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2011-01-27 11:28:08

The demise of the X-Division The wrestling dirt sheets have turned the rumor mill towards “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair. The current round of liangtian dirt sheet rumors say Ric Flair was left behind in Dublin, Ireland due to a money dispute with TNA. According to the sheets, Flair demanded advance pay, was refused the advance, and left behind as the tour headed to Berlin, Germany.

This story, of course, is convenient for the dirt sheets as Flair is not even scheduled for the Berlin show. His next scheduled appearance is, of course, in Glasgow, Scotland. The sheets aren’t total idiots – it is easy enough to see what shows he is booked on and which ones he isn’t and make up stories to fill in the gaps.

Am I 100% sure there isn’t a money dispute? No. But these sheets have a notorious record for being incorrect. The Mickie James signing, the TNA budget cuts, the demise of the X-Division, ect. the list of wrong “inside” scoops is amazing. Again the sheets cannot cite a real source – it’s amazing they still have readers.
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