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分类: 系统运维

2011-04-11 15:32:41

check cpu (sar -u)-->check memory (vmstat)-->check disk(iostat)
aix performance tools
identify causes of bottlenecks
cpu  tprof
memory  svmon
I/O   filemon
root@wjlcnaix:/tmp>tprof -x sleep 10
Mon Apr 11 10:36:26 2011
System: AIX 5.3 Node: wjlcnaix Machine: 00C91D604C00
Starting Command sleep 10
stopping trace collection.
Configuration information
System: AIX 5.3 Node: wjlcnaix Machine: 00C91D604C00

svmon 捕获并分析内存快照
root@wjlcnaix:/tmp>svmon -P 1

     Pid Command          Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual 64-bit Mthrd  16MB
       1 init             91765    65539        0    91746      N     N     N

     PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
     s   4 KB        181          3          0        162
     m  64 KB       1628          0          0       1628

    Vsid      Esid Type Description              PSize  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
       0         0 work kernel segment (lgpg_vsid=0) L     16    16    0    16
  2b30ad         d work shared library text          m   1628     0    0  1628
   14001         2 work process private              s    103     3    0   103
   6401d         f work shared library data          s     59     0    0    59
   7c01b         1 clnt code,/dev/hd2:61             s     12     0    -     -
  52434d         - clnt /dev/hd4:1422                s      7     0    -     -

filemon command
Monitors the performance of the file system, and reports the I/O activity on behalf of logical files, virtual memory
       segments, logical volumes, and physical volumes.


Run trcstop command to signal end of trace.
root@wjlcnaix:/tmp>Mon Apr 11 10:43:20 2011
System: AIX 5.3 Node: wjlcnaix Machine: 00C91D604C00

root@wjlcnaix:/tmp>ls -l |grep kak
-rw-r--r--    1 root     system          335 Apr 01 10:59 kakaalog.add

root@wjlcnaix:/tmp>cat kakaalog.add

root@wjlcnaix:/tmp>file kakaalog.add
kakaalog.add: commands text
root@wjlcnaix:/tmp>file ha54
ha54: directory

ps aux
alias top="ps aux | tail +2 | sort -nr -k 3,3"

root@wjlcnaix:/tmp>ps -elf
       F S      UID    PID   PPID   C PRI NI ADDR    SZ    WCHAN    STIME    TTY  TIME CMD
  200003 A     root      1      0   0  60 20 14001400   676            Feb 22      -  0:22 /etc/init
  240001 A     root 278542      1   0  60 20 46c31f400   536        *   Feb 22      - 97:08 /usr/sbin/syncd 60

C 每秒钟衰减一半
PRI 越大优先权越低

sar -u 30 30

a system may be cpu bound,if: %usr+%sys>80%

root@wjlcnaix:/tmp>sar -P ALL -u 2 2

AIX wjlcnaix 3 5 00C91D604C00    04/11/11

System configuration: lcpu=64  mode=Capped

11:14:20 cpu    %usr    %sys    %wio   %idle   physc
11:14:22  0        0       0       0     100    0.53
          1        0       0       0     100    0.47
          2        0       0       0     100    0.52
          3        0       0       0     100    0.48
          4        0       0       0     100    0.53
          5        0       0       0     100    0.47
          6        0       0       0     100    0.53
          7        0       0       0     100    0.48
          8        0       0       0     100    0.53


tprof 可分析源码(c语言)

bindproccessor 把进程绑到单个cpu使用:

To bind the threads in process 19254 to processor 1, type:
>bindprocessor 19254 1


root@wjlcnaix:/tmp>vmstat 1 1

System configuration: lcpu=64 mem=62976MB

kthr    memory              page              faults        cpu    
----- ----------- ------------------------ ------------ -----------
 r  b   avm   fre  re  pi  po  fr   sr  cy  in   sy  cs us sy id wa
 0  0 3100183 12202964   0   0   0   0    0   0  12 3175 401  0  0 99  0

r/lcpu > 1   cpu瓶颈
pi po  超过20以上,说明内存交换过频繁。

svmon -G 全局报告
sizes are in # of 4k frames. 1页=4k
pers+clnt+virtual 与总的物理内存比较,大于则说明物理内存不够
root@wjlcnaix:/tmp>svmon -G
               size      inuse       free        pin    virtual
memory     16121856    3918897   12202959    2511167    3100184
pg space    2097152       7877

               work       pers       clnt      other
pin         1971680          0          0     539487
in use      3100184          0     818713

PageSize   PoolSize      inuse       pgsp        pin    virtual
s   4 KB          -    3749009       7877    2399663    2930296
m  64 KB          -      10618          0       6969      10618

root@wjlcnaix:/tmp>svmon -Pt 3

     Pid Command          Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual 64-bit Mthrd  16MB
  475184 oracle          261880    65584        0   256523      Y     N     N

     PageSize      Inuse        Pin       Pgsp    Virtual
     s   4 KB     195000          0          0     189643
     m  64 KB         84          3          0         84

    Vsid      Esid Type Description              PSize  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
       0         0 work kernel segment (lgpg_vsid=0) L     16    16    0    16
  1a8c6e  70000049 work default shmat/mmap           s  36329     0    0 36329
  1acc6f  7000004a work default shmat/mmap           s  15232     0    0 15232

#Disk I/O#

root@wjlcnaix:/tmp>iostat 1 1

System configuration: lcpu=64 drives=22 paths=126 vdisks=0

tty:      tin         tout    avg-cpu: % user % sys % idle % iowait
          0.0         62.0                0.0   0.1   99.9      0.0

Disks:        % tm_act     Kbps      tps    Kb_read   Kb_wrtn
hdisk0           0.0       0.0       0.0          0         0

% tm_act  正常值低于 70%
% iowait  大于25%有瓶颈

filemon 示例:
root@wjlcnaix:/tmp>filemon -o fmout

Run trcstop command to signal end of trace.
root@wjlcnaix:/tmp>Mon Apr 11 11:35:15 2011
System: AIX 5.3 Node: wjlcnaix Machine: 00C91D604C00

root@wjlcnaix:/tmp>[filemon: Reporting started]
[filemon: Reporting completed]

[filemon: 10.102 secs in measured interval]

root@wjlcnaix:/tmp>more fmout
Mon Apr 11 11:35:15 2011
System: AIX 5.3 Node: wjlcnaix Machine: 00C91D604C00

Cpu utilization:  51.5%
Cpu allocation:  100.0%

topas: cpu info;iostat info;netstat info;vmstat info;nfsstatinfo

Simultaneous Multi-Threading (SMT)
smtctl [ -m off | on [ -w boot | now]]

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上一篇:alog command and odm

下一篇:SRC info
