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2009-09-22 14:06:03


                INCLUDE    D:\7月5日启动程序test\AT91\software\parts\r40008\
                INCLUDE     D:\7月5日启动程序test\AT91\myt\    
;define the stack size
SVC_STACK_LEGTH     EQU         3
FIQ_STACK_LEGTH     EQU         3
IRQ_STACK_LEGTH     EQU         24
ABT_STACK_LEGTH     EQU         1
UND_STACK_LEGTH     EQU         1
                    IMPORT __use_no_semihosting_swi
                    IMPORT __use_two_region_memory

                    EXPORT bottom_of_heap
                    EXPORT bottom_of_Stacks
                    EXPORT top_of_heap
                    EXPORT StackUsr
                    EXPORT VectorTable
                    EXPORT __user_initial_stackheap
;- Area Definition
;- Must be defined as function to put first in the code as it must be mapped
;- at offset 0 of the flash EBI_CSR0, ie. at address 0 before remap.
                AREA        reset, CODE, READONLY, INTERWORK

;- Remove any semihosting support
;- The C runtime library is the IO functions provided by the semihosting.
;- They are generally costly in code and unused as the debugger is not
;- connected to the target.
;- Must be removed if using the embedded C library is used.
;- Define "__main" to ensure that C runtime system is not linked
                EXPORT      __main

;- Define the entry point
;- Note on the link address and the Remap command.
;- In order to guarantee that the non position-independant code (the ARM linker
;- armlink doesn't generate position-independant code) can work on the ARM,
;- it must be linked at address at which it expects to run.
;- So the -ro-base must be used to define the link address as the base
;- address of the flash.
;- In this startup example, we use 0x100 0000 as base address. That's flash
;- address for all AT91 Evaluation Boards.

;- Exception vectors ( before Remap )
;- These vectors are read at address 0 before remap.
;- They absolutely requires to be in relative addresssing mode in order to
;- guarantee a valid jump. For the moment, all are just looping (what may be
;- dangerous in a final system). If an exception occurs before remap, this
;- would result in an infinite loop.
;- After Remap, these vectors are mapped at address 0x100 0000 and only a
;- reset (internal or external) can make of them the actual ARM vectors.
;- Note that the infinite loop has advantage that a debugger can to show up
;- very quickly an hardware issue during the boot sequence.
                B           InitReset       ; reset
                B           undefvec        ; Undefined Instruction
                B           swivec          ; Software Interrupt
                B           pabtvec         ; Prefetch Abort
                B           dabtvec         ; Data Abort
                B           rsvdvec         ; reserved
                B           irqvec          ; reserved
                B           fiqvec          ; reserved

;- Exception vectors ( after Remap )
;- These vectors are read at address 0 after the remap command is performed in
;- the EBI. As they will be relocated at address 0x0 to be effective, a
;- relative addressing is forbidden. The only possibility to get an absolute
;- addressing for an ARM vector is to read a PC relative value at a defined
;- offset. It is easy to reserve the locations 0x20 to 0x3C (the 8 next
;- vectors) for storing the absolute exception handler address.
;- The AIC vectoring access vectors are saved in the interrupt and fast
;- interrupt ARM vectors. So, only 5 offsets are required ( reserved vector
;- offset is never used).
;- The provisory handler addresses are defined on infinite loop and can be
;- modified at any time.
;- Note also that the reset is only accessible by a jump from the application
;- to 0. It is an actual software reset.
;- As the 13 first location are used by the vectors, the read/write link
;- address must be defined from 0x34 if internal data mapping is required.
;- (use for that the option -rw- base=0x34
                ldr         pc, [pc, #&18]          ; SoftReset
                ldr         pc, [pc, #&18]          ; UndefHandler
                ldr         pc, [pc, #&18]          ; SWIHandler
                ldr         pc, [pc, #&18]          ; PrefetchAbortHandler
                ldr         pc, [pc, #&18]          ; DataAbortHandler
                nop                                 ; Reserved
                ldr         pc, [pc,#-0xF20]        ; IRQ : read the AIC
                ldr         pc, [pc,#-0xF20]        ; FIQ : read the AIC

;- There are only 5 offsets as the vectoring is used.
                DCD         SoftReset
                DCD         UndefHandler
                DCD         SWIHandler
                DCD         PrefetchAbortHandler
                DCD         DataAbortHandler
;- Vectoring Execution function run at absolut addresss
                b           SoftReset
                b           UndefHandler
                b           SWIHandler
                b           PrefetchAbortHandler
                b           DataAbortHandler

