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分类: DB2/Informix

2012-08-01 09:47:28

If you know that CA/400 can download the doble-bye record, then do you know how to send this output file to personal mail-box thru the Sequel Script ?
answer is: use the PC command "RMTCMD" on PC.
the format is: RMTCMD sequel/runscript script(library/scriptname) //IP Address
the email address should have writen in the script. for example:
1. there is a sequel script,named WOTDYOPN in library KEINLIB:(it's to send QTEMP/WOTDYLST2(double-bye file) to Angeli)


  1. EXECUTE SQL('select * from qtemp/wotdylst2') PCFMT(*XLS) +
  2. TOSTMF('work order list(on yesterday)') REPLACE(*YES) +
  4.') EMLMSG('This is for Angeli to +
  5. analys work order opened on yesterday! This mail will be +sent at 8:50am every working day !') TEXT('work order +
  6. opened on yesterday')
2. IP adress of AS400 is
3.check the mail box:

4.check the file:
if you run the sequel script on AS400 directly ,then you will recieve the unreadable character.
1. run the sequel script on AS400 directly
2. get the unreadable code

the best words to explain this kind of difference is: the default CCSID of e-send-mail command is '37', it can not identify the Chinese as send email. If you use the PC command 'RMTCMD' to call the script on AS400, it seems to override the CCSID '37' by the default CCSID of PC,which is '1388'.

I hope somebody will tell me that I am getting a wrong comprehension in one day.

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woiny4562013-01-24 11:48:54

最近几天很郁闷,我写了一份Sequel Script,可以取代原来十几个的Query,用同样的方法在PC上面执行,却达不到想要的效果,Script执行到发送邮件那一步就返回错误了。在PC机上面没有显示具体的错误内容。