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2012-05-17 18:00:33


1. 系统工作状态





2. 系统挂起模式

















The Power Management block controls the system clocks by software for the reduction of power consumption in the S3C2440A. These schemes are related to PLL, clock control logics (FCLK, HCLK, and PCLK) and wakeup signals.Figure 7-7 shows the clock distribution of the S3C2440A.

The S3C2440A has four power modes. The following section describes each power management mode. The transition between the modes is not allowed freely. Please see Figure 7-8 for available transitions among the modes.




In Normal mode, all peripherals and the basic blocks including power management block, the CPU core, the bus controller, the memory controller, the interrupt controller, DMA, and the external master may operate completely. But, the clock to each peripheral, except the basic blocks, can be stopped selectively by software to reduce the power consumption.


In IDLE mode, the clock to the CPU core is stopped except the bus controller, the memory controller, the interrupt controller, and the power management block. To exit the IDLE mode, EINT[23:0], or RTC alarm interrupt, or the other interrupts should be activated. (EINT is not available until GPIO block is turned on).




在空闲模式下,时钟对于CPU内核来说是停止的,但是对于总线控制器,内存控制器,中断控制器和电源管理模块来说,时钟是仍然处于工作状态。当外部中断EINT[23:0]RTC 告警中断或者其他中断被激活的时候,系统会退出空闲模式。需要注意的是,外部中断EINTGPIO模块被打开之前是不能被使用的。

SLOW Mode (Non-PLL Mode)

Power consumption can be reduced in the SLOW mode by applying a slow clock and excluding the power consumption from the PLL. The FCLK is the frequency of divide_by_n of the input clock (XTIpll or EXTCLK) without PLL. The divider ratio is determined by SLOW_VAL in the CLKSLOW control register and CLKDIVN control register.

In SLOW mode, PLL will be turned off to reduce the PLL power consumption. When the PLL is turned off in the SLOW mode and the user changes power mode from SLOW mode to NORMAL mode, then the PLL needs clock stabilization time (PLL lock time). This PLL stabilization time is automatically inserted by the internal logic with lock time count register. The PLL stability time will take 300us after the PLL is turned on. During PLL lock time, the FCLK becomes SLOW clock.

Users can change the frequency by enabling SLOW mode bit in CLKSLOW register in PLL on state. The SLOW clock is generated during the SLOW mode. Figure 7-11(Please check the figure correctly) shows the timing diagram.


在慢速模式下,电源的消耗可以通过应用一个慢速时钟,同时在PLL中排除电源的消耗。FCLK在没有PLL的状态下是输入时钟信号(XTIpll 或者 EXTCLK)的n分频,分频率是由CLKSLOWCLKDIVN控制寄存器中的SLOW_VAL值来决定的。


在锁相环状态,用户可以改变频率通过使能CLKSLOW 寄存器中的SLOW mode位。慢速时钟是在慢速模式下产生的。


The block disconnects the internal power. So, there occurs no power consumption due to CPU and the internal logic except the wake-up logic in this mode. Activating the SLEEP mode requires two independent power sources. One of the two power sources supplies the power for the wake-up logic. The other one supplies other internal logics including CPU, and should be controlled for power on/off. In the SLEEP mode, the second power supply source for the CPU and internal logics will be turned off. The wakeup from SLEEP mode can be issued by the EINT[15:0] or by RTC alarm interrupt.

Follow the Procedure to Enter SLEEP mode

1. Set the GPIO configuration adequate for SLEEP mode.

2. Mask all interrupts in the INTMSK register.

3. Configure the wake-up sources properly including RTC alarm. (The bit of EINTMASK corresponding to the wake-up source has not to be masked in order to let the corresponding bit of SRCPND or EINTPEND set. Although a wake-up source is issued and the corresponding bit of EINTMASK is masked, the wake-up will occur and the corresponding bit of SRCPND or EINTPEND will not be set.)

