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2009-04-21 05:31:04



Longwood Gardens

Pierre du Pont's Vision becomes a Magical Destination

By Marilyn Loeser

Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania could be called the Disneyland for the horticultural set. There aren'ta lot of restaurants or gifts shops and no rides, but there are plenty of “lands” to explore and it'll take you a day or two to come close to seeing it all.

It was in 1906 that Pierre S. du Pont purchased the Peirce Arboretum to save its trees from being cut for lumber.

It took du Pont nearly 50 years to develop Longwood Gardens into what it is today — 1,050 acres of gardens, woodlands and meadows with more than 11,000 types of plants, more fountains than any other garden in America and special events and programs throughout the year.

Longwood Gardens History

Pierre du Pont was the great-grandson of Eleuthère Irénée du Pont, the founder of DuPont Chemical Company. Pierre turned the family business into a corporate empire in the early 20th century and used his resulting fortune to develop the Longwood property.

In 1946, the Gardens were turned over to a foundation set up by du Pont. After his death in 1954 Longwood's first director was hired.

This showplace also can be credited to the Peirce family who actively pursued a Quaker interest in natural history. By 1850, the site was known as one of the finest collections of trees in the nation, and one of the first public parks.

With the Peirce horticultural foundation and du Pont's travels and experiences — plus adequate resources to finance his ideas — Longwood Gardens became a reality.

At 36, when he purchased the property, du Pont didn't have a master plan. He built the gardens piecemeal beginning with the 600-foot-long Flower Garden Walk in 1907 that he termed an "old-fashioned" influence.

This garden, with its nostalgic cottage-garden flowers, shrubs and rose-laden trellises, was followed by other gardens with Italian and French influences. The du Pont's often hosted summer garden parties. Pierre built the Open Air Theatre and the magnificent fountain system to entertain his guests.

Domestic comforts were enhanced as well.

The Peirce house was outfitted with a bowling alley, automatic fire doors, counterweighted windows that lowered into the basement, a built-in rug rolling machine and a conservatory — Pierre's first experience with greenhouse gardening .

Visiting Longwood Gardens

It's hard to know where to begin your exploration when you leave the visitor center.

My husband Mark and I turned right toward the Rose Arbor and on into the Peony Garden and Wisteria Garden before strolling along Flower Garden Drive.

Walking along a gently curving walkway, large flowering shrubs on our right and a meticulously groomed lawn on our left, we could hear the rush of water long before we arrived at the Italian Water Garden.

Du Pont based his Italian Water Garden on the Villa Gamberaia near Florence, but he added 600 jets of re-circulating water.

At this juncture you can continue toward the Hourglass Lake and the Meadow and Walk , or back toward the Peirce-du Pont House.

The house dates from 1730 and was the family homestead of the Peirce family until 1905 when it became the weekend residence of du Pont and his wife Alice until du Pont's death in 1954.

In 1914 a mirror image of the original farmhouse was added to the north and the two wings were connected by the conservatory.

Entering through the conservatory, you're swept into a world of lavish living and restful afternoons lounging on wicker furniture among tropical plants.

The rest of the house displays photographs, family treasures and items the du Ponts used while living here.

Although some of the rooms housing the no longer appear residential, their architectural features have been preserved intact. Several photos illustrate the decor during Pierre du Pont's occupancy.

The stairway in the foyer frames a display of Mr. and Mrs. du Pont's steamer trunks set out as if a European via steamship was imminent.

Photos and of the fabled garden and Christmas parties as well as of John Philip Sousa's band concerts at Longwood are displayed throughout the house.

My personal favorite part of visiting Longwood Gardens is the Conservatory — not the one connected to the house, but rather the one built in 1919 which contains 195,668 square feet — or 4.5 acres — of covered displays, production and research greenhouses.


Wandering from the center of the Conservatory — the Orangery — you'll stroll through the Tropical Terrace, Rose House, Mediterranean Garden, Palm House the Exhibition Hall and other specific gardens filled with plants you may never see anywhere else.


Another dramatic display that only du Pont-like wealth could create is the Main Fountain Garden located in front of the Conservatory.

The five-acre fountain garden combines French and Italian design elements with American electrical technology. The highest fountain jet rises 130 feet. When the full display is running, 10,000 gallons of water re-circulate each minute through 380 fountainheads, scuppers and spouts.

Three evening a week during the Festival of Fountains the water is illuminated by 674 red, blue, green, yellow and white lights in a computer-controlled extravaganza set to .

At other times, guests are invited to walk through the garden along water canals and fountain basins made of carved Italian limestone. The garden is surrounded by Norway maples that are pruned every winter into a giant cubed hedge. Providing a green backdrop for the entire garden are hundreds of trees.

The Open Air Theatre, located near the house, was built in 1914 for theatrical performances, concerts and garden parties.

Inspired by outdoor theaters in Europe, Longwood's version has dressing rooms for about 100 performers beneath the stage and an auditorium lawn that holds chairs for 1,500.

The stage is framed with plants and trees.

Seven circular basins with removable covers were built into the main stage floor. A unique 10 foot-high water curtain, two upper level basins and isolated roof fountains off to either side are also part of the theatre area.

Beneath the stage are 11 pumps re-circulating 2,000 gallons of water per minute through 750 nozzles illuminated from below by more than 600 colored lights.

Hillside Garden is the latest addition to Longwood's collection. A sequence of paths, paved stone landings and granite stairs wind among flowering shrubs, perennials and bulbs.

From the landings, you can see the glories of the Chimes Tower, a 61-foot-tall tower housing a 62-bell and the Waterfall.

If you go:

Longwood Gardens offers 20 indoor and 20 outdoor gardens, thousands of flowers and trees, and opulent architecture. This is one of the nation's finest garden destinations.

For more information and special events, check the website at .


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學名Myosotis sylvatica




別名、匙葉花、 、斯太菊、,喜光,耐旱,生長適溫為20℃-25℃。適宜在疏鬆、肥沃、排水良好的微鹼性中生長。





是一種生長在水邊的藍色小花“勿忘我”。在各地,都有許多散文、詩詞和小說作家以forget-me- not來描述相思與癡情。人們認為只要將forget-me-not帶在身上,戀人就會將自己銘記於心、永誌不忘。在這藍色小花的背後,還有個流傳於歐美民間的浪漫愛情故事呢!
另外,勿忘我也是的州花,不過因為它葉子的形狀很像老鼠耳朵,當地人也稱它為老鼠耳(mouse ear),這個名字就不如勿忘我好聽啦!



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chinaunix网友2009-10-16 06:07:53

从费玉清演唱的歌曲《毋忘我》到〈彩云飞〉电影里《我怎能离开你》的歌词[勿忘侬],再到 王福龄谱曲的《水仙》(narcissus),可以说是跟著几位文人后面赏花,十足的[知其然,不知所以然]。 花也好,草也罢,确实是微乎其微。 超级粉的我,几年前在《浅谈[清音乐]之美》短评中曾写道,“[清音乐]领域范畴的美学研究则不仅仅是阴柔,柔婉,温柔等内涵,扩展成每个人都可以通过不懈的努力,拥有一个属于自己的美丽织体人生话题。” 爱不是抽象的,是具体的,具体到你是否有能力去爱的思维逻辑?! - 液之