As you all known,there are four steps for compiling:
A typical example is:
OK,turn to gcc/g++ command!
-g:create debug info.
-c:only compile and create the target file.
-o FILE:create the file specified.
-I DIRECTORY: include the additional header file path in DIRECTORY。
-L DIRECTORY: include the additional library path in DIRECTORY。
Now,there is a file named main.cpp, write a Makefile just as:
- #! /bin/sh
- #define the variables
- BIN = main
- OBJS += main.o
- SRC += main.cpp
- CC = g++
- CFLAGS = -g -o
- #define target and command
- #ld --> create the execute file
- $(BIN): $(OBJS)
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $@ $^
- #compile --> create the (x).o file
- $(OBJS): $(SRC)
- $(CC) -g -c $^
- clean:
- rm *.o
What I get the most important point is that,pay attention to the "=/+=" and ":",the former is defined for variables,but the latter expressed the dependency.
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