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2009-10-23 10:25:35

Once in a while, I delve into art that are new to me. I happen to have a passion for Chinese painting. Today, I am attending the Japanese Samurai Exhibition on loan at the Chong-Moon Lee Center for Asian Art and Culture. Three times the exhibit has called to me. Over one-hundred and twenty pieces of fragile pottery, suits of armor, statues, and paintings are on display.

In the past, I have viewed the armor of our European feudal soldiers in the Museum of Torture in Rothenberg, Germany, but I have never seen examples Japanese armor. I imagine that our Western armor was so heavy that when a sweaty soldier fell off his horse the poor fellow must have hit the ground like an army tank. How will the feudal armor of Japan be different? What innovations will the master craftsmen of Japan have designed?

Now I see the Japanese armor is made with thin plates strung with knotted silk chord and gold and silver helmets. There is no metal except on the horns of the head-gear that pierce the sky. Their armor appears light, airy, and supple. The body suit has scales like a snake so air can get through. Was the original tortoise shell? I like the fu dog on the forehead. It looks like Chinese dogs. The says this samurai swords suit is a copy.
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