;- EBI Initialization Data
;- The EBI values depend to target choice , Clock, and memories access time.
;- Yous must be define these values in include file
;- The EBI User Interface Image which is copied by the boot.
;- The EBI_CSR_x are defined in the target and hardware depend.
;- That's hardware! Details in the Electrical Datasheet of the AT91 device.
;- EBI Base Address is added at the end for commodity in copy code.
            DCD         EBI_CSR_0
            DCD         EBI_CSR_1
            DCD         EBI_CSR_2
            DCD         EBI_CSR_3
            DCD         EBI_CSR_4
            DCD         EBI_CSR_5
            DCD         EBI_CSR_6
            DCD         EBI_CSR_7
            DCD         0x00000001 ; REMAP command
            DCD         0x00000000 ; 6 memory regions, standard read
            DCD         EBI_BASE    ; EBI Base Address

;- The reset handler before Remap
;- From here, the code is executed from address 0. Take care, as it is linked
;- in 0x100 0000.

;- Speed up the Boot sequence
;- After reset, the number os wait states on chip select 0 is 8. All AT91
;- Evaluation Boards fits fast flash memories, so that the number of wait
;- states can be optimized to fast up the boot sequence.
;- Load System EBI Base address and CSR0 Init Value
                ldr     r0, PtEBIBase
                ldr     r1, [pc,#-(8+.-InitTableEBI)] ; values (relative)
;- Speed up code execution by disabling wait state on Chip Select 0
                str     r1, [r0]

;- low level init
; Call __low_level_init to perform initialization before initializing
;AIC and calling main.
;- Reset the Interrupt Controller
;- Normally, the code is executed only if a reset has been actually performed.
;- So, the AIC initialization resumes at setting up the default vectors.
;- Load the AIC Base Address and the default handler addresses
                add     r0, pc,#-(8+.-AicData) ; @ where to read values (relative)

                ldmia   r0, {r1-r4}

;- Setup the Spurious Vector
                str     r4, [r1, #AIC_SPU]      ; r4 = spurious handler

;- Set up the default interrupt handler vectors
                str     r2, [r1, #AIC_SVR]      ; SVR[0] for FIQ
                add     r1, r1, #AIC_SVR
                mov     r0, #31                 ; counter
                str     r3, [r1, r0, LSL #2]    ; SVRs for IRQs
                subs    r0, r0, #1              ; do not save FIQ
                bhi     LoopAic1

                b       EndInitAic

;- Default Interrupt Handlers
                DCD     AIC_BASE                ; AIC Base Address

;- Default Interrupt Handler异常入口
;- These function are defined in the AT91 library. If you want to change this
;- you can redifine these function in your appication code
                IMPORT at91_default_fiq_handler
                IMPORT at91_default_irq_handler
                IMPORT at91_spurious_handler
                DCD     at91_default_fiq_handler
                DCD     at91_default_irq_handler
                DCD     at91_spurious_handler
;- Setup Exception Vectors in Internal RAM before Remap
;- That's important to perform this operation before Remap in order to guarantee
;- that the core has valid vectors at any time during the remap operation.
;- Note: There are only 5 offsets as the vectoring is used.
;- Copy the ARM exception vectors

                mov     r8, #RAM_BASE_BOOT         ; @ of the hard vector in internal RAM 0x300000
                add     r9, pc,#-(8+.-VectorTable) ; @ where to read values (relative)
                ldmia   r9!, {r0-r7}            ; read 8 vectors
                stmia   r8!, {r0-r7}            ; store them
                ldmia   r9!, {r0-r4}            ; read 5 absolute handler addresses
                stmia   r8!, {r0-r4}            ; store them

; Initialise the Memory Controller
;- That's principaly the Remap Command. Actually, all the External Bus
;- Interface is configured with some instructions and the User Interface Image
;- as described above. The jump "mov pc, r12" could be unread as it is after
;- located after the Remap but actually it is thanks to the Arm core pipeline.
;- The IniTableEBI addressing must be relative .
;- The PtInitRemap must be absolute as the processor jumps at this address
;- immediatly after the Remap is performed.
;- Note also that the EBI base address is loaded in r11 by the "ldmia".
;- Copy the Image of the Memory Controller
                sub     r10, pc,#(8+.-InitTableEBI) ; get the address of the chip select register image
                ldr     r12, PtInitRemap        ; get the real jump address ( after remap )

