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分类: IT业界

2009-06-16 16:10:41


问:朋友的Windows XP电脑遇到点麻烦。他想把电脑中的部分内容拷贝到单独的一个备份盘上。如果他想把这些内容转移到将要购买的Windows 7电脑上时,是否会有问题呢?





答:据我所知,没有这样的计划。实际上,苹果公司管理人士一直说,他们没有兴趣生产上网本,也就是那种尺寸小、价格低的笔记本电脑,而且对上网本嗤之以鼻。不过,苹果公司经常秘密行动,有时会生产过去曾一笑置之的产品。而且,一直有传言说苹果公司正在研制一款平的写字板式电脑,或许是其口袋大小的iPod Touch的超大版。如果这些传言被证实确有其事,这样的写字板式电脑可能会对上网本形成竞争。

问:我女儿想要一台任天堂DS (Nintendo DS)游戏机已经一年多了。还有两周就是她的生日。她说买台便宜一些的DS Lite她就很高兴了,但多花40美元买台新款的DSi是不是更值?你认为在适配的新游戏方面,DS Lite会不会过时了?

答:显然,这取决于你的预算,而且我并不认为不会再有针对DS Lite的新游戏了。但如果40美元的差价并不构成障碍的话,我还是会选DSi,因为我觉得,随着时间的推移,会有越来越多的游戏和软件只能在更高端的机型上运行。
[Technology columnist Walter S. Mossberg answers readers' questions]

Q: A friend's Windows XP PC is having troubles. He wants to copy its contents onto a separate backup drive. Will he encounter problems if he tries to transfer this material to a Windows 7 unit he plans to buy when available?

A: He should have no problem at all with the data files, such as Office documents, music or photos. However, it may not be possible to transfer the programs and settings without reinstalling them from the original disks or downloaded installation files. And he may also have to re-install any patches or updates to these programs. Microsoft plans some sort of system to make this process simpler than it might be, but I don't yet know how it will work.

Q: I am not a super techie but would like to view Internet videos from my computer, attached to my TV. What do you recommend? Is there a system or a product that would be best for my needs?

A: You very likely don't need any special product, other than the right cables and, if need be, adapters, to connect your computer and your TV. This choice depends on the details of your computer's graphics capabilities and output ports, and the input ports and capabilities of your TV. All of this is much easier if the PC and TV are relatively modern -- say, two years old or less. But, whatever their age, you should visit a competent electronics store that sells cables, provide the staff with the details of the two products, and seek their specific advice.

Q: With the rising popularity of the netbook, do you know, or expect, that Apple will come out with a netbook? I would be very interested in getting one.

A: I know of no such plans. In fact, Apple officials have said they have no interest in producing a netbook, which is a small, inexpensive laptop, and have disparaged the category. However, Apple is quite secretive, and sometimes enters categories it had previously laughed off. Also, there are persistent rumors that Apple is working on a flat, tablet-style computer -- perhaps a much larger version of its iPod Touch pocket-size device. If these rumors prove true, such a tablet might compete with netbooks.

Q: Our daughter has asked for nothing but a Nintendo DS game system for more than a year now. Her birthday's in two weeks. She says she'd be happy with the cheaper DS Lite, but is it worth going with the new DSi for $40 more? Do you think the DS Lite will become obsolete, in terms of new games for it?

A: Obviously, this depends on your budget, and I don't think there'll never be another new game for the DS Lite. But if the $40 price difference isn't an obstacle, I'd go with the DSi, because I assume that, over time, more and more games and other software will emerge that will run only on the higher-end model.
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