lssrc [-h host] -a
lssrc [-h host] -g group_name
lssrc [-h host] [-l] -s subsystem_name
lssrc [-h host] [-l] -p subsystem_pid
lssrc [-h host] [-l] -t subserver_type [-o subserver_object] [-p subsystem_pid]
lssrc [-h host] [-l] -t subserver_type [-P subserver_pid] [-p subsystem_pid]
lssrc -S [-s subsystem_name | -d ]
lssrc -T [-t subserver_type]
lssrc -N [-n notify_name]
list SRC status
root@wjlcnaix:/tmp>lssrc -g nfs
Subsystem Group PID Status
biod nfs inoperative
nfsd nfs inoperative
rpc.statd nfs inoperative
rpc.lockd nfs inoperative
rpc.mountd nfs inoperative
nfsrgyd nfs inoperative
gssd nfs inoperative
start a subsystem
root@wjlcnaix:/tmp>startsrc -s nfsd
0513-059 The nfsd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 348430.
refresh a subsystem
root@wjlcnaix:/tmp>refresh -s lpd
0513-095 The request for subsystem refresh was completed successfully.
root@wjlcnaix:/tmp>refresh -s nfsd
0513-005 The Subsystem, nfsd, only supports signal communication.
stop a subsystem
root@wjlcnaix:/tmp>stopsrc -s nfsd
0513-044 The nfsd Subsystem was requested to stop.
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