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2009-07-15 15:38:13

A doula is a constant, guilin escort consistent support

It was a real epiphany after attending my first birth last year. I knew I was doing what I was meant to be doing - it's clarifying and very special - an intense but fulfilling journey and I give 100 per cent of my love and commitment to each client.” Ms Wyborn said she had also been able to combine her quilting talents with her new career, offering a package that includes guilin escort a personalised baby quilt.


during labour and birth regardless of the type of birth.” “The first birth I attended lasted for 33 hours and I was there the whole time,” she said. “It is a very intimate experience and you can't help but feel connected and whole when helping a woman through her birth experience.”

Ms Wyborn said as a doula she does not replace a midwife or obstetrician but supports the woman through her birth and helps her husband or partner through the experience as well. “I encourage women to learn all they can during their pregnancy and join a support group because knowledge is power and when there's fear there's pain,” she said. “Hospitals are generally accepting of doulas as it can take the pressure off them a little. I complement their care while guilin escort still knowing my place. I am there purely in a support role. “And it's essential for all women to have that. A doula really is the ultimate birth companion and can connect on a deep level as they know what you're experiencing. “As a doula I'm trained in different relaxation methods which can help during the stages of labour. My role is to serve the mother and ensure she has the experience she desires. “And I am so fulfilled by this work.

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