;- Copy Chip Select Register Image to Memory Controller and command remap
                ldmia   r10!, {r0-r9,r11}       ; load the complete image and the EBI base
                stmia   r11!, {r0-r9}           ; store the complete image with the remap command

;- Jump to ROM at its new address
                mov     pc, r12                 ; jump and break the pipeline

                DCD     InitRemap               ; address where to jump after REMAP

;- The Reset Handler after Remap
;- From here, the code is executed from its link address, ie. 0x100 0000.
;** unction name 函数名称: InitStack
;** Descriptions 功能描述: Initialize the stacks 初始化堆栈
;** input parameters 输 入:   None 无
;** Returned value   输 出 : None 无
;** Used global variables 全局变量: None 无
;** Calling modules 调用模块: None 无
;** Modified by 修 改:
;** Modified date 日 期:
;Build the SVC stack
        MSR     CPSR_c, #0xd3  
        LDR     SP, StackSvc
;Build the IRQ stack   
        MSR     CPSR_c, #0xd2
        LDR     SP, StackIrq
;Build the FIQ stack
        MSR     CPSR_c, #0xd1
        LDR     SP, StackFiq
;Build the DATAABORT stack
        MSR     CPSR_c, #0xd7
        LDR     SP, StackAbt
;Build the UDF stack
        MSR     CPSR_c, #0xdb
        LDR     SP, StackUnd
;Build the SYS stack
        MSR     CPSR_c, #0xdf
        LDR     SP, =StackUsr


;- Branch on C code Main function (with interworking)
;- Branch must be performed by an interworking call as either an ARM or Thumb
;- main C function must be supported. This makes the code not position-
;- independant. A Branch with link would generate errors
                IMPORT      main

                ldr         r0, =main
                mov         lr, pc
                bx          r0

    LDR   r0,=bottom_of_heap  
    LDR   r1,=StackUsr   
    LDR   r2,=top_of_heap  
    LDR   r3,=bottom_of_Stacks  
    MOV   pc,lr

StackSvc           DCD     SvcStackSpace + (SVC_STACK_LEGTH - 1)* 4
StackIrq           DCD     IrqStackSpace + (IRQ_STACK_LEGTH - 1)* 4
StackFiq           DCD     FiqStackSpace + (FIQ_STACK_LEGTH - 1)* 4
StackAbt           DCD     AbtStackSpace + (ABT_STACK_LEGTH - 1)* 4
StackUnd           DCD     UndtStackSpace + (UND_STACK_LEGTH - 1)* 4

        AREA    MyStacks, DATA, NOINIT, ALIGN=2
SvcStackSpace      SPACE   SVC_STACK_LEGTH * 4 ;Stack spaces for Administration Mode 管理模式堆栈空间
IrqStackSpace      SPACE   IRQ_STACK_LEGTH * 4 ;Stack spaces for Interrupt ReQuest Mode 中断模式堆栈空间
FiqStackSpace      SPACE   FIQ_STACK_LEGTH * 4 ;Stack spaces for Fast Interrupt reQuest Mode 快速中断模式堆栈空间
AbtStackSpace      SPACE   ABT_STACK_LEGTH * 4 ;Stack spaces for Suspend Mode 中止义模式堆栈空间
UndtStackSpace     SPACE   UND_STACK_LEGTH * 4 ;Stack spaces for Undefined Mode 未定义模式堆栈   

        AREA    Heap, DATA, NOINIT
bottom_of_heap    SPACE   1

        AREA    StackBottom, DATA, NOINIT
bottom_of_Stacks    SPACE   1

        AREA    HeapTop, DATA, NOINIT
        AREA    Stacks, DATA, NOINIT

;**                            End Of File


#ifndef __CONFIG_H
#define __CONFIG_H
#include    "periph/stdc/std_c.h"
#include    "parts/r40008/reg_r40008.h"

// 预定义
typedef unsigned int    UINT32;
typedef unsigned char   UINT8;
typedef     char   INT8;
// 定义时钟频率
#define MCK    64000000
#define MCKKHz   (MCK/1000)


FLASH 0x01000000 0x0200000
    ROM_EXEC 0x01000000
        cstartup_flash.o (reset, +First)
        * (+RO)
    IRAM 0x1000
        cstartup_flash.o (MyStacks)
        cstartup_flash.o (StackBottom)
    STACKS 0x40000 UNINIT
        cstartup_flash.o (Stacks)
    SRAM 0x2000
        * (+RW,+ZI)

        cstartup_flash.o (Heap)

        cstartup_flash.o (HeapTop)

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