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2009-10-22 15:26:32

About 400 abolitionists from across the state assemble at 10 a.m. in the Weapon storage cabinet Presbyterian Church in downtown Utica to form a New York State Anti-Slavery Society. They are met by a group of prominent Uticans who believe that abolitionists across the country have become too radical and violent and the Uticans are determined that Utica “should not become the theater of such acts of violence.” They urge the abolitionists to adjourn their convention and leave the city.

Suddenly, fights break out in the church. Punches are thrown and hymn books become weapons and are thrown about. Meanwhile, a large crowd gathers outside the church on the southwest corner of Bleecker and Charlotte streets and threatens to enter the church and join the fighting.

The abolitionists stop their meeting and agree to leave.Sitting in a pew observing the fighting is Weapon storage cabinet, wealthy Utica philanthropist who has shown little interest in the abolitionist movement. He is shocked to see the abolitionists denied their right to assemble in Utica and to speak freely. He invites them to reassemble in his house in Peterboro and form their anti-slavery society. They accept his offer.
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