4. Set USB pads as suspend mode. (MISCCR[13:12]=11b)

5. Save some meaning values into GSTATUS[4:3] register. These register are preserved during SLEEP mode.

6. Configure MISCCR [1:0] for the pull-up resisters on the data bus, D[31:0]. If there is an external BUS holder, such as 74LVCH162245, turn off the pull-up resistors. If not, turn on the pull-up resistors. Additionally, The Memory concerning pins is set to two types, one is Hi-z, and the other is Inactive state.

7. Stop LCD by clearing LCDCON1.ENVID bit.

8. Read rREFRESH and rCLKCON registers in order to fill the TLB.

9. Let SDRAM enter the self-refresh mode by setting the REFRESH[22]=1b.

10. Wait until SDRAM self-refresh is effective.

11. Set MISCCR[19:17]=111b to make SDRAM signals(SCLK0,SCLK1 and SCKE) protected during SLEEP mode

12. Set the SLEEP mode bit in the CLKCON register.



1.       设置GPIO寄存器为休眠模式

2.       在内部中断源屏蔽寄存器中屏蔽所有的内部中断

3.       适当地配置唤醒源,使其包括RTC告警

4.       设置USB为挂起模式

5.       将当前一些需要保留的值存储在寄存器GSTATUS[4:3]中,这些寄存器在睡眠模式下将被保留。

6.       在数据总线上将寄存器MISCCR [1:0]配置为上拉电阻

7.       LCD控制寄存器1 LCDCON1ENVID位来停止LCD的工作

8.       读取rREFRESHrCLKCON寄存器中的值来填充页表缓存

9.       通过设置REFRESH[22]1bit,让SDRAM进入自刷新模式

10.   等待,直到SDRAM自刷新模式开始运转

11.   设置MISCCR[19:17]111bit,使得SDRAM的信号(SCLK0,SCLK1 and SCKE)在睡眠模式下得到保护

12.   设置CLKCON寄存器的睡眠模式比特位

Follow the Procedure to Wake-up from SLEEP mode

1. The internal reset signal will be asserted if one of the wake-up sources is issued. It’s exactly same with the case of the assertion of the external nRESET pin. This reset duration is determined by the internal 16-bit counter logic and the reset assertion time is calculated as tRST = (65535 / XTAL_frequency).

2. Check GSTATUS2[2] in order to know whether or not the power-up is caused by the wake-up from SLEEP mode.

3. Release the SDRAM signal protection by setting MISCCR[19:17]=000b.

4. Configure the SDRAM memory controller.

5. Wait until the SDRAM self-refresh is released. Mostly SDRAM needs the refresh cycle of all SDRAM row.

6. The information in GSTATUS[3:4] can be used for user’s own purpose because the value in GSTATUS[3:4] has been preserved during SLEEP mode.

7. – For EINT[3:0], check the SRCPND register.

For EINT[15:4], check the EINTPEND instead of SRCPND (SRCPND will not be set although some bits of EINTPEND are set.).


Power Control of VDDi and VDDiarm

In SLEEP mode, VDDi, VDDiarm, VDDMPLL and VDDUPLL will be turned off, which is controlled by PWREN pin. If PWREN signal is activated(H), VDDi and VDDiarm are supplied by an external voltage regulator. If PWREN pin is inactive (L), the VDDi and VDDiarm are turned off.


1.       如果发出一个唤醒源,内部重置信号将会被置位

2.       检查GSTATUS2[2]的状态,检查电源上电是否从睡眠模式下唤醒导致的

3.       通过设置MISCCR[19:17]000bit来释放SDRAM保护信号

4.       配置SDRAM内存控制器

5.       等待SDRAM自刷新模式被释放。

6.       GSTATUS[3:4]中的信息可以被用户使用,因为GSTATUS[3:4]的值在睡眠模式下已经被保护

7.       对于外部中断EINT[3:0], 检查待处理中断源寄存器SRCPND.对于外部中断EINT[15:4], 检查待处理外部寄存器EINTPEND



在睡眠模式下,VDDi, VDDiarm, VDDMPLLVDDUPLL将会被关闭,它们是由PWREN引脚控制。如果PWREN引脚处于高电平,VDDiVDDiarm由外部电压调节器提供电源。如果PWREN引脚处于低电平,VDDiVDDiarm则处于关闭状态。

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