谈到灾备,不得不谈的两个衡量灾备的可用性的指标RTO,RPO,这两个指标一个是指当灾难发生的时候,灾备系统的恢复需要多长时间,即灾难发生后,经过多长时间,系统可以正常的进行对外业务; 一个是当灾难发生以后,数据需要在生成的时间,这里的在生成的意思是灾难发生后,肯定有数据丢失,灾备系统能保证灾难发生前多少分钟的数据时有效的,这两个指标的具体定义如下:
Recovery Time Objective (RTO) - This is how long your business can afford to wait for IT
services to be resumed following a disaster.
If this number is not clearly stated now, think back to the last time you had a significant
service outage. How long was that outage, and how much pain did your company suffer as
a result? This will help you get a feel for whether your RTO should be measured in days,
hours, or minutes.
Recovery Point Objective (RPO) - This is how much data your company is willing to
recreate following a disaster. In other words, what is the acceptable time difference
between the data in your production system and the data at the recovery site.
Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex (GDPS) is a multi-site application availability
solution that provides the capability to manage remote copy configuration and storage
subsystems, automates Parallel Sysplex operational tasks, and performs failure recovery
from a single point of control, thereby improving application availability and decreasing RTO


这里我们主要关注的K系统,一级磁盘,二级磁盘,以及master 系统也就是production 系统。
在GDPS下,实现灾备的高可用的RTO,RPO的技术主要有两种,一种是基于硬件实现同步复制的PPRC技术,另一种是基于软硬件技术结合的异步复制 的XRC技术,这两种技术针对的场景略有不同,二者的关系是相辅相成的。


The GDPS/PPRC HyperSwap function is designed to broaden the continuous availability
attributes of GDPS/PPRC solutions by extending the Parallel Sysplex redundancy to disk
subsystems. The HyperSwap function can help significantly increase the speed of switching
sites and switching disk between sites.
Figure 7-29 illustrates how applications can access the PPRC copy after a HyperSwap via the
same set of UCBs. After a data set is allocated by a task, the UCB address cannot be
changed. With HyperSwap this UCB, instead of mapping the primary device, now maps the
secondary, without any application task disruption.
上面这段介绍了hyperswap的概念以及作用,即在使用了hyper swap后,你可以在不影响应用的情况,切换primary disk 到PPRC copy,这对应用时完全透明的。
这里这对GDPS 以及涉及的两种技术进行了一个大体的介绍,我想你如果不是专门的存储或是OS人员,这些东西对你理解你系统的灾备,应该有一个简单的入门了吧,呵呵
ABCs of z/OS System Programming
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