- /*
* file: test.c
* author: vincent.cws2008@gmail.com
* history:
* initial @ 2012-02-29
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "bin_search.h"
static int __comp(const int *key, const int *dst)
if(*key < *dst)
return -1;
else if (*key > *dst)
return 1;
return 0;
#define ARRAY_SIZE(arr) (sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]))
static void __dump(int *arrp, size_t cnts)
int i;
for (i=0; i<cnts; i++)
printf("%d ", arrp[i]);
#define __msg_out(key, pmatched) { \
if (pmatched) \
printf("key:%d matched with address %p\n", key, pmatched); \
printf("key:%d nothing match any one of the array!\n", key);\
} \
#define test_out(arr,cnts,key) { \
__dump((arr), (cnts)); \
int *pmatched=0; \
pmatched = bin_search((arr), (cnts), sizeof(arr[0]), &key, __comp); \
__msg_out(key, pmatched); \
int main(void)
int *pmatched=0;
int i, key;
int arr0[] = {1};
int arr1[] = {1,4};
int arr2[] = {1,4,8};
int arr3[] = {1,4,8,10};
int arr4[] = {1,4,8,10,18};
int arr5[] = {1,4,8,10,18,23};
int arr6[] = {1,4,8,10,18,23,26};
for (key=0; key <= 28; key++)
printf ("--------------0--------------\n");
test_out(arr0, ARRAY_SIZE(arr0), key)
printf ("--------------1--------------\n");
test_out(arr1, ARRAY_SIZE(arr1), key)
printf ("--------------2--------------\n");
test_out(arr2, ARRAY_SIZE(arr2), key)
printf ("--------------3--------------\n");
test_out(arr3, ARRAY_SIZE(arr3), key)
printf ("--------------4--------------\n");
test_out(arr4, ARRAY_SIZE(arr4), key)
printf ("--------------5--------------\n");
test_out(arr5, ARRAY_SIZE(arr5), key)
printf ("--------------6--------------\n");
test_out(arr6, ARRAY_SIZE(arr6), key)
return 0;
- /*
* file: bin_search.h
* author: vincent.cws2008@gmail.com
* history:
* initial @ 2012-02-29
#ifndef __BIN_SEARCH_H_
#define __BIN_SEARCH_H_
typedef int (*compf)(const void *key, const void *dst);
void *bin_search(const void* arrp, size_t cnts, size_t size, void *key, compf __cmp);
- /*
* file: bin_search.c
* author: vincent.cws2008@gmail.com
* history:
* initial @ 2012-02-29
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "bin_search.h"
#define __assert(x)
#define __pdata(arrp,pos,size) (((char*)arrp)+(size)*(pos))
void * bin_search(const void* arrp, size_t cnts, size_t size, void *key, compf __cmp)
int min=0, max=cnts-1, mid;
__assert( arrp && key && pos1<=pos2);
while(min <= max)
mid = (min+max+1)>>1;
if (__cmp(key, __pdata(arrp,mid,size)) < 0)
/* smaller than the key, search from min to mid position */
max = mid-1;
else if (__cmp(key, __pdata(arrp,mid,size)) > 0)
/* bigger than the key, search from mid to max position */
min = mid+1;
/* match the key, return the address of the data */
return __pdata(arrp,mid,size);
return 0;
- #Makefile
CC := gcc
default: test.o
$(CC) -lm bin_search.c test.c -o test
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