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2009-07-14 09:21:31

Josef Fritzl, the guilin massage Dad who

repeatedly raped his own daughter, has been met (rightly) with outrage. I say that this is not as strange or foreign as many would like to think. This modern day slavery, this daily rape, is being carried out everyday in this town. Let me repeat that: In Macon, Georgia, women are being raped every day. And people don’t think it’s a crime. Thankfully, the S.T.O.P. Conference might change all that. Until then, I hope more people will open their light of the recent S.T.O.P. (Sex Trafficking Opposition Project) Conference that has come to Mercer University, I feel it is my duty to educate the people of Macon about sex trafficking by addressing first some myths, then some facts.

Myth #1: Women in the so-called “massage parlors” are prostitutes and have chosen that profession. Reality: These women are not prostitutes, they are slaves. I cannot be clearer on that point. These are young women and girls who are forced to remain in the brothels or bordellos, drugged and raped, oftentimes upwards of a dozen times a day. Myth #2: The police should ignore massage parlors guilin massage and focus on “real crimes.” Reality: Sex trafficking is a real crime. It is a multibillion-dollar a year industry and is the fastest growing illegal industry in the world. Atlanta, a mere hour’s drive away, is the number one hub for the trafficking of children.

These young women and girls, generally from Eastern Europe and Asia, come from very poor families. They are approached by a woman who promises them a job in the big city (such as New Delhi or Calcutta) and a luxurious, easy life. The woman will pay for the girl’s transportation, and, when they arrive, will tell the girl that she will be a prostitute, and she cannot leave until she pays back the debt that she owes (the travel expenses). The girls have no money, no passport, and do not speak the local language. They are forced to be sex slaves, often locked in subhuman conditions for days, even weeks at a time.

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