did you know that BINARY, COMP and COMP-4 mean the same?
In COMP-3 format, one byte will store 2 decimal digits (and the rightmost byte will have one digit and the sign). If we use a COMP-3 for even number of digits then we'll waste half a byte on the leftside. So generally all COMP-3s will be declared to store an odd number of digits.
COMP-3 values are not readable (will appear with junk values) when the file is opened in normal mode.
Why not use a normal picture clause (like 9(4) which are called DISPLAY format)? DISPLAY formats use one byte for every decimal digit. DISPLAY formats can be directly viewed when you open the file.
Why not use binary format instead of packed decimal? It's easier to convert from packed decimal into display than from binary to display.
Food for thought: Why is it that when we view a file in HEX mode, comp-3 formats are readable?
KR-56 : More COBOL COMPs!
What's a COMP/ Binary format?
COMP, COMP-4 and BINARY refer to the same format. They are well-suited for arithmetic operations since the numbers are stored in binary format. Wondering what's binary format?
Let's take the decimal number 48.
In COMP-3 (packed decimal) format, the 2 digits will be considered separately. i.e. the number 4 and the number 8. And in COMP-3, two digits occupy 1 byte (or in other words; each decimal digit occupies half a byte - 4 bits). So, just convert 4 and 8 into their respective binary representations and you'll have:
0100 1000 (for 4 and 8 respectively)
In COMP (or binary) format, the number 48 is stored in memory by converting 48 into its equivalent binary form. Do a decimal to binary conversion and you'll get:
That's the basic difference (which leads to other differences) between a COMP and a COMP-3.
We'll end this edition here and before we finish a Food for thought: Why does a COMP-3 appear as junk in normal view mode but is interpretable when the file is in HEX ON mode?
KR-57 : HEX Format
Everything in a PC is finally stored in binary format 1s and 0s by the system. These 1s and 0s are grouped together, converted using some conversion formula/table and presented to us so that we can make sense of the 1s and 0s.
In PCs, the ASCII code is used for converting from characters into bytes. In mainframes (being an IBM product), the EBCDIC code is used for the same purpose.
Thus when we open a flat file, the bytes are converted into characters using EBCDIC code.
What's HEX format? HEX or hexadecimal format is similar to the decimal system except that each position can represent a maximum value of 15 (in decimal it's 0 to 9; in hexa it's 0 - F; F equals decimal 15). And to convert a decimal number to hexaformat is pretty similar to what we saw for decimal to COMP-3 conversion (and each hexa digit occupies 4 bits/half a byte);
Or in other words, let's say we have a file with the byte: 0001 0010
When we open this file in HEX mode (just type HEX ON on the command line); the screen would show: 12 (1 in hexa is 0001 and 2 in hexa is 0010).
Well, now you should know the reason why a comp-3 is viewable in HEX ON mode; if you aren't clear; then take a small decimal number; convert it into comp-3; and then you'll be clear.
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