2012-03-28 11:44:38
Today is my unlucky day . too bad luck , My personal notebook was failure , It’s not difficult to me as usual . But sometimes , My notebook like make a joke to me . I was try to many method attempt repair it , but it still unnormal . So May be I only via reinstall system image to repair it and get right.
on one hand ,My personal notebook has some trouble. on the other hand , in morning , I came to my workplace and access the hydrazine iLo remote console to reinstall the Redhat Enterprise Linux to test and verify the new feature SR-IOV . when operation system was installed completed. It always tips error find the operation system or display the messy code . though the issue was strange and that spend me a lot of time . But ends resolved it . The process is restore the BIOS release and pulled up the cables of the fiber channel which connect with storage .
My Singapore friend MingHong told me some funny English wording . Such as “Yup!” its equal yes! and “something to that extent .” means very very thanks . more professional ! ☺
nice day .
Steven